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Help me regarding preg_replace


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Hello everyone i am writing a snippet for replacing the keywords into links.

It almost works but it also replaces the words in between HTML Tags

So can anyone help me in fixing that


$textlinksname = 'Google';
$textlinksurl = 'http://google.com';
$body = 'Google is a great search engine. Here is the logo of it <img src =\'http://www.google.co.in/google/images/srpr/logo1w.png\'/>';

$replace = "<a href='".$textlinksurl."' target='_blank'>".$textlinksname."</a>";
$body = preg_replace('~(?<!http://|www\.|/)'.$textlinksname.'~i', $replace,$body,200);

echo $body;



It outputs as

<a href='http://google.com' target='_blank'>Google</a> is a great search engine. Here is the logo of it
<img src ='http://www.google.co.in/google/intl/en_com/images/srpr/google-123-<a href='http://google.com' target='_blank'>Google</a>.png'/>


But i need output like this such that it wont mess with HTML Tags


<a href='http://google.com' target='_blank'>Google</a> is a great search engine. Here is the logo of it
<img src ='http://www.google.co.in/google/intl/en_com/images/srpr/google-123-Google.png'/>



Can anyone help me on how to prevent that???


Thanks in advance :)


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Your regular expression should be more specific about what (where) it will match so that if the URL appears within an anchor tag, the match is not successful.  This sub-forum has lots of threads trying to do precisely that.

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In simple words

It should replace the keyword i specified into links but whenever it founds HTML Tags say Anchor Tag or Image Tag it should skip the Word in between those tags


can also be defined as

i need a regex pattern in which it should turn the keywords into links in a Paragraph without messing inbetween HTML Tgas :)


Thanks for your Help salathe

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