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Help printing a multidimensional array


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I don't seem to be able to get the hang of arrays, multidimensional ones in particular and I need some help printing this one here.

First, I get the data from the DB by querying it as many times as projectIDs I send.

		foreach($projectIDs as $row => $value) {

		$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".PROJECT_TABLE." WHERE id = '$value' ");
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);

		$projectID[]	= $row['id'];
		$projectname[]	= $row['projectname'];
		$projecttype[]	= $row['type'];
		$sourcelang[]	= $row['sourcelang'];
		$targetlang[]	= $row['targetlang'];
		$units[]		= $row['units'];
		$unit[]			= $row['unit'];
		$unitprice[]	= $row['unitprice'];
		$currency[]		= $row['currency'];
		$totalprice[]	= $row['totalprice'];
		$clientname[]	= $row['clientname'];
		$clientid[]		= $row['clientid'];

	$rows = array(
		'projectID'	=> $projectID,
		'projectname'	=> $projectname,
		'projecttype'	=> $projecttype,
		'sourcelang'	=> $sourcelang,
		'targetlang'	=> $targetlang,
		'units'		=> $units,
	         'unit'		=> $unit,
		'unitprice'		=> $unitprice,
                        'currency'		=> $currency,
                        'totalprice'	=> $totalprice,
                        'clientname'	=> $clientname,
                        'clientid'		=> $clientid,


Then I get the contents of the queries:

$projectDataMulti = invoiceDataMulti($projectID);


Now I need to get the contents grouped by projectID and here's where I got stuck.

This method does print the results but ont in a way I can further manipulate them, which I need to do before I print them.

		foreach($projectDataMulti as $key => $value) {

		echo $key.": ";

		foreach($value as $iKey => $iValue) {
			echo $iKey ." - ".$iValue.", ";
		echo "<br />";


I need to get the results in the following manner:


projectID0: projectname0 + projecttype0 + sourcelang0 + sourcelang0;

projectID1: projectname1 + projecttype1 + sourcelang1 + sourcelang1;



so that I can print the relevant values in the relevant fields.


Please explain how to do this and why, don't just give me the answer. Thank you!

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I think you got lost in so many arrays you're using. If I understand correctly your needs, you might be able to simplify your $rows array when you retrieve the data from database:

$projects = array(); //this is instead of your $rows
foreach($projectIDs as $row => $value) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".PROJECT_TABLE." WHERE id = '$value' ");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);

$projects[$row['id']] = array();
$projects[$row['id']]['projectname'] = $row['projectname'];
$projects[$row['id']]['projecttype'] = $row['type'];
$projects[$row['id']]['sourcelang'] = $row['sourcelang'];
$projects[$row['id']]['targetlang'] = $row['targetlang'];
$projects[$row['id']]['units'] = $row['units'];
// continue here with rest of variables you have	

You could then use $projects array for further display or manipulation.

Let me know if this helps you!


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8) Worked right out of the box! Thank you very much!


I think what I am missing on arrays is this part exactly - multidimensional arrays (still learning). I will try to comprehend it.


Was there a way to get the same results out of the mess I'd done?


Here is how I received my results before:



projectID: 0 - 37, 1 - 35,

projectname: 0 - XXXXX, 1 - YYYYY,

projecttype: 0 - translation, 1 - translation,

sourcelang: 0 - BG, 1 - BG,

targetlang: 0 - ENG, 1 - ENG,

units: 0 - 1267, 1 - 11000,

unit: 0 - words, 1 - words


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Oh, seems I haven't figured it out completely. Now ... how exactly do I print an individual value?

I was misled by what I printed above as a preview result, using this:

		foreach($projectDataMulti as $key => $value) {

		echo $key.": ";

		foreach($value as $iKey => $iValue) {
			echo $iKey." - ".$iValue.", ";

Here's the preview:


37: projectname - XXXXX, projecttype - translation, sourcelang - BG, targetlang - ENG, units - 1267...

35: projectname - YYYYY, projecttype - translation, sourcelang - BG, targetlang - ENG, units - 11000...


But I can't access an individual item of the results, e.g. projectXXXXX's source and target languages.

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Does this help?


// I assume you know which project ID you want = $projectID
echo "projectname: ". $projects[$projectID]['projectname'] . "<br />";
echo "targetlang: ". $projects[$projectID]['targetlang'] . "<br />";
//... more values to display  here according to the key - targetlang , sourcelang , units  


If this is not what you need, please give more details, because I am a little confused on what you need here.

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Where I wrote "that easy" I mean it does give me the wanted data but not in the way I can further manipulate it.

Here's where I am now:

		foreach($projectDataMulti as $key => $project) {

		$description = $project['projectname']." - ".$project['projecttype']." from ".$project['sourcelang']." into ".$project['targetlang'];
		$unit = $project['unit'];
		$units = $project['units'];
		$unitprice = $project['unitprice'];
		$currency = $project['currency'];
		$totalprice = $project['totalprice'];
		$clientname = $project['clientname'];
		$clientid = $project['clientid'];


But these variables ($description, $units...) they are arrays too, aren't they? In the HTML form I print below I need to be able to handle each variable separately, because I need to fill them in their relevant fields.


This whole thing is for the part where I want to print an invoice for more than one project at the same time. And in the invoice HTML I have separate "description", "unit", "units", "line total" fields for each project (I calculate "line total" using JS).


So my question is, from the above foreach cycle, how do I extract an individual value?

Here's my HTML:

<td class=\"input\">1.</td>
<td class=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"description\" id=\"description\" size=\"40\" value=\"".$description."\" /></td>
<td class=\"input\"><input size=\"5\" type=\"text\" name=\"unit\" id=\"unit\" value=\"".$unit."\" /></td>
<td class=\"input\">
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"unitprice\" id=\"unitprice\" size=\"4\" value=\"".$unitprice."\" />
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"currency\" id=\"currency\" size=\"4\" value=\"".$currency."\" />
<td class=\"input\">
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"units\" id=\"units\" size=\"7\" value=\"".$units."\" />
<td class=\"input\">
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"linetotal\" id=\"linetotal\" size=\"7\" onfocus=\"calculate()\" value=\"".$linetotal."\" />
	<script type=\"text/javascript\">calculate();</script>
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"currency\" id=\"currency\" size=\"4\" value=\"".$currency."\" />


Do I need to put this HTML inside the foreach loop, or should I better

1. count how many times the foreach loop is iterated.

2. assign a value to each of the iterated variables, e.g. $description[0], $description[1], ... (which I am not too sure how)

3. print these values in the HTML.


Hope my explanations aren't too obscure. Thanks for your help!

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