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I have installed php/apache/mysql. No problem with php scripting side anyway, scripts run away fine. I can connect to the database using mysqli_connect , it does connect. But i get this error : mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50051 Library:50147. Then when i use mysqli_fetch_array, the page is loading and then it says "apache has encountered a problem and has to close and then it goes to cannot display page.. I had the exact same problem in class yesterday when i tried the same thing. We set up the same versions of everything in class as i did at home this morning. We have not gone that far yet in classs but i was just messing around cos i had a bit of free time in there. Just wondering is it cos i installed wamp and uninstalled it to installed them manualy

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The php extensions you use must be built using the same C header files as the php version you are using. It would appear that you installed the mysqli extension from a different php version than the php version you are using.


Since you did not provide any actual information in your post about the operating system you are using or how you obtained and installed php and the mysqli extension, it will be a little hard to help you.

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