newbtophp Posted April 25, 2010 Share Posted April 25, 2010 Im using the following class (which connects to the msn server and retrieves information), it works on my localhost (XAMPP) perfectly/smoothly with no errors, but I uploaded it online and im getting errors - and its not working properly. Can anyone tell me how i can resolve this? :-\ The errors are: [25-Apr-2010 16:34:14] PHP Warning: fsockopen() [<a href='function.fsockopen'>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to (Connection timed out) in /home/XXX/mzk.php on line 270 [25-Apr-2010 16:34:14] PHP Warning: stream_set_timeout(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/XXX/mzk.php on line 191 [25-Apr-2010 16:34:14] PHP Warning: stream_set_timeout(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/XXX/mzk.php on line 228 Line 191: function send($mess,$timeout=1){ /* This function will send a message to the Notification Server with a \r\n at the end */ $this->logthis($mess,1); @fputs($this->socket,$mess."\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $timeout); // LINE 191 $this->lastsnd=$mess; } Line 270: function opensocket($server,$port,$type=0){ /* This function will return a socket to the specified server and port */ $this->logthis("$server:$port",$type); return fsockopen($server,$port); // LINE 270 } Line 228: } function receive($length=false,$mim=2){ /* This function will receive a message from the Notification Server */ stream_set_timeout($this->socket, 2); // LINE 228 if ($length){ $rec=""; $tot=0; while($tot<$length){ $rec.=fread($this->socket,$length); $tot=strlen($rec); } }else{ $rec=fgets($this->socket); } $this->logthis($rec,$mim); $this->lastrcv=$rec; return $rec; } The class: <?php /** MezzengerKlient v 0.02 Copyright 2007 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. **/ class MezzengerKlient { // Client Information var $mail = '';// mail var $email = '';// mail urlencoded var $pass = '';// pass urlencoded var $log = '';// log of events var $sblog = Array();// log of events SB var $socket = false;// the real deal socket var $sbsocks = Array();// the switchboard sockets var $ftsocks = Array(); // The file transfer sockets var $sbsndxs = Array();// the status of the switchboard sockets var $sbsindx = 1;// the index of the switchboard sockets var $sbconv = Array(); // The details of the other persons in the conversation var $sbchat = Array(); // What is being said in the CHAT var $trid = 0;// the trid var $otrid = Array();// the trid for swithboard sockets var $sblastrcv = Array(); // last received message SB var $sblastsnd = Array(); // last sent message SB var $lastrcv = ''; // last received message var $lastsnd = ''; // last sent message var $done_login = false; // dont do anything until I am logged in var $debug = false; // for just getting the contacts var $handleChat = true; // I am a bot, or a client? var $sleep = 0; // For keeping the flame alive // Login Information var $mynick = ''; var $mygroups = Array(); var $mycontacts = Array(); var $contacts = Array(); var $onlinefriends = Array(); var $friendnick = Array(); var $BPR = Array(); var $notification = "U"; var $status = "NLN"; var $GTC = "A"; var $BLP = "BL"; var $format = "FN=Arial; EF=I; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22"; var $format_ = Array(); // Events in NotificationServer var $onRock = false; // To execute every bucle var $onPong = false; // Called every pong var $onStatusChange = false; // When someone changes its status var $onNotice = false; // When I receive a Notice. var $onMessage = false; // When I receive a Message. var $onLogin = false; // When I login // Events in SwitchBoard Server var $onRoll = false; var $onChatStart = false; var $onChatLoad = false; var $onChatMessage = false; var $onChatLeave = false; var $onChatJoin = false; var $onMessageConfirm = false; // Events for each switch board var $onRoll_ = Array(); var $onPong_ = Array(); var $onChatLoad_ = Array(); var $onChatMessage_ = Array(); var $onChatLeave_ = Array(); var $onChatJoin_ = Array(); var $onMessageConfirm_ = Array(); // Functions for general pourposes function urlencode($x){ return strtr(urlencode($x),Array("+"=>"%20"));/// note to me, change this to rawurlencode. } function logthis($action,$type,$conn=-1){ /* This function will log the specified action */ if (empty($action))return; if ($this->debug){ if (!($type%2)){ if($type==0 || $type==10){ echo "|| "; }else{ echo "<< "; } }else{ echo ">> "; } if($type>=10){ echo "($conn) "; } echo $action."\r\n"; while (@ob_end_flush()); } $this->log.="$type ".base64_encode($action)."\t$conn\r\n"; } function Event($function,$paramcount,$param1=false,$param2=false,$param3=false,$param4=false){ /* This function will call the event handlers */ if ($function && @function_exists($function)){ $command="call_user_func(\"$function\""; for ($i=1;$i<=$paramcount;$i++){ $command.=",\$param$i"; } $command.=");"; if($this->debug)echo "!-E->$command\r\n"; eval($command); }else if(isset($function[(int)$param1]) && function_exists($function[(int)$param1])){ $id=(int)$param1; $command="call_user_func(\"".$function[(int)$param1]."\",$id"; for ($i=1;$i<=$paramcount;$i++){ $command.=",\$param$i"; } $command.=");"; if($this->debug)echo "!-E->$command\r\n"; eval($command); } } function tellmylog(){ /* This function will return the log. */ $t=""; $m=split("\r\n",$this->log); foreach($m as $w){ $w=split("\t",$w); $w=join(" ",$w); $q=split(" ",$w); if(isset($q[1])){ $type=$q[0]; $conn=$q[2]; if (!($type%2)){ if($type==0 || $type==10){ $t.= "|| "; }else{ $t.= "<< "; } }else{ $t.= ">> "; } if($type>=10){ $t.= "($conn) "; } $t.=base64_decode($q[1])."\r\n"; } } return $t; } // Functions for Notification Server function sendplain($mess,$timeout=1){ /* This function will send a message to the Notification Server */ $this->logthis($mess,1); @fputs($this->socket,$mess); stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $timeout); $this->lastsnd=$mess; } function sendplainSB($mess,$conn,$timeout=1){ /* This function will send a message to the SwitchBoard Server */ $this->logthis($mess,11,$conn); @fputs($this->sbsocks[$conn],$mess); stream_set_timeout($this->sbsocks[$conn], $timeout); $this->sblastsnd[$conn]=$mess; } function send($mess,$timeout=1){ /* This function will send a message to the Notification Server with a \r\n at the end */ $this->logthis($mess,1); @fputs($this->socket,$mess."\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $timeout); $this->lastsnd=$mess; } function sendSB($mess,$conn){ /* This function will send a message to the SwitchBoard Server with a \r\n at the end */ $this->logthis($mess,11,$conn); @fputs($this->sbsocks[$conn],$mess."\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($this->sbsocks[$conn], 5); $this->sblastsnd[$conn]=$mess; } function sendSocket($mess,$sock){ /* This function will send a message to the socket specified */ $this->logthis($mess,11,7); @fputs($sock,$mess."\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($sock, 1); } function receiveSocket($sock){ /* This function will receive a message to the socket specified */ stream_set_timeout($sock, 1); $w=@fgets($sock); $this->logthis($w,12,7); return $w; } function receive($length=false,$mim=2){ /* This function will receive a message from the Notification Server */ stream_set_timeout($this->socket, 2); if ($length){ $rec=""; $tot=0; while($tot<$length){ $rec.=fread($this->socket,$length); $tot=strlen($rec); } }else{ $rec=fgets($this->socket); } $this->logthis($rec,$mim); $this->lastrcv=$rec; return $rec; } function receiveSB($conn,$length=false,$mim=12){ /* This function will receive a message from the SwitchBoard Server */ if ($length){ $rec=""; $tot=0; while($tot<$length){ $rec.=fread($this->sbsocks[$conn],$length); $tot=strlen($rec); } }else{ stream_set_timeout($this->sbsocks[$conn], 2); if(!is_resource($this->sbsocks[$conn]))return ""; $rec=fgets($this->sbsocks[$conn]); } $this->logthis($rec,$mim,$conn); $this->sblastrcv[$conn]=$rec; return $rec; } function opensocket($server,$port,$type=0){ /* This function will return a socket to the specified server and port */ $this->logthis("$server:$port",$type); return fsockopen($server,$port); } function nexusLogin($chal){ /* This program will use cURL for loging into a passport session */ $arr[] = "GET /rdr/pprdr.asp HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $arr); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $data = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); preg_match("/DALogin=(.+?),/",$data,$matches); $split = explode("/",$matches[1]); $headers[0] = "GET /login2.srf HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $headers[1] = "Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in=" . $this->email . ",pwd=" . $this->pass . ", " . trim($chal) . "\r\n"; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://" . $split[0] . ":443/". $split[1]); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); @curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1);//open base dir curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $data = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); preg_match("/t=(.+?)'/",$data,$matches); if(!isset($matches[1])){ die("Error NEXUS\r\n".$this->log); } $tt = str_replace("\n","",$matches[1]); return "t=$tt"; } function process($con,$adt=true,$rec=true){ /* This is the most important function, this will process the commands sent by the Notification Server */ $coms = explode(" ",$con." 0"); if (is_numeric(trim($con))){ echo("Error $con"); return $con; } if(empty($con)){ if($rec){ while($this->receive()==null); return $this->process($this->lastrcv); }else{ return false; } } if($adt)$this->trid++; switch($coms[0]){ case "VER": // Nothing to do here break; case "CVR": // Nothing to do here break; case "CVQ": // Same as lastone break; case "XFR": // We are being transferred switch($coms[2]){ case "NS": // Notification Server, Login again.. fclose($this->socket); $new = explode(':',$coms[3]); $this->socket=$this->opensocket($new[0],(int)$new[1]); $this->login(true); break; case "SB": // Yeah, a new SwitchBoard, lets CHAT! $con = split('\r',$con); $con = $con[0]; $con = split('\n',$con); $con = $con[0]; $coms = explode(" ",$con." 0"); return $this->XFRSB($coms); break; } break; case "USR": // Lets Rock and Roll and Login switch($coms[2]){ case "TWN": preg_match("/lc\=(.*)/",$coms[4],$matches); $auth=$this->nexusLogin("lc=".$matches[1]); $this->send("USR $this->trid TWN S $auth",50); while($this->receive()==null); $this->process($this->lastrcv); break; case "OK": $this->mynick = $coms[4]; $this->process($this->receive()); break; } break; case "MSG": // Some message wooo $whomail=$coms[1]; $whonick=$coms[2]; $content=$this->receive((int)$coms[3],3); $this->Event($this->onMessage,2,"$whomail $whonick",$content); if ($this->receive()!=null){ $this->process($this->lastrcv); } break; case "GTC": // My default config.. if (!isset($coms[3])){ $this->GTC=$coms[1]; }else{ $this->GTC=$coms[3]; } break; case "BLP": // More default config if (!isset($coms[3])){ $this->BLP=$coms[1]; }else{ $this->BLP=$coms[3]; } break; case "PRP": // The phone numbers.. $this->BPR[]=$con; break; case "ADG": // I added a group, I return the group ID return $coms[4]; break; case "RMG": // Erased a group.. ok break; case "REG": // I changed the name of the group.. ok break; case "LSG": // Groups $this->mygroups[]=$coms[2]; $adt=false; break; case "LST": $contactmail = $coms[1]; $contactnick = $coms[2]; $contactlist = $coms[3]; if(isset($coms[4])){ $contactgrps = $coms[4]; }else{ $contactgrps = "-1"; } $contacthavehe = ($contactlist&1)?1:0; $contacthavead = ($contactlist&2)?1:0; $contactbloked = ($contactlist&4)?1:0; $contacthaveme = ($contactlist&?1:0; $this->mycontacts[] = $contactmail; $this->contacts[] = "$contactmail $contactnick $contacthavehe $contacthavead $contactbloked $contacthaveme $contactgrps"; if ($this->receive()!=null){ $this->process($this->lastrcv); } break; case "BPR": // Contact phone $this->BPR[]=$con; break; case "ILN": $status = $coms[2]; $mail = $coms[3]; $nick = $coms[4]; $this->friendnick[$mail]=$nick; $this->onlinefriends[]="$mail $nick $status"; if ($this->receive()!=null){ $this->process($this->lastrcv); } $adt=false; break; case "NLN": $status = $coms[1]; $mail = $coms[2]; $nick = $coms[3]; $ddoonnee = 0; foreach($this->onlinefriends as $a=>$b){ if(strstr($b,$mail)){ $this->onlinefriends[$a]=""; } if (!$ddoonnee){ $this->onlinefriends[$a]="$mail $nick $status"; $ddoonnee=1; } } if (!$ddoonnee){ $this->onlinefriends[]="$mail $nick $status"; $ddoonnee=1; } $this->friendnick[$mail]=$nick; $this->setNick($nick,$mail); $this->Event($this->onStatusChange,2,"$mail $nick $status",$coms[4]); if ($this->receive()!=null){ $this->process($this->lastrcv); } break; case "FLN": $mail = strtr(trim($coms[1]),"\n",""); foreach($this->onlinefriends as $a=>$b){ if(strstr($b,$mail)){ $this->onlinefriends[$a]=""; } } $this->Event($this->onStatusChange,2,"$mail {$this->friendnick[$mail]} FLN",0); if ($this->receive()!=null){ $this->process($this->lastrcv); } break; case "ADD": // I added someone to some list, or someone added me.. if ($coms[2] == "RL" && (trim($this->GTC) == 'A' || trim($this->BLP) == 'BL')) {//thnks nigel.kane // New contact? $mail=$coms[4]; $this->send("ADD $this->trid AL $mail $mail"); //$this->process($this->receive()); $this->mycontacts[]=$mail; } break; case "REM": // Removed from a list $mail=$coms[4]; if ($coms[2]=="RL"){ // The SOB erased me $this->send("REM $this->trid AL $mail"); //$this->process($this->receive()); } break; case "RNG": // Someone invited me to chat if($this->handleChat){ $new = explode(':',$coms[2]); $this->sbsocks[$this->sbsindx]=$this->opensocket($new[0],(int)$new[1],10); $this->sbsndxs[$this->sbsindx]=true; $this->otrid[$this->sbsindx]=0; $this->authSB($this->sbsindx,$coms[4],$coms[1]); $this->sbsindx++; }else{ return $con; } $this->Event($this->onChatStart,1,$this->sbsindx-1); $adt=false; break; case "CHL": // CHALLENGE!! $what = $coms[2]; $hash = md5(trim($what)."Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5"); $this->sendplain("QRY $this->trid 32\r\n$hash"); if ($this->receive()!=null){ $this->process($this->lastrcv); } $adt=false; break; case "QRY": // Yeah, I rock if(!$this->done_login){ $this->done_login=true; $this->Event($this->onLogin,0); }else{ $this->send("PNG"); } break; case "QNG": // PONG!! $this->Event($this->onPong,0); break; case "NOT": // Some Notice $content=$this->receive((int)$coms[1],4); $this->Event($this->onNotice,1,$content); if ($this->receive()!=null){ $this->process($this->lastrcv); } break; case "OUT": // Well.. good bye break; } if(!$adt)$this->trid--; return false; } function rock(){ /* This will receive and process a message from all the open servers */ for ($i=0;$i<=$this->sbsindx;$i++){ if(isset($this->sbsndxs[$i]) && $this->sbsndxs[$i] && is_resource($this->sbsocks[$i])){ $this->Event($this->onRoll,1,$i); $this->Event($this->onRoll_,1,$i); $this->processSB($this->receiveSB($i),$i); }else{ $this->sbsndxs[$i]=false; } } if (is_resource($this->socket)){ $this->Event($this->onRock,0); $this->process($this->receive(),true,false); } if(!$this->debug){ echo " "; while (@ob_end_flush()); } } function load_login(){ /* This will rock() until I receive the first challenge */ while(!$this->done_login){ $this->rock(); } } function init($mail,$pass,$status=false,$iamabot=false){ /* This function will initiate the variables and sockets for loging in. */ ini_set("max_execution_time",0); ob_implicit_flush (1); if($iamabot){ ignore_user_abort(1); } if(!strstr("|NLN|BSY|IDL|BRB|AWY|PHN|LUN|","|".substr("NLN$status$status",3,3)."|")){ $status=$this->status; } $this->socket = $this->opensocket("",1863); $this->mail=$mail; $this->email=$this->urlencode($mail); $this->pass=$this->urlencode($pass); $this->status=$status; return; } function login($lead=false){ /* This will login into the Notification Server */ $this->send("VER $this->trid MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0"); $this->process($this->receive()); $this->send("CVR $this->trid 0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 6.2.0137 MSMSGS ".$this->mail); $this->process($this->receive()); $this->send("USR $this->trid TWN I ".$this->mail); $this->process($this->receive()); // The Next step is done in process() if($lead){ $this->send("SYN $this->trid 0"); $this->process($this->receive()); $this->send("CHG $this->trid $this->status 0"); $this->process($this->receive()); $this->send("PNG"); } } function main(){ /* This will loop the client into an infinite loop, or until the socket closes connection */ while(is_resource($this->socket)){ $this->rock(); } } function quit(){ /* This will close the servers connection */ if(is_resource($this->socket)){ $this->send("OUT"); for ($i=0;$i<=$this->sbsindx;$i++){ if(isset($this->sbsndxs[$i]) && $this->sbsndxs[$i] && is_resource($this->sbsocks[$i])){ $this->sendSB("OUT",$i); }else{ $this->sbsndxs[$i]=false; } } } @fclose($this->socket); } function ping($f=false){ if(!$f)return $this->send("PNG"); return $this->sendSB("PNG",$f); } function setFormat($save=false,$fontname="Times New Roman",$effects="",$color=0,$cs=0,$pf=12,$rl=0,$sb=false){ /* This will change your messages format */ $fontname=$this->urlencode($fontname); if($save)return "FN=$fontname; EF=$effects; CO=$color; CS=$cs; PF=$pf; RL=$rl"; if($sb){ $this->format_[$sb]="FN=$fontname; EF=$effects; CO=$color; CS=$cs; PF=$pf; RL=$rl"; }else{ $this->format="FN=$fontname; EF=$effects; CO=$color; CS=$cs; PF=$pf; RL=$rl"; } } function setGTC($new){ /* This will set your GTC */ if ($new=="A" || $new=="N"){ $this->send("GTC $this->trid $new"); //$this->process($this->receive()); } } function setBLP($new){ /* This will set your BLP */ if (strstr("BL|AL|FL",substr($new,0,2))){ $this->send("BLP $this->trid $new"); //$this->process($this->receive()); } } function setStatus($status){ /* This will change your Status */ $this->send("CHG $this->trid $status 0"); } function setNick($newnick,$who=false){ if(!$who)$who=$this->mail; $newnick=$this->urlencode($newnick); $this->send("REA $this->trid $who $newnick"); //$this->process($this->receive()); } function addGroup($name){ $this->send("ADG $this->trid $name 0"); while(($id=$this->process($this->receive(),false,true))===false); return $id; } function delGroup($gid){ $gid=(int)$gid; $this->send("RMG $this->trid $gid"); //$this->process($this->receive()); } function renGroup($gid,$name){ $gid=(int)$gid; $name=$this->urlencode($name); $this->send("REG $this->trid $gid $name 0"); //$this->process($this->receive()); } function addContact($new,$list="FL"){ /* This will add a contact to your list */ $this->send("ADD $this->trid $list $new $new"); //$this->process($this->receive()); return $list; } function delContact($old,$list="FL"){ /* This will remove a contact from your list */ $this->send("REM $this->trid $list $old"); $this->send("REM $this->trid AL $old"); //$this->process($this->receive()); return $list; } // Functions for chat (SB) function processSB($con,$which,$rec=false){ /* This will process all the commands sent by the SwitchBoard servers */ $coms = explode(" ",$con); if (is_numeric(trim($con))){ echo "Error $con"; switch ($coms[0]){ case 205: echo "\r\nInvalid mail"; break; case 216: echo "\r\nThis user may blocked you"; break; case 217: echo "\r\nThis user is not online"; break; case 911: echo "\r\nCrash and burn"; break; } echo "\r\n"; } if(empty($con) && $rec){ if ($this->receiveSB($which)!=null){ return $this->processSB($this->sblastrcv[$which],$which); }else{ return $this->processSB($this->receiveSB($which),$which); } } $this->otrid[$which]++; switch($coms[0]){ case "ANS": $this->sbconv[$which][]="$this->mynick $this->mail"; $this->Event($this->onChatLoad,2,$which,$this->sbconv[$which]); $this->Event($this->onChatLoad_,2,$which,$this->sbconv[$which]); break; case "IRO": // Who was before me ah? $name=$coms[5]; $mail=$coms[4]; $this->sbconv[$which][]="$name $mail"; if ($this->receiveSB($which)!=null){ $this->processSB($this->sblastrcv[$which],$which); } break; case "USR": // OK $this->sbconv[$which][]="$this->mynick $this->mail"; $this->Event($this->onChatLoad,2,$which,$this->sbconv[$which]); $this->Event($this->onChatLoad_,2,$which,$this->sbconv[$which]); break; case "CAL": // You invited someone // The "waiting for.." in the oficial client waits for this command after a CAL was sent break; case "JOI": // Someone camed in $name=$coms[2]; $mail=$coms[1]; $this->sbconv[$which][]="$name $mail"; $this->Event($this->onChatJoin,2,$which,$con); $this->Event($this->onChatJoin_,2,$which,$con); break; case "OUT": // BYEEE $this->sbsndxs[$which]=false; fclose($this->sbsocks[$which]); break; case "BYE": // Leaving $this->Event($this->onChatLeave,2,$which,$con); $this->Event($this->onChatLeave_,2,$which,$con); break; case "MSG": // WHAT!!? A MESSAGE? HELLOWW $mail = $coms[1]; $name = $coms[2]; $length = $coms[3]; $message = $this->receiveSB($which,$length); $this->sbchat[$which][]=$message; $this->Event($this->onChatMessage,3,$which,$con,$message); $this->Event($this->onChatMessage_,3,$which,$con,$message); break; case "QNG": $this->Event($this->onPong_,1,$which); break; case "ACK": // My Message was received $this->Event($this->onMessageConfirm,2,$which,$con); $this->Event($this->onMessageConfirm_,2,$which,$con); break; case "NTK": // My Message wasnt received $this->Event($this->onMessageConfirm,2,$which,$con); $this->Event($this->onMessageConfirm_,2,$which,$con); break; default: $this->otrid[$which]--; break; } } function NewChat(){ /* This will ask for a new SwitchBoard session */ $this->send("XFR ".$this->trid." SB"); while(($id=$this->process($this->receive(),false,true))===false); return $id; } function XFRSB($coms,$direct=false){ /* This will start a new SwitchBoard session, or return the switch value */ if($this->handleChat || $direct){ $new = explode(':',$coms[3]); $this->sbsndxs[$this->sbsindx]=true; $this->otrid[$this->sbsindx]=0; $this->sbsocks[$this->sbsindx]=$this->opensocket($new[0],(int)$new[1],10); preg_match("/[0-9\.]+/",$coms[5],$cred); $cki_auth=$cred=$cred[0]; $this->loginSB($this->sbsindx,$cki_auth); $this->Event($this->onChatStart,1,$this->sbsindx); return $this->sbsindx++; }else{ return @join(' ',$coms); } } function loginSB($server_i,$cki_auth){ /* When creating a switchboard session, and logging in */ $this->sendSB("USR {$this->otrid[$server_i]} $this->mail $cki_auth",$server_i); $this->processSB($this->receiveSB($server_i),$server_i); } function authSB($server_i,$cki_auth,$session){ /* When joining to a switchboard session, and logging ing */ $this->sendSB("ANS {$this->otrid[$server_i]} $this->mail $cki_auth $session",$server_i); $this->processSB($this->receiveSB($server_i),$server_i); } function InviteToChat($i,$w){ /* This will ask someone to join to a SwitchBoard Session */ $this->sendSB("CAL {$this->otrid[$i]} $w",$i); $this->processSB($this->receiveSB($i),$i); } function sendMessage($which,$what,$notification=false){ /* This will send a message to a specified switchboard session */ if(!$notification)$notification=$this->notification; $this->sendplainSB("MSG {$this->otrid[$which]} $notification ".strlen($what)."\r\n".$what,$which); return $this->otrid[$which]; } function sendTyping($where){ /* This will simply send a "Typing" message */ return $this->sendMessage($where,"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol\r\nTypingUser: $this->mail\r\n\r\n\r\n"); } function sendText($which,$what,$format=false,$notification=false){ /* This function will send a message using the default headers */ if(!$notification)$notification=$this->notification; if(isset($this->format_[$which]))$format=$this->format_[$which]; if(!$format)$format=$this->format; $what="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\nX-MMS-IM-Format: $format\r\n\r\n$what"; $this->sendplainSB("MSG {$this->otrid[$which]} $notification ".strlen($what)."\r\n".$what,$which); return $this->otrid[$which]; } function MessageToNew($quien,$mensaje){ /* This will send $mensaje to $quien */ global $t; $t->onChatLoad_[$t->sbsindx]=create_function('$id,$quienes','global $t;$t->InviteToChat($id,urldecode("'.$this->urlencode($quien).'"));$t->onChatJoin_[$id]=create_function(\'$id,$mes\',\'global $t;$t->SendText($id,urldecode("'.$this->urlencode($mensaje).'"));\');'); return $t->NewChat(); } function ProcessMessage($c){ /* This will return an array with: [0]-> Headers [1]-> Content */ $content = @split("\r\n\r\n",$c);//[0] = header ;[1] = content $headerz = @split("\r\n",$content[0]); $content = $content[1]; $temp=Array(); foreach($headerz as $h){ $h=@split(': ',$h); if(isset($h[0],$h[1])) $temp[$h[0]]=$h[1]; } return Array($temp,$content); } function exitChat($donde){ /* This will close a switchboard session */ $this->sendSB("OUT",$donde); } } ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
newbtophp Posted April 25, 2010 Author Share Posted April 25, 2010 Anyone can help? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
newbtophp Posted April 26, 2010 Author Share Posted April 26, 2010 Sorry, to bump, but this thread was way off into the pagination, was the only way to make the thread visible. Anyone could help? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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