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preg_match - blocking e-mail domains


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Hello everyone.


My name is Kovich and today I have a problem that I would like some assistance with. I am using PHP Auto Responder to collect subscriptions to my mailing list located on my blog. I'm getting a ton of great registrations - but mixed in with them are some spam domains - you know, things made with TrashMail, QuickMail, Spam.LA, etc. They're signing up just to get the free gift, and I'd like this to stop. Therefore, I am interested in banning some of these domain names from registering. The system already checks that the e-mail address is in valid format, and if it isn't, it tells the user that the e-mail address is invalid - I would simply like to display this error to anyone using any one of the domains on my list.


Therefore, I would appreciate someone walking me through how to add a domain name exclusion to the software. I believe I located the part of the code in which this would need to be implemented. I'm not very good with PHP - I just started following an online tutorial recently, so let's hope for the best. ;) Unfortunately, I'd like to have this problem fixed before I master enough knowledge of the language. =P


	function initialize($initialization_data = array()) {

	if (!empty($initialization_data)) {
		if (!empty($initialization_data['id']))						
			$this->id = intval($initialization_data['id']);
		if (!empty($initialization_data['name']))
			$this->name = $initialization_data['name'];
		if (!empty($initialization_data['email']) && preg_match('@^[-!#$%&\'*+/0-9=?A-Z^_a-z{|}~](\.?[-!#$%&\'*+/0-9=?A-Z^_a-z{|}~])*\@[a-zA-Z](-?[a-zA-Z0-9])*(\.[a-zA-Z](-?[a-zA-Z0-9])*)+$@',$initialization_data['email']))
			$this->email = $initialization_data['email'];
		if (!empty($initialization_data['join_date']))
			$this->join_date = $initialization_data['join_date'];
		if (isset($initialization_data['subscribed']))	
			$this->subscribed = ($initialization_data['subscribed']?true:false);
		if (isset($initialization_data['verified']))	
			$this->verified = ($initialization_data['verified']?true:false);			


function isReadyForSave() {
	if (!empty($this->name) &&
		return true;
	return false;


It seems logical to me that it goes somewhere in there.


So can someone help show me how to block a domain name?

For example: @spam.la


Thanks a ton in advance! :)

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