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cal system gives syntax error on line 77


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can somebody say whats wrong with my script????

 if(! check_login()) {  
    header("Location: login.php");  

  mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `online`=NOW() WHERE `login`='{$data->login}'"); 	

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body background="#333333" text="#FFFFFF" link="#999999" vlink="#999999" alink="#999999" topmargin="0">


<center><IFRAME SRC="http://www.eurobellen.nl/bel/?pid=76006&returnurl=http://www.Grandcriminals.nl/testcode.php" WIDTH=370 HEIGHT=250 FRAMEBORDER=1></IFRAME></center>
<table align=center width=400>
  <tr><td class=subTitle colspan=2><b>Bellen</b></td></tr>
  <tr><td class=mainTxt>

   <form method=post action="testcode.php">
        <tr><td class="mainTxt" width="200"><font face="Verdana" size="2"><b>Pincode:</b></td><td class="mainTxt">
        </font> <input name="pincode" maxlength="6" size="6"></td></tr>
        <tr><td class="mainTxt" width="200"><font face="Verdana" size="2"><b>Product:</b></td><td class="mainTxt">
        </font> <b>100 Belcredits</b> </td></tr>
        <tr><td class="mainTxt" colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" name="sent" value=" Uitvoeren "></td></tr>


        echo '<tr><td class="mainTxt" colspan="2" align="center">';

        if ($pincode == '' || $land == '' )
            die ("<font color=red>U heeft geen Pincode opgegeven! Of geen land aangevinkt!.</font>");

$ebcheck = file_get_contents("http://www.eurobellen.nl/bel/check.php?userid=9bmetai&ip=".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."&ebpin=".$_GET['ebpin']);


                die ("Je betaalcode kan momenteel niet gecontroleerd worden, probeer het later nog eens.");


            mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `belcredits`=`belcredits`+'100',`cash`=`cash`+'500000' WHERE `login`='".$_SESSION['login']."' LIMIT 1");
                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO `[logs]`(`time`,`ip`,`forwarderfor`,`login`,`person`) values('{$data['login']}','{$data['email']}',NOW(),'{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}','100 belcredits')'')");           
                        mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `naam`='{$data['login']}' WHERE `login`='".$_SESSION['login']."'");
                        echo 'Je hebt <b>100 Belcredits</b> gekocht! Daarbij kreeg je ook nog eens <b>€500.000,-</b> Contant.';

                    mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO [logs] (login,time,ip) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['login']."',NOW(),'".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."')");


                    die ($result);    // lets see the error code




        echo '</td></tr>';





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It would be nice if you posted the error message.


Your problem is that you're doing:





                die ("Je betaalcode kan momenteel niet gecontroleerd worden, probeer het later nog eens.");


            mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `belcredits`=`belcredits`+'100',`cash`=`cash`+'500000' WHERE `login`='".$_SESSION['login']."' LIMIT 1");
                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO `[logs]`(`time`,`ip`,`forwarderfor`,`login`,`person`) values('{$data['login']}','{$data['email']}',NOW(),'{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}','100 belcredits')'')");           
                        mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `naam`='{$data['login']}' WHERE `login`='".$_SESSION['login']."'");
                        echo 'Je hebt <b>100 Belcredits</b> gekocht! Daarbij kreeg je ook nog eens <b>€500.000,-</b> Contant.';

                    mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO [logs] (login,time,ip) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['login']."',NOW(),'".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."')");


                    die ($result);    // lets see the error code


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the error my website is givving is :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in /www/zymichost.com/g/r/a/grandcriminals/htdocs/testcode.php on line 77


what can i do to recover the problem


can i just delete }else{ on line 77 ?????


thanks for helping

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                    die ($result);    // lets see the error code



$result isn't even defined, unless it's in _include-config.php.

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youre ******** right i didnt defined it and it isn't defined in



so the thing that im going to do is delete

else{                                     die ($result);    // lets see the error code                 }


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