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Creating HTML Drop-box on the fly


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The local hospital in town has started a "wellness challenge"...where they want people to form a team of co-workers or friends and collectively, the goal is to walk 100,000 miles this summer.


They want a website that will allow people to register, post their miles each week (only team captains can enter mile), and calculate how many miles have been walked (average) by each team member.


All of this is working...except for the registration part.  I currently have a drop box with team names and their captain's name (in case walkers don't know their team name...but only who their captain is).  I also have a spot for "OTHER".  I then log into phpmyadmin a couple times a day and "fix" all the others, and add the new teams to the drop box.  This way, all team names are typed correctly...etc.


Sometimes, the team member (not the captain) registers BEFORE the captain does...so I can't just have the php write the team info to the drop box when the captain registers.


What's the best way to handle this problem?

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