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302 and 301 redirect problem with script

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I am having trouble with 302 and 301 redirects links in PHP. The reason why am I asking this question is due to a recent post on the eBay Partner network blog stating that the 302 redirects are against the eBay Partner network terms of service.


Most of my shops use the Mac jiffy open source affiliates script. I would like to know please if anybody could advise me on how I can make the links or redirect links 301 instead of 302 redirect links.


I will post the code for the index page of the mc jiffy script.


// McJiffy EASy 1.4
// http://www.mcjiffy.com

$version = "1.4";

if (!defined('ROOT_DIR')) define('ROOT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/');
// load country settings
require_once 'country.php';

// load default config
require_once ROOT_DIR.'sites/default.php';

// load site specific config

// get the base url from the current request
$baseUrl = str_replace("index.php","",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$themeUrl = $baseUrl."themes/";
$mainkeywords = split(',',$site['mainkeywords']);

$country = array();
if (empty($site['country'])) {
$country = findCountry($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
else {
$country = $countrySettings[strtolower($site['country'])];


// define cache lifetimes in seconds
if (empty($site["CACHE_KEYWORD_TIME"])) {
$site["CACHE_KEYWORD_TIME"] = 604800; // 7 days in seconds
if (empty($site["CACHE_ITEMS_TIME"])) {
$site["CACHE_ITEMS_TIME"] = 300; // 5 minutes in seconds
if (empty($site["CACHE_GUIDES_TIME"])) {
$site["CACHE_GUIDES_TIME"] = 604800; // 7 days in seconds

if (array_key_exists("action",$_GET)) {
$action = $_GET["action"]; 
else {
$action = "buy";

// set url for this request
$url = "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];

$q = "";
$keyword =  "";
if (!empty($_GET["q"])) {
$q = $_GET["q"];
$q = str_replace('-',' ',$q);
$keyword = $q;

else {
$keywordArray = split(',',$site['mainkeywords']);
$keyword = $keywordArray[0];
$q= $keyword;

if ($action=="go") {
$link = $_GET['link'];
goLink($link, $keyword);
if ($action=="guide") {
$link = $_GET['link'];
guideLink($link, $keyword);

$page = 1;
if (!empty($_GET["page"])) {
$page = $_GET["page"];

$pageSize = 21;
if (!empty($site['pagesize'])) {
$pageSize = $site['pagesize'];

// look for text file for this keyword
if (empty($site["textdirectory"])) {
$site["textdirectory"] = "text";
if (file_exists(ROOT_DIR.$site["textdirectory"].'/'.urlencode($q).'.txt')) {
$keywordtext = file_get_contents(ROOT_DIR.$site["textdirectory"].'/'.urlencode($q).'.txt');
else {
$keywordtext = null;

$keywordsXML = getEbayKeywords($q);

foreach($keywordsXML->PopularSearchResult as $item) {
$topicsString = $item->AlternativeSearches;
   $relatedString = $item->RelatedSearches;
   if (!empty($topicsString)) {
	$topics =  split(";",$topicsString);
if (!empty($relatedString)) {
	$related = split(";",$relatedString);


$node = array();
$node['keywords'] = $q;

// set sort by
if (!empty($site["sortby"])) {
$node['sortby'] = $site["sortby"];

// set ebay category
if (!empty($site["ebaycat"])) {
$node['ebaycat'] = $site["ebaycat"];

// set min price
if (!empty($site["minprice"])) {
$node['minprice'] = $site["minprice"];

// set max price
if (!empty($site["maxprice"])) {
$node['maxprice'] = $site["maxprice"];

// set auction type
if (!empty($site["auctiontype"])) {
$node['auctiontype'] = $site["auctiontype"];
else {
// default to all
$node['auctiontype'] = 0;

$xml = ebay_rss($node);

$ebayItems = array();
$totalItems = count($xml->channel->item);

$totalPages = $totalItems / $pageSize;

$i = 0;
foreach  ($xml->channel->item as $item) {
$ebayRss = $item->children('urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents');

if ($i>=($pageSize*($page-1)) && $i<($pageSize*$page)) {
	$newItem = array();
	$newItem['title'] = $item->title;
	$newItem['link'] = buyLink($item->link, $q);
	$newItem['image'] = ebay_stripImage($item->description);
	$newItem['currentbid'] = ebay_convertPrice($item->description);
	$newItem['bidcount'] = $ebayRss->BidCount;
	$newItem['endtime'] = ebay_convertTime($ebayRss->EndTime);
	$newItem['type'] = $ebayRss->AuctionType;
	if (!empty($ebayRss->BuyItNowPrice)) {
		$newItem['bin'] = ebay_convertPrice($item->description);
	array_push($ebayItems, $newItem);

$pageNumbers = array();
for ($i=1; $i<=$totalPages; $i++) {
array_push($pageNumbers, $i);

// get user guides
$guidesXML = getEbayGuides($q);
$guides = array();
foreach ($guidesXML->guide as $guideXML) {
$guide = array();
$guide['url'] = makeguideLink($guideXML->url, $q);
$guide['title'] = $guideXML->title;
$guide['desc'] = $guideXML->desc;

$impressionPixel = makeImpressionPixelImg($keyword);

// write html output

// The following are helper functions

function findSite($domain) {
global $site;
if ($domain=="") {
$a = split("\.",$domain);
if (count($a)>0) {
	for ($i=count($a);$i>0; $i--) {
		$newdomainA = array_slice($a, $i-1, count($a));
		$newdomain = implode(".",$newdomainA);
		if (file_exists(ROOT_DIR.'sites/'.$newdomain.'.php')) {
			require_once ROOT_DIR.'sites/'.$newdomain.'.php';

function writeNewFile($filename, $numberSeconds) {

if (file_exists($filename)) {
	if (time()- filemtime($filename) > $numberSeconds)
		return true;
		return false;

else  {
	return true;


function saveUrl($dir, $url, $file, $age, $out=null) {

// allow passing of content directly to the file writing code, bypassing the url grabbing
if ($out==null) {

	$ch = curl_init();
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
	curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
	$out = curl_exec ($ch);
	curl_close ($ch);

	// Let's check the file perms before trying to write to the folder.
	if (fileperms(ROOT_DIR.'cache/') != '16895') {
		echo "<center><font size='28' color='red'>ERROR!</font><br>Cache folder not writeable<br>Make sure " .ROOT_DIR . "cache/ has writeable permissions (777)</center>";

	// create the cache directory if needed.
	if (!is_dir($dir)) {
		mkdir($dir,0777, true);

	// make sure we can write to the cache file
	if (!$handle = fopen($file, 'w+')) {
		 echo "<center><font size='28' color='red'>ERROR!</font><br>Cannot save file: $file.<br>Make sure " .ROOT_DIR . "cache/ has writeable permissions (777)</center>";

	// write the cache file
   if (!fwrite($handle, $out)) {
		echo "<center><h2><font color='red'>ERROR: Cannot write to file ($query)<br>Make sure " .ROOT_DIR . "cache/ has writeable permissions (777)</font></h2></center>";


// delete old files from this directory
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
	$deleteTime = time() - $age;
	while (($oldfile = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
		if (is_file($dir . $oldfile) && (filectime($dir . $oldfile)<$deleteTime)) {

function getEbayGuides($query) {
global $site;

$dir = ROOT_DIR.'cache/guides/';
$xmlFile = $dir.urlencode($query).'.xml';

if (writeNewfile($xmlFile, $site["CACHE_GUIDES_TIME"])) {

	$SafeQuery = urlencode($query); // Make the query URL-friendly

	$url = "http://search.reviews.ebay.com/ws/UCSearch?satitle=$query&ucc=g&fts=2&ugat=2&ufm=1";

	$ch = curl_init();
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
	curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
	$str = curl_exec ($ch);
	curl_close ($ch);

	$pattern = '/<li class="catalog"><a href="(.*?)">(.*?)<\/a>.*<li class="desc">(.*)/';

	$xml = "<guides>";
	if (preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches)>0) {
		for ($i=0;$i<count($matches[0]);$i++) {
			$xml .= "<guide>";	
			$xml .= "<url><![CDATA[". $matches[0][$i]."]]></url>";
			$xml .= "<title><![CDATA[". $matches[1][$i]."]]></title>";
			$xml .= "<desc><![CDATA[". $matches[2][$i]."]]></desc>";
			$xml .= "</guide>";
	$xml .= "</guides>";

	saveUrl($dir, $url, $xmlFile, $site["CACHE_GUIDES_TIME"],$xml);


$resp = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);
return $resp;


function getEbayKeywords($query, $cat=-1) {
global $AppId, $site;

$dir = ROOT_DIR.'cache/keywords/';
$xmlFile = $dir.urlencode($query);
if (!empty($site['ebaycat'])) {
        	$xmlFile .= '-'.$site['ebaycat'];
$xmlFile .= '.xml';

// cache the keywords file for 7 days since they won't change much
if (writeNewfile($xmlFile, $site["CACHE_KEYWORD_TIME"])) {

	$SafeQuery = urlencode($query); // Make the query URL-friendly

	$endpoint = 'http://open.api.ebay.com/shopping';  // URL to call
	$responseEncoding = 'XML';                                       // Type of response we want back
	$apicall = "$endpoint?callname=FindPopularSearches&version=571&appid=$AppId&QueryKeywords=$SafeQuery&responseencoding=$responseEncoding";

	if (!empty($site['ebaycat'])) {
                        $apicall .= '&CategoryID='.$site['ebaycat'];

	saveUrl($dir, $apicall, $xmlFile, $site["CACHE_KEYWORD_TIME"]);


$resp = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);

return $resp;

function ebay_convertTime($str) {

$endtime = $str;
$endtime = substr($endtime, 0, 10);
$endtime = date("M d, h:i a", $endtime);

return $endtime;

function ebay_convertPrice($str) {
$pattern = "/<strong>(.*?)>/";

if (preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches)>0) {
	return $matches[0];
else {
	return null;


function ebay_stripImage($str) {

$pattern = "/<img(.*?)>/";

if (preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches)>0) {
	return $matches[0];
else {
	return null;


function buylink($url, $keyword) {
global $baseUrl;
return $baseUrl ."go/".urlencode($keyword)."/".base64_encode($url);

function makeguidelink($url, $keyword) {
global $baseUrl;
$i = strpos($url,"http://reviews.ebay.com/")+strlen("http://reviews.ebay.com/");
$url = substr($url, $i, strlen($url));
return $baseUrl ."guide/".urlencode($keyword)."/".$url;

function ebay_rss($node) {
global $site;

$dir = ROOT_DIR.'cache/'.AFFILID.'/';
$xmlFile = $dir.urlencode($node['keywords']).'-'.GEO_SITE_ID;
if (!empty($site['ebaycat'])) {
        	$xmlFile .= '-'.$site['ebaycat'];
$xmlFile .= '.xml';

// cache the rss long enough for someone to page through the results
if (writeNewfile($xmlFile, $site["CACHE_ITEMS_TIME"])) {

	$url = 'http://rss.api.ebay.com/ws/rssapi?FeedName=SearchResults&siteId='.GEO_SITE_ID.'&language='.GEO_LANGUAGE.'&output=RSS20&sacur=0&from=R6&sacqyop=ge&saslc=0&floc=1&saprclo=&saprchi=&fcl=3&nojspr=y&afmp=&saslop=1&fss=0&';
	$url .= 'saobfmts=insif&sacqy=&';

	if (!empty($node['keywords'])) {
		$url .= 'satitle='.urlencode($node['keywords']).'&';
	if (!empty($node['ebaycat'])) {
		$url .= 'catref=C5&sacat='.$node['ebaycat'].'&';
	if (!empty($node['searchfields'])) {
		$url .= 'fts=' . $node['searchfields'] .'&';

	if (!empty($node['minprice']) && $node['minprice']>0) {
		$url .= 'saprclo='.$node['minprice'].'&';

	if (!empty($node['maxprice']) && $node['maxprice']>0) {
		$url .= 'saprchi='.$node['maxprice'].'&';

	$url .= '&sascs=' . $node['auctiontype'] .'&';
	$url .= 'fsop=' . $node['sortby'] . '&';

	$url .= 'saaff=afepn&customid=&afepn='.AFFILID.'&';

	saveUrl($dir, $url, $xmlFile, $site["CACHE_ITEMS_TIME"]);


$rss =  simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);
if ($rss) {
	return $rss;
else {
	echo "error loading ebay items";

return null;

function goLink($str, $keyword) {
header('Location: ' . base64_decode($str));

function guideLink($str, $keyword) {
$url = 'http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/' .GEO_PLACEMENT_ID. '/1?type=4&campid='. AFFILID. '&customid=' . urlencode($keyword) . '&toolid=10001&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Freviews.ebay.com%2F'.urlencode($str);
header('Location: ' . $url);

function makeImpressionPixelImg($keyword) {

$out = "<img style='text-decoration:none; border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;' src='http://rover.ebay.com/ar/1/";
$out .= GEO_PLACEMENT_ID."/1?mpt=" . rand(0, 1000)."&adtype=1&size=1x1&type=3&campid=". AFFILID. "&toolid=10005&";
$out .= "customid=".urlencode($keyword)."&ext=".urlencode($keyword)."&satitle=".urlencode($keyword)."'/>";

	return $out;

function findCountry($lang) {
global $countrySettings;
$pattern = "/[a-zA-Z]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{2}/";

preg_match_all($pattern, $lang, $matches);
$langs = $matches[count($matches)-1];

foreach ($langs as $l) {
	if (array_key_exists(strtolower($l), $countrySettings)) {
		return $countrySettings[strtolower($l)];

return $countrySettings['en-us'];




sorry for the large post and thank you all in advance..

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