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I have been building an AJAX form my javascript knowledge is terrible but I am having a horribble time with javascript variables I assign the response var a = xmlHttp.responseText etc result which it gets fine why if i get a response from an xml node the javascript variable can compare if (var a =="error") { do this } else { do that} but with the .responseText reply will not recognise it and jump straight to the else I have tried returning a number as an error false as an error javascript just won't seem to read a returned variable properly I even tried .length==0 no joy??? Any tips? I'm beginning to think javascript and php were not supposed to coexist :(

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Ok I have a form it is sending country,state,city,postal step by step with AJAX to a php page it either returns "error" if the next set of data is not found and does not display the div.


Problem is when i use


var result = xmlHttp.responseText;

if (result=="error')
//hide div
// display div


It doesn't recognise the word error but displays error as the else result


I have tried


var resultlen = result.length;


it keeps returning 8 if I don't return anything the length is 3 my question is why can't javascript not recognise the string with the value of error?  When I did this a different way using <xml> calling the node values it recognised the text string if (result=="error") etc it understood that but why not with xmlHttp.responseText; and how to deal with this?



right now here is my code the alert returns nostates when i select a country that has no states and when it has it returns the correct value but everytime it only executes the else statement regardless??



var stateval;
var stateval = document.getElementById("tempresult").value;

alert('State Value' +stateval);

if (stateval == "nostates")


I also get the same if i use




my php page


if ($states==false)
$result = 'nostates';
$result = trim($result);
return $result;



i tried it with trim without trim still the same result

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