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So, got this new, very nice Quad Core server, for production.


I've set up quite a few LAMP + Postfix/sendmail + Subversion servers, but this time the thing screwed me over.


Only difference with this one is, I configured the network myself, and it's not the server edition. ( configured the network myself, because it's not a bought VPS / dedicated server overseas | and it's not the server edition, so that less technical people at the office can also understand it, in their own way. Not that I'd let them play around and screw shit up anyways )


So, the problem is..


Apache | PHP is installed, working fine.  Easy enough.  Mysql is on another server, so that's not a problem.  The problem is, some of the sites uses PHPthumb to generate thumbnails and whatever.  But, on this server, the resulting image is a 32x32 image, that says "no GD".


If I do a phpInfo page, GD v2 + AND imagick is installed and enabled.  Which is what PHPthumb needs.  So what have I forgotten?


Permissions on the website files/folders is 755, owner and group is the web server. So that shouldn't be a problem.


Funny thing though, if I do a straight phpthumb call in the browser, it works.  No problems.  But the way in which generating was written on this particular site, gives me that crap.  And it worked before, so I don't necessarily want to go and check and change all the websites.


In short, the script saved the original uploaded image in a temp directory, does a phpthumb call to resize it on that temp image, and then does a file_get_contents of that resulting image, and a file_put_contents of that to the place where it's being saved. Then unlinks the temp image.


In that scenario, the temp image is fine, no problems, but the after that file_put_contents the image is "no GD".


From phpInfo() :



GD Support enabled

GD Version 2.0 or higher

FreeType Support enabled

FreeType Linkage with freetype

FreeType Version 2.3.9

T1Lib Support enabled

GIF Read Support enabled

GIF Create Support enabled

JPG Support enabled

PNG Support enabled

WBMP Support enabled




Any ideas?  Show me where I'm being stupid!

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Well, I know at which part it fails.  I can show you the script.  Funy thing is, this was working on our previous server though.  But that crashed, so I can't compare the configuration.  But basically that was probably way old, in terms of php.  This one obviously has everything on the latest version.


if (!file_put_contents('/var/www/websites/luckypet/website/media/images/products/temp/'.$origFile.'.jpg', file_get_contents($photo['tmp_name']))) {
$return['error'][] = 'Could not save profile img';

$img_a = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/library/classes/phpthumb/phpthumb.php?src=/var/www/websites/luckypet/website/media/images/products/temp/".$origFile.'.jpg&w=200&h=150&q=75&aoe=1&zc=1';
echo '<img src="'.$img_a.'" />'; // (this works fine)
$img_b = file_get_contents($img_a);
echo '<img src="http://luckypet.dev/media/images/products/image_'.$sizes['medium']['width'].'.jpg" />'; // this shows "no GD"

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Sorry, I tried to remove all the variables from the code, to avoid questions about the variables, because I have double checked the values.  This same code worked on the previous server before it crashed.


That variable's value is '200'.


I have checked, the file's "date modified" date changes when I run this, so paths and whatever should be correct?  ALthough the resulting image (image_200.jpg) is 32x32 and shows "no GD"


Another thing, The above code is executed inside a function, in a file that is included in the original page.


If I do the same thing on a standalone file it works fine, e.g.

$file = file_get_contents("http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/library/classes/phpthumb/phpthumb.php?src=/media/Rugby_14May_056.jpg&w=230&h=300&aoe=1&zc=1");

echo '<img src="http://luckypet.dev/media/images/products/image.jpg />';


Is there some kind of php setting I'm missing?

I've read something about register_globals should be On, so I turned it on... but that didn't make it work..

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I tried to remove all the variables from the code


I'm going to guess that you removed code as well. It is simply impossible for someone to help you with what your code is doing without seeing the actual code responsible for the symptoms.


The conditions under which your code decides to use the 'no GD' image instead of the actual image tells you what value or function call is failing and tells you where to look to find the problem.

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I tried to remove all the variables from the code


I'm going to guess that you removed code as well. It is simply impossible for someone to help you with what your code is doing without seeing the actual code responsible for the symptoms.


The conditions under which your code decides to use the 'no GD' image instead of the actual image tells you what value or function call is failing and tells you where to look to find the problem.


I didn't remove any code.. I attached the full function and how it's used on the page (at the top )



[attachment deleted by admin]

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I'm going to guess that the image you see in front of you is a custom error image that someone has created and has setup in your phpthumb configuration file as -


$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_message_image_default'] = '';


If so, you need to change your phpthumb configuration so that it outputs the actual errors it detects instead of the default error image.

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I'm going to guess that the image you see in front of you is a custom error image that someone has created and has setup in your phpthumb configuration file as -


$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_message_image_default'] = '';


If so, you need to change your phpthumb configuration so that it outputs the actual errors it detects instead of the default error image.

Yes, it is set to '' ... how/what do I change to see the specific error?
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Yes, it is set to ''


The line I posted is just the line setting the default error image. If your's is set to an empty string than that setting is not where the image is coming from.


What exactly is the image you see? What does it say? What is the path where it is at?


The following settings (defaults shown) determine if or what is output when an error occurs -


$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['disable_debug']            = false;  // prevent phpThumb from displaying any information about your system. If true, phpThumbDebug and error messages will be disabled
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_image_width']           = 400;      // default width for error images
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_image_height']          = 100;      // default height for error images
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_message_image_default'] = '';       // Set this to the name of a generic error image (e.g. '/images/error.png') that you want displayed in place of any error message that may occur. This setting is overridden by the 'err' parameter, which does the same thing.
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_bgcolor']               = 'CCCCFF'; // background color of error message images
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_textcolor']             = 'FF0000'; // color of text in error messages
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_fontsize']              = 1;        // size of text in error messages, from 1 (smallest) to 5 (largest)
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_die_on_error']          = true;     // die with error message on any fatal error (recommended with standalone phpThumb.php)
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_silent_die_on_error']   = false;    // simply die with no output of any kind on fatal errors (not recommended)
$PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_die_on_source_failure'] = true;     // die with error message if source image cannot be processed by phpThumb() (usually because source image is corrupt in some way). If false the source image will be passed through unprocessed, if true (default) an error message will be displayed.






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The image location is where my outputted file is suppose to be




And I attached that image..


I changed the loop in the function to this:

foreach ($sizes as $key => $size) {
            /* small-medium ===================================*/
            $name = $key;
            $width = $size['width'];
            $height = $size['height'];
    		$img_src = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/library/classes/phpthumb/phpthumb.php"."?src=".$temp_path."/".$origFile.".jpg&w=".$width."&h=".$height.$size['paramaters'];
    		$img = file_get_contents($img_src);
            echo '<img src="'.$img_src.'" />';
            $fileName[$key] = '/image_'.$width.'.jpg';
            /* save new image */
	if (!file_put_contents($save_path.$fileName[$key],$img)) {
                $return['error'][] = 'Could not save : '.$save_path.$fileName[$key];
            } else {
                $return['thumbsPaths'][$name] = $save_path.$fileName[$key];
	echo '<img src="http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/media/images/products/2'.$fileName[$key].'" />';
            /* end medium ===============================*/


And I attached a screenshot of that output.  As you can see, the straight phpthumb call works and shows the image, but when I try to "file_get_contents" it... it fails!


Really appreciate the help so far.


[attachment deleted by admin]

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and then, on the same server, I do this:


$img = "http://edge.dev/library/classes/phpthumb/phpthumb.php?src=/media/Rugby_14May_056.jpg&w=230&h=300&aoe=1&zc=1";
$new = file_get_contents($img);
echo file_get_contents('new.jpg');

echo '<img src="'.$img.'" />';
echo '<img src="new.jpg" />';


And both images displays correctly... WIERD!

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Are both your full code and the short test script in the same folder on the server? Based on URL's you have been posting, you likely have two different servers with possibly two different versions of phpthumb or two different versions of GD. Your short test code is using edge.dev while your full script is using luckypet.dev


There is a phpThumb.demo.check.php file in the demo folder. What results do you get for the GD features: JPG/JPEG support? Red/green?


Probably related to this, I have found that the current version of gd_info() returns a different value for "JPG Support" than what phpthumb is using (my phpThumb.demo.check.php says there is no JPEG support, but there is.) Code in the phpthumb class that is checking for $gd_info['JPG Support'] needs to be changed to $gd_info['JPEG Support']


I also suspect that your $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_image_width'] and $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['error_image_height'] have been set to 32 x 32 and you are not seeing all the error message.

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Sorry for the confusion, but luckypet.dev and edge.dev is both on the same server, just different "websites" with different Virtualhosts and whatever.  phpThumb files are different though.  I did not think that there would be differences in there...  Obviously I assumed wrongly.


ahhh! Thank you.  I think we just made a big'ish breakthrough to find the problem.  That "demo check" page revealed quite a few stuff.  I didn't know about that...


As for the error image ,the default size is 400 by 300 or something big'ish so it's not that. 


Critical stuff I noticed on the check page :

ImageMagick isn't installed, although I have php5-imagick installed on the server?  What else do I need?


Although, how does the initial phpthumb call work ?? 

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Additional info to my post above (I'll address your last post separately) -


If you are doing this on php 5.3.0 or higher, phpthumb is using one or more functions (ereg() ...) that have been depreciated and produce 'depreciated' error messages.


phpThumb.php sets error_reporting/display_errors full on and these depreciated messages are being output and interfere with the output of an image.


I'll guess that you have been using two different systems, but one is a low enough php version that the depreciated errors are not being generated. You can probably (assuming output buffering is off) check for these errors on the system where the code does not work by browsing directly to the URL you are using file_get_contents() on and doing a 'view source' in your browser.


If the problem is only on a php5.3.x system, aside from updating the code to use current php functions, you can prevent phpThumb.php from causing php errors to be displayed by changing the following line -

ini_set('display_errors', '1');


to this -

ini_set('display_errors', '0');


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Since they are different web sites, they could be using different php settings and could even be using different versions of php.


ImageMagick isn't required. It's used if GD is not installed or if you are using features not supported in GD or if you are using ImageMagick specific features. But since it does not show up in the demo check page, there is something wrong with the installation.

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Since they are different web sites, they could be using different php settings and could even be using different versions of php.

It's different websites, but both are run on the same apache server, using the same php version and settings..


I Set the error thing to 0 within phpthumb.php, and still nothing


PS. I also downloaded the latest phpThumb version just now, so all settings are on default.  No funny stuff that came from elsewhere...


Only thing changed in phpthumb at the moment is the JPEG support thing, and the error thing

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Actually, I just installed ImageMagick to test this.


There is a configuration line in the phpthumb configuration file that points to the ImageMagick 'convert' executable (at least on Windows.)


The ImageMagick version information that it provides is different than what phpthumb expects, though I don't know if this affects the phpthumb script beyond what is displayed on the demo check page.

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Thanks so so much for all the help PFMaBiSmAd.  I really appreciate it.


In the end, there wasn't actually a problem.  Our DNS server was pointing to the wrong thing for luckypet.dev.  I noticed just now when I was transferring other websites.


Sorry for being such an idiot!

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