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We are currently using the following code to have state, and zip codes auto-filled when you choose a city. I would like to convert it to a database that it gets the info from. I have tried many different ways with no success. Could somone please give me some advice as to how i can do this?



$cities = array(
array('city'=>'New York', state=>'NY', zip=>'10001'),
array('city'=>'Los Angeles', state=>'CA', zip=>'90001'),
array('city'=>'Chicago', state=>'IL', zip=>'60601'),
array('city'=>'Houston', state=>'TX', zip=>'77001'),
array('city'=>'Phoenix', state=>'AZ', zip=>'85001'),
array('city'=>'Philadelphia', state=>'PA', zip=>'19019'),
array('city'=>'San Antonio', state=>'TX', zip=>'78201'),
array('city'=>'Dallas', state=>'TX', zip=>'75201'),
array('city'=>'San Diego', state=>'CA', zip=>'92101'),
array('city'=>'San Jose', state=>'CA', zip=>'95101'),
array('city'=>'Detroit', state=>'MI', zip=>'48201'),
array('city'=>'San Francisco', state=>'CA', zip=>'94101'),
array('city'=>'Jacksonville', state=>'FL', zip=>'32099'),
array('city'=>'Indianapolis', state=>'IN', zip=>'46201'),
array('city'=>'Austin', state=>'TX', zip=>'73301'),
array('city'=>'Columbus', state=>'OH', zip=>'43085'),
array('city'=>'Fort Worth', state=>'TX', zip=>'76101'),
array('city'=>'Charlotte', state=>'NC', zip=>'28201'),
array('city'=>'Memphis', state=>'TN', zip=>'37501'),
array('city'=>'Baltimore', state=>'MD', zip=>'21201'),

// Cleaning up the term
$term = trim(strip_tags($_GET['term']));

// Rudimentary search
$matches = array();
foreach($cities as $city){
if(stripos($city['city'], $term) !== false){
	// Add the necessary "value" and "label" fields and append to result set
	$city['value'] = $city['city'];
	$city['label'] = "{$city['city']}, {$city['state']} {$city['zip']}";
	$matches[] = $city;

// Truncate, encode and return the results
$matches = array_slice($matches, 0, 5);
print json_encode($matches);

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I don't think I explained well enough, but thank you for your answer.


I created the database "location" with the columns "city", "state", and "zip". I inputed the information in the database. My question is how do I output the MYSQL query into an array.


I have tried the following but I think I'm doing it wrong.

//ini_set('display_errors', '1');
include "./php/connect.php";

$query_users = "SELECT * FROM location";
$result = mysql_query($query_users);
$new_array = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 
	$new_array["$row[0]"] => $row[1];
return $new_array;


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I appreciate all the help. I figued it out.


include "./php/connect.php"; 
// Data could be pulled from a DB or other source

// Read records
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM location;") or die(mysql_error());
// Put them in array
for($i = 0; $cities[$i] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $i++) ;
// Delete last empty one

// Cleaning up the term
$term = trim(strip_tags($_GET['term']));

// Rudimentary search
$matches = array();
foreach($cities as $city){
if(stripos($city['city'], $term) !== false){
	// Add the necessary "value" and "label" fields and append to result set
	$city['value'] = $city['city'];
	$city['label'] = "{$city['city']}, {$city['state']} {$city['zip']}";
	$matches[] = $city;

// Truncate, encode and return the results
$matches = array_slice($matches, 0, 5);
print json_encode($matches);

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