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Just a general question here. Im setting up a new webserver application. And I am wondering generally how you guys set up your file system. I am using a Windows 7 64-BIT OS for the server and the home directory is ./


I understand that you can set up your filesystem in many diffrent ways and it has no real effect on the applications speed. However I was just wondering what is 'standard'. I have been building applications in PHP/MySQL for about 4 years. But have always used a system that works best for me. Generally looking like the screenshot below:




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Your system is almost identicle to mine. I would personally say it depends how complex the system you are working on is. For example, something with multiple themes could deserve its own folder, but a single CSS file is fine on its own in my opinion.


To be honest I'm not sure if there is a standard. It's kind of like theres no standard to how a mechanic lays out his tools or an administrator lays out their desk. That's how I'd look at it.


I'll probably say that and someone will point me in the direction of a strict file system now ;)

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Well, the way I use it is the "style.css" file loads styles that apply to every page. However some pages have content on it that will not be applied to other pages. So it loads its own css from the css directory to work along with the original style.css, This way I dont have 1000 lines of code from a single CSS page loading on a simple page that only uses 1/4 of the functions.


Thanks, I was just curious is all.

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