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Need help with orderform created by Simfatic forms

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I have used Simfatic Forms to generate an orderform but it does not allow me to have the form sent to recipients based on selection.  I need the form to allow visitors to select which recipient location will get the form and have added a select list for them to choose from.


Not sure how to modify the code to achieve he correct result.


The php generated by Simfatic Forms is below


Simfatic Forms Main Form processor script

This script does all the server side processing.
(Displaying the form, processing form submissions,
displaying errors, making CAPTCHA image, and so on.)

All pages (including the form page) are displayed using
templates in the 'templ' sub folder.

The overall structure is that of a list of modules. Depending on the
arguments (POST/GET) passed to the script, the modules process in sequence.

Please note that just appending  a header and footer to this script won't work.
To embed the form, use the 'Copy & Paste' code in the 'Take the Code' page.
To extend the functionality, see 'Extension Modules' in the help.

$formmailobj =  new FormMail("orderform");
$fm_installer =  new FM_FormInstaller();

$formfiller =  new FM_FormFillerScriptWriter();

$page_renderer =  new FM_FormPageRenderer();

$validator =  new FM_FormValidator();
$validator->addValidation("location","dontselect=Select Location","Please select an option for location");
$validator->addValidation("FirstName","req","Please fill in FirstName");
$validator->addValidation("LastName","req","Please fill in LastName");
$validator->addValidation("Phone","req","Please fill in Phone");
$validator->addValidation("Phone","regexp=/(?:[\\(][0-9]{3}[\\)]|[0-9]{3})[-. ]?[0-9]{3}[-. ]?[0-9]{4}$/","Please enter a valid input for Phone");
$validator->addValidation("Email","email","The input for Email should be a valid email value");
$validator->addValidation("Email","req","Please fill in Email");
$validator->addValidation("delivery_time_minutes","dontselect=MN","Please select an option for delivery_time_minutes");
$validator->addValidation("delivery_time_hr","dontselect=HR","Please select an option for delivery_time_hr");
$validator->addValidation("twister_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("flat_bagel_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("regbagels_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("assortbuns_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("bagelworldbreakfast_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("bestbagel_breakfast_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("flatbagel_platter_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("party_sandwich_platter_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("dairywrap_platter_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("loxcreamcheese_platter_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("smokedfish_platter_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("vegiesdip_platter_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("cheese_platter_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("fruit_paltter_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("garden_salad_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("caesar_salad_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("greek_salad_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("spinich_salad_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("goat_cheese_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("minidanish15_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("minidanish30_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("minidanish45_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("cookie15_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("cookies30_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("cookies45_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("rugalach15_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("rugalach30_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("rugalach45_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("canned_pop_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("bottled_water_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("tropicana_oj_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("milk_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("freshsqueezed_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("coffee_price","numeric","The input for  should be a valid numeric value");
$validator->addValidation("Instructions","maxlen=2000","The length of the input for Instructions should not exceed 2000");
$validator->addValidation("Instructions","regexp=/^[^<>@]*$/","Please enter a valid input for Instructions");

$confirmpage =  new FM_ConfirmPage(sfm_readfile("./templ/orderform_confirm_page.txt"));
$data_email_sender =  new FM_FormDataSender(sfm_readfile("./templ/orderform_email_subj.txt"),sfm_readfile("./templ/orderform_email_body.txt"),"%Email%");
$data_email_sender->AddToAddr("Head Office<location2@home.com>");


$autoresp =  new FM_AutoResponseSender(sfm_readfile("./templ/orderform_resp_subj.txt"),sfm_readfile("./templ/orderform_resp_body.txt"));

$tupage =  new FM_ThankYouPage(sfm_readfile("./templ/orderform_thank_u.txt"));






This is what I thought to use to modify the above code but an finding myself lost and getting only a blank screen when I try to add this into the above code.



//-----Added Code Start---------
    if($_POST['location']) == 'Wilson')
    elseif($_POST['location']) == 'Queen')
   elseif($_POST['location']) == 'Thornhill')
//-----Added Code End ---------


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