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Trouble displaying mySQL content on .php web page


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I am a complete Newbie and I am trying to create a simple job board on my website and I have successfully been able to post data to the database, but I can't get it to display on the web page.  The connection to the database is working but the content is not displaying on the web page.


It will bring up the table with the entries and will increase the size of the table when I enter another post, but the information itself is not displaying. I can even do a search on my search page and an entry appears, but the actual information is still blank.


This was working very nicely with the old table just before I deleted the orginal table and added this new one to change all the fields, so I know the query worked at that time.


I had to change the fields and deleted the old table and have just changed the field names in the php file. I feel I am so close since the database in phpMyadmin updates nicely with all the fields, but I am just so new at this I am not sure what to look for in the php SQL query.


http://www.bernardtransportation.com/jobboard/jobs.php  and I am using MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1, phpMyAdmin, and PHP 5.x, all through GoDaddy hosting.



MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1



$result = mysql_query($sql,db() );

if ($sql_debug_mode==1) { echo "<BR>SQL: $sql<BR>"; }

if ($myrowsel = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$id = $myrowsel["id"];


echo "              <font size=-2>V=View   E=Edit  


I do not get an error message, but the database does update in phpmyadmin and the web page shows another entry added, but the information does not display. 


Thank you so much in advance.  I have spent many hours searching the internet for answers and posted to every forum I can find.  I would greatly appreciate any help at all.


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In future, do not post code with the actual details to your server. They are located in the file. I would recommend changing the pass asap incase someone stumbles upon the post and says bye bye to your database.


I don't know the problem, there is alot of code. Can you tell me where I should be looking?

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