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Problem working with Windows Text files - \r\n not working for newline


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I used to always be able to write to windows text files and create newlines with a simple      \r\n

but now the text files are being written and \r\n appears in the textfile instead of a newline.

I've also tried just \r  or just  \n  but to no avail. I need to edit the services file on multiple XP machines here and add a line, but only if it hasn't been added before. My Code is far from finished but I want to be able to log the process to a text file.  also the services file that I'm trying to append to is also adding the \r\n instead of a newline.


Here's my code:




$logfileHandle = fopen($logfile, 'w');  //OPEN LOG FILE FOR OUTPUT
$inputfileHandle = fopen($svcfile, 'r');  //OPEN SERVICES FILE FOR READING (WILL WRITE TO THIS LATER)

fwrite($logfileHandle, 'Log File Start... \r\n Test Line 2'); // MORE LOGGING TO COME LATER BUT FOR THE MOMENT I CAN'T GET NEWLINE TO WORK

$number_of_lines=count(file($svcfile));  //set a variable for amount of lines in services file

if ($number_of_lines>10){ //If the file is normal length & no issues

$data1 = fread($inputfileHandle, filesize($svcfile)); //read all the lines into a large variable
fclose($inputfileHandle); //once read into an variable, we can now close the file handle

$array1 = explode("\r\n", $data1); // Explode all Data into an array - line by line

for ($a=0;$a<= $number_of_lines-1;$a++){ //step through line by line searching for the sapmsPR2 string
if (strstr($array1[$a],'sapmsPR2')){ $done=1; }

if (!$done){  // If the line hasn't already been added, we need to add this line to the file
$addline='\nsapmsPR2         3600/tcp                           #SAP PORT - ROLLED OUT BY SCRIPT'; // This is the line to be added to services file
$outp1 = fopen($svcfile, 'a');  //OPEN SERVICES FILE FOR OUTPUT [append]
fwrite($outp1,$addline);  // WRITE THE LINE TO THE FILE [at the end]
fclose($outp1);    // CLOSE WHEN FINISHED

if (!copy($inifile, $newinifile)) {
fwrite($logfileHandle, 'Error - failed to copy SAPLOGON.INI across...\n');
}else{fwrite($logfileHandle, 'SAPLOGON.INI copied successfully to Windows folder...\n');}


//Finish up by closing the log file


Oh yes, I suppose an important thing to note here is that I'm trying to compile a simple windows CLI exe. to do this


I've tried the following with no luck:


bamcompile [http://www.bambalam.se/bamcompile/],

PHC [http://wiki.swiftlytilting.com/Phc-win#Download]


But I've a feeling it's not the compilers because even my WAMP setup is doing the same thing now, whereas before \r\n was fine. I know when reading in files and 'exploding' the data into an array - \r\n works fine, do I need to output to a file differently?


Another stupid Question - Is it because I upgraded my own machine to Windows 7 since I last tried something like this - does Win7 treat files differently?


I tried to figure out how to do this in binary but I've a feeling it might be easier than all that. If anybody can help me out I'd really appreciate it because I'm on a deadline and don't want to have to re-write this in nasty Autohotkey script or freebasic. and I'm no good at any other decent scripting languages.


P.S. just in case anybody wonders, I've been running this EXE as an administrator on my win7 machine so as to give access to services file, but will wrap it in proper admin credentials later for running on the XP machines.

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Also I've just noticed that reading the file into a string and then changing it to an array was an unnecessary step - anybody wanting to do similar code to the above should use file() function rather than fread() and use the foreach function to step through the array rather than a 'for' up to the counted number of lines in the file  - the script should be far more efficient that way. I was just throwing that one together and learned quite a bit about my bad coding practices so far.

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