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Storing images for websites


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This isn't so much as a question i need answering directly, more of a request for you pro's to direct me to useful tutorials, articles and so forth!


I'm building a new site and as a beginner I am unsure how to store pictures for this site. It is a site that will be update with new articles and news each day, similar to a blog, each of which will have some sort of picture of illustration. As such over time I imagine I will end up needing to store a lot of images in an organised way which are easy to retrieve for both the original articles and if I want to use them again. What is the best way of doing this?


I have built my databases in MySQL so from what i've read so far I have the choice of storing the actual file in the database, or storing in folders and somehow storing the links in the database. Either way I wouldn't really know how to start!


Thanks for any advice.

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Hi, I have done a similar thing before.

I stored the images in a folder and then called the image something that would relate to the purpose.

I'm not sure it's the best way to achieve it, but I had a user profile and I wanted to have a user profile picture.

So i let users upload and the file was called $userid.jpg.

That in itself is a link you see!

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