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SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


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Hi everyone,


I am just curious to know more about SEO, and I have been doing some read up recently.


Does anyone know more about SEO?


My personal understanding is that the meta area has to be set with your desired key words, for instance, I'm doing a car rental, so my keywords have to be set as Singapore Car Rental, Singapore Cars etc. That's the very basic for SEO.


Another area to look into is the alt="", we can capitalize on this image alt="" function to add in our selected keywords, example alt="singapore_car.jpg". The spider of the search engine will base on these keywords to justify the ranking as well.


Lastly, which I guess it is one of the important factors, to remove all CSS, Javascript, PHP codes and put it as external files, it has to be away from HTML pages. For example



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="JavaScript/virtualpaginate.js">

<?php require_once('.php'); ?>


Bla Bla....




Keeping a clean and pure html script and putting php, css and javascript in external files, the spider or crawler will be able to better rank our site.


Am I currently on the right track with my SEO understanding? Does anyone have better suggestions? Thank you




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My personal understanding is that the meta area has to be set with your desired key words, for instance, I'm doing a car rental, so my keywords have to be set as Singapore Car Rental, Singapore Cars etc. That's the very basic for SEO.


Google (~70%) only looks at the description meta tag if it thinks it can help. The keywords tag is useless. Yahoo (~17%) had once stated they looked at the keyword tag.


Source: http://www.seoconsultants.com/meta-tags/myths/

Source: http://searchengineland.com/36-seo-myths-that-wont-die-but-need-to-40076

Source: http://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleWebmasterHelp


Another area to look into is the alt="", we can capitalize on this image alt="" function to add in our selected keywords, example alt="singapore_car.jpg". The spider of the search engine will base on these keywords to justify the ranking as well.


alt tags are meant for disabled users Google does not incorporate your alt attributes into their ranking.


Lastly, which I guess it is one of the important factors, to remove all CSS, Javascript, PHP codes and put it as external files, it has to be away from HTML pages. For example


Has nothing to do with SEO but instead is a good practice.


Keeping a clean and pure html script and putting php, css and javascript in external files, the spider or crawler will be able to better rank our site.


Sure, keep believing that. That's prolly why so many error bloated websites rank high? This is just a good practice towards yourself from having headaches instead of being SEO related.

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Hi ignace,


Thanks for the honest feedback. You do have some sound knowledge in SEO.


Google (~70%) only looks at the description meta tag if it thinks it can help. The keywords tag is useless. Yahoo (~17%) had once stated they looked at the keyword tag


<meta name="keywords" content="php, tutorials, help, tutorial, forum, free, resources, advice, oop, design" />


Is this the meta name that you are referring to. So Google actually based 70% on this meta name="keywords" to justify the ranking?


But how does Google justify who gets a better ranking, I mean, there are so many homogeneous businesses out there and they are all using similar keywords as one another.


Another area to look into is the alt="", we can capitalize on this image alt="" function to add in our selected keywords, example alt="singapore_car.jpg". The spider of the search engine will base on these keywords to justify the ranking as well.


Lastly, which I guess it is one of the important factors, to remove all CSS, Javascript, PHP codes and put it as external files, it has to be away from HTML pages. For example


If my above mentioned pointers are null, could you please advise what are the other methods to adopt, as I sincerely believe that there are more than meets the eye, SEO ranking does not really work just by basing on meta name, right?




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So Google actually based 70% on this meta name="keywords" to justify the ranking?


No. That ~70% is market share.


But how does Google justify who gets a better ranking, I mean, there are so many homogeneous businesses out there and they are all using similar keywords as one another.


If you ever know how Google applies his ranking algorithm, you will be a rich man as that information is worth a lot of money to many SEO firms :D


If my above mentioned pointers are null, could you please advise what are the other methods to adopt, as I sincerely believe that there are more than meets the eye, SEO ranking does not really work just by basing on meta name, right?


We all know that Google appreciates content (especially the sort that changes a lot) like all SE do and that's about everything we get to go on.


Whenever a user enters a query Google will search for each word in the query (unless they used " whereas it would be considered one word) and looks through your content. The website that matches the most words and has an OK pagerank will rank high followed by the once who have a lower pagerank or a lower word relevancy. For this reason you must always think of "what will the user enter when he looks for my product? website?"


Ofcourse this entire paragraph is full of speculation, of how I think Google applies his algorithm (with some knowledge applied from full-text searches) and may in-fact be completely different, who knows? We also "know" that Google is a firm and thus bound to it's end-users (it can not apply things that would decrease the overall experience)

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Hi ignace,


Okay, but how about the books that I have read, I have came across this book call (SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible) by Jerri L.Ledford. The few stuffs which I have mentioned were written in this book, she is quite a prolific background in SEO.


I mean there should be a certain guidelines and rules for us to abide and capitalize on, and by knowing the guidelines, we will be able to operate within the parameters and achieve a good ranking.


What is your opinion?




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Okay, but how about the books that I have read, I have came across this book call (SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible) by Jerri L.Ledford. The few stuffs which I have mentioned were written in this book, she is quite a prolific background in SEO.


That book was published in 2008 (think this still works?), Google changes their algorithm again and again and again and .. at infinitum. Currently Google even employs an algorithm that changes the results based on location, country, preferences, .., weather, .. Just try it, refresh the page (or compare results at home and at work, ..), chances are you get a different result (although the same keywords are used).


Read this http://searchengineland.com/36-seo-myths-that-wont-die-but-need-to-40076 (4/15/2010) as it's more accurate then your book.

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