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Mysql cpu usage hosting


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Hello, I have no great knowledge of mysql and this is my first post here as well, so please bear with me.

I've a website running on a apache server of my hosting with php/mysql cms joomla

It has 15000 visits a day, 5000 records content, but now there is a cpu issue.

What can I do?

I tried to do something, modified the table fields type to find the best one,

I think I could do something with indexes, but I'm not sure

(there are many fulltext indexes should I clear some?)


This is my SHOW GLOBAL STATUS of 5 minutes ago (maybe could be useful?)

Aborted_clients 	30
Aborted_connects 	1
Binlog_cache_disk_use 	0
Binlog_cache_use 	0
Bytes_received 	3558625249
Bytes_sent 	33791461723
Com_admin_commands 	117328
Com_alter_db 	6
Com_alter_table 	1731
Com_analyze 	0
Com_backup_table 	0
Com_begin 	2532
Com_call_procedure 	4
Com_change_db 	231729
Com_change_master 	0
Com_check 	46
Com_checksum 	0
Com_commit 	2534
Com_create_db 	8
Com_create_function 	0
Com_create_index 	0
Com_create_table 	2329
Com_create_user 	0
Com_dealloc_sql 	19
Com_delete 	330211
Com_delete_multi 	395
Com_do 	0
Com_drop_db 	4
Com_drop_function 	0
Com_drop_index 	0
Com_drop_table 	1266
Com_drop_user 	0
Com_execute_sql 	19
Com_flush 	90
Com_grant 	129
Com_ha_close 	0
Com_ha_open 	0
Com_ha_read 	0
Com_help 	0
Com_insert 	116312
Com_insert_select 	4291
Com_kill 	0
Com_load 	0
Com_load_master_data 	0
Com_load_master_table 	0
Com_lock_tables 	13442
Com_optimize 	135
Com_preload_keys 	0
Com_prepare_sql 	19
Com_purge 	0
Com_purge_before_date 	0
Com_rename_table 	0
Com_repair 	1
Com_replace 	994
Com_replace_select 	1
Com_reset 	0
Com_restore_table 	0
Com_revoke 	0
Com_revoke_all 	0
Com_rollback 	1
Com_savepoint 	0
Com_select 	17912935
Com_set_option 	330201
Com_show_binlog_events 	0
Com_show_binlogs 	20
Com_show_charsets 	7
Com_show_collations 	7
Com_show_column_types 	0
Com_show_create_db 	0
Com_show_create_table 	28316
Com_show_databases 	3039
Com_show_errors 	0
Com_show_fields 	32868
Com_show_grants 	1862
Com_show_innodb_status 	0
Com_show_keys 	34
Com_show_logs 	0
Com_show_master_status 	0
Com_show_ndb_status 	0
Com_show_new_master 	0
Com_show_open_tables 	0
Com_show_privileges 	0
Com_show_processlist 	236
Com_show_slave_hosts 	0
Com_show_slave_status 	0
Com_show_status 	1
Com_show_storage_engines 	0
Com_show_tables 	25881
Com_show_triggers 	30775
Com_show_variables 	2229
Com_show_warnings 	2
Com_slave_start 	0
Com_slave_stop 	0
Com_stmt_close 	19
Com_stmt_execute 	19
Com_stmt_fetch 	0
Com_stmt_prepare 	19
Com_stmt_reset 	0
Com_stmt_send_long_data 	0
Com_truncate 	1339
Variable_name 	Value
Com_unlock_tables 	13456
Com_update 	508008
Com_update_multi 	11711
Com_xa_commit 	0
Com_xa_end 	0
Com_xa_prepare 	0
Com_xa_recover 	0
Com_xa_rollback 	0
Com_xa_start 	0
Compression 	OFF
Connections 	216954
Created_tmp_disk_tables 	293484
Created_tmp_files 	24995
Created_tmp_tables 	815086
Delayed_errors 	0
Delayed_insert_threads 	0
Delayed_writes 	4
Flush_commands 	9
Handler_commit 	29258
Handler_delete 	194282
Handler_discover 	0
Handler_prepare 	0
Handler_read_first 	1750034
Handler_read_key 	113409239
Handler_read_next 	310121699
Handler_read_prev 	619221
Handler_read_rnd 	40776746
Handler_read_rnd_next 	551605997
Handler_rollback 	2
Handler_savepoint 	0
Handler_savepoint_rollback 	0
Handler_update 	26143205
Handler_write 	75185405
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data 	494
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty 	0
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed 	7557
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free 	0
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc 	18
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total 	512
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd 	1889
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq 	593
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests 	9386837
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads 	57975
Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free 	0
Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests 	921547
Innodb_data_fsyncs 	11019
Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs 	0
Innodb_data_pending_reads 	0
Innodb_data_pending_writes 	0
Innodb_data_read 	1355386880
Innodb_data_reads 	63755
Innodb_data_writes 	16198
Innodb_data_written 	311533568
Innodb_dblwr_pages_written 	7557
Innodb_dblwr_writes 	413
Innodb_log_waits 	7
Innodb_log_write_requests 	146743
Innodb_log_writes 	9859
Innodb_os_log_fsyncs 	10192
Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs 	0
Innodb_os_log_pending_writes 	0
Innodb_os_log_written 	63714816
Innodb_page_size 	16384
Innodb_pages_created 	954
Innodb_pages_read 	82593
Innodb_pages_written 	7557
Innodb_row_lock_current_waits 	0
Innodb_row_lock_time 	0
Innodb_row_lock_time_avg 	0
Innodb_row_lock_time_max 	0
Innodb_row_lock_waits 	0
Innodb_rows_deleted 	30283
Innodb_rows_inserted 	62721
Innodb_rows_read 	2523567
Innodb_rows_updated 	46209
Key_blocks_not_flushed 	0
Key_blocks_unused 	6381
Key_blocks_used 	6694
Key_read_requests 	445031333
Key_reads 	8560895
Key_write_requests 	2541748
Key_writes 	884854
Last_query_cost 	0.000000
Max_used_connections 	32
Not_flushed_delayed_rows 	0
Open_files 	127
Open_streams 	0
Open_tables 	64
Opened_tables 	2199077
Prepared_stmt_count 	0
Qcache_free_blocks 	0
Qcache_free_memory 	0
Qcache_hits 	0
Qcache_inserts 	0
Qcache_lowmem_prunes 	0
Qcache_not_cached 	0
Qcache_queries_in_cache 	0
Qcache_total_blocks 	0
Queries 	19958703
Questions 	19957727
Variable_name 	Value
Rpl_status 	NULL
Select_full_join 	44589
Select_full_range_join 	1298
Select_range 	633639
Select_range_check 	41142
Select_scan 	2071447
Slave_open_temp_tables 	0
Slave_retried_transactions 	0
Slave_running 	OFF
Slow_launch_threads 	0
Slow_queries 	4
Sort_merge_passes 	13380
Sort_range 	1562053
Sort_rows 	92144621
Sort_scan 	971657
Table_locks_immediate 	20889474
Table_locks_waited 	1510
Tc_log_max_pages_used 	0
Tc_log_page_size 	0
Tc_log_page_waits 	0
Threads_cached 	0
Threads_connected 	3
Threads_created 	216949
Threads_running 	1
Uptime 	70221



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Thank you Mchl for your reply.


This is the table


Edit   	Delete  	id  	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	PRI  	NULL 	auto_increment
link 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
link2 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
link3 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
link4 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
link5 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
link6 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
link7 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
link8 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
link9 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
title 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
alias 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
title_alias 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
titolo_originale 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
genere 	varchar(30) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
genere_due 	varchar(30) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
paese 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
anno 	varchar(4) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
durata 	varchar(3) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
regia 	varchar(200) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
attori 	varchar(250) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
altri_attori 	text 	NO 	MUL 	NULL 	 
locandina 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
locandina_due 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
locandina_tre 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
locandina_quattro 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
locandina_cinque 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
introtext 	varchar(0) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
fulltext 	mediumtext 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
state 	tinyint(3) 	NO 	MUL 	0 	 
sectionid 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	MUL 	0 	 
mask 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	MUL 	0 	 
catid 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	MUL 	0 	 
created 	datetime 	NO 	  	0000-00-00 00:00:00 	 
created_by 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	  	0 	 
created_by_alias 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	  	 
modified 	datetime 	NO 	  	0000-00-00 00:00:00 	 
modified_by 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	  	0 	 
checked_out 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	MUL 	0 	 
checked_out_time 	datetime 	NO 	  	0000-00-00 00:00:00 	 
publish_up 	datetime 	NO 	  	0000-00-00 00:00:00 	 
publish_down 	datetime 	NO 	  	0000-00-00 00:00:00 	 
images 	varchar(0) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
urls 	varchar(0) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
attribs 	varchar(250) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
version 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	  	1 	 
parentid 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	  	0 	 
ordering 	int(11) 	NO 	  	0 	 
metakey 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
metadesc 	varchar(100) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 
access 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	MUL 	0 	 
hits 	int(11) unsigned 	NO 	  	0 	 
metadata 	tinyint(4) 	NO 	  	NULL 	 


and indexes


arco_content 	0 	PRIMARY 	1 	id 	A 	4647  	NULL  	NULL  	  	BTREE  	 
arco_content 	1 	idx_section 	1 	sectionid 	A 	1 	NULL 	NULL 	  	BTREE 	 
arco_content 	1 	idx_access 	1 	access 	A 	1 	NULL 	NULL 	  	BTREE 	 
arco_content 	1 	idx_checkout 	1 	checked_out 	A 	1 	NULL 	NULL 	  	BTREE 	 
arco_content 	1 	idx_state 	1 	state 	A 	1 	NULL 	NULL 	  	BTREE 	 
arco_content 	1 	idx_catid 	1 	catid 	A 	3 	NULL 	NULL 	  	BTREE 	 
arco_content 	1 	idx_mask 	1 	mask 	A 	1 	NULL 	NULL 	  	BTREE 	 
arco_content 	1 	altri_attori 	1 	altri_attori 	NULL 	1 	NULL 	NULL 	  	FULLTEXT 	


Do you reckon there are too many fields?

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There are certainly some fields with some crazy datatypes selected. VARCHAR(0) ?? What's the point of that? The table could also be further normalised (for example move link* fields to another table)


Anyway, without knowing how queries utlise this table, it's hard to give any meaningful advice really.

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