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php/MySQL with JQuery login scipt


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I am looking for a good tutorial/script that will give me a login authenticating against a MySQL table with username and password and also use JQuery or another JS library to add a checkmark or x beside the input field indicating if the user info is correct or incorrect. Kind of like on Mint.com or a lot of other sites with login pages these days. I did a google search, but didn't see exactly what I am looking for. Anyone know of a good tutorial with script info for this type of functionality?

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Looking at mint.com it appears that they are just checking the validity of the entered data (that it is an email and that the pass conforms to their guidelines) onblur... I actually entered a completely fake account that doesn't exist there and it said ok on both fields.


I would guess once you hit ok, it runs the authentication just like you would from any standard form.

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