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Hi  i recenty resaved a file in utf-8 so that i can have japanese text.

However, my php system seem to requires that my files remain in ANSI in order to work.


The error


Content Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.


Any ideas?

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Quite a few ideas, depending on your situation. First:







Then adding the codes from this part (Headers must be before _any_ HTML output),



Content encoding is an issue in PHP but can be handled when you know the qwerks.



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Thanks for you reply


I managed to display japanese characters that are hard coded in to the page

and get the shopping cart working with the file saved as utf8


but i dont seem to be able to retreive japanese from the database.


Ive tryed changing the collation of the field to ucs2_bin, ujis_japanese_ci, sjis_japanese_ci, cp932_japanese_ci

and this has had no effect.


Any ideas would be great?

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I would personally encode the values of japanese characters before inserting them into the DB, then just decode them once they are out.


Messing with table encodings can be a real headache, especially for multiple languages (as you have, english and japanese), just stick to english and encode everything you cant natively support.


(This is obviously the lazy way, but effective - will perhaps cost space and performace, though hardly recognizable)



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Im not sure what you mean.


Why I stuck the charater in a normal TEXT field with the default collation the charater

just changed in ??????????????????????????????????


What do mean by encoding the everything thing i cant natively support?


Thanks for the imformative replay.

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