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(This is PhpMyAdmin)


Why is it when I set a field like ID, (you know, the one that automatically updates itself if new values are added, like when a new user registers, they get their own id) and you delete one, the next ID always starts off as 1 above the one you deleted.




id name

1 John

2 Justin

3 Hailey

4 Madison


Say if you delete Madison, and then insert "newvalue", it'll be:


id name

1 John

2 Justin

3 Hailey

5 newvalue


Why isn't it 4?

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But IT DOES bother me, and I worry about it.


I have a image site, and this is what happens: (Example)


Image one

Image two

Image three


And a user clicks the "Next" button to change images. Say I delete image two and three, but I add three new images. It'll be:


Image one

Image four

Image five

Image six


When an image doesn't exist, they get the error message that one doesn't exist. So a user will have to keep clicking next just to get to image four, because two and three were deleted.

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Instead of 'Next' fetching an image using WHERE ID = $currentID + 1 you should do something like WHERE ID > $currentID ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT 1. This way you will always get next image from database (unless you reach last ID, which is yet another thing to deal with)

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Ok, if you want pagination, you need to be doing it like such:


$itemsPerPage=5; // # of images per page.

$currentPage=1; // Set default page.

if ((isset($_GET['currentPage']))&&(ctype_digit($_GET['currentPage']))) {






$sql="SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT {$start},{$itemsPerPage}";

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Instead of 'Next' fetching an image using WHERE ID = $currentID + 1 you should do something like WHERE ID > $currentID ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT 1. This way you will always get next image from database (unless you reach last ID, which is yet another thing to deal with)


So basically, how would that work within my mysql_query string? Instead of


$extract = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE photoid='$image'");


It would be


$extract = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE ID > '$image' ORDER BY ASC");




You sure that would work? And I could easily fix the last one. ;)

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You should assume two things:


1) You don't know the next image id #

2) The next image id # is not sequential.


If you order your db and and grab the line right after the current id you'll get the next image. Which is basically what all the advice before me has said. For an image site you can always build in a safety net too so you can't build a page with a broken image by simply checking if anything was returned in a query. If you do a count() and it's 0 you may as well not run an image output routine (I do this explicitly for search functions where return 0 is a good possibility).


Just making the query more flexible is by far the best place to start.

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