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Dear all hi i need help please guide me through this.


ok now the question is i have changed my website side menu last night and have installed some good menu here is the code of new menu


print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td width='190' height='100%' bgcolor='#B7CEC7' valign='top' style='border-right: 1px solid #004800'><br>";

if ($logged=="yes"){
    print "<a href='logoff.php'><b>Logoff</b></a>";
    print "<a href='logon.php'><b>Logon</b></a>";
<div class="urbangreymenu">

<h3 class="headerbar">VPIA </h3>
<img src="http://www.aircanadavirtual.com/images/simmiles.png" />
<img src="http://www.vpia.org/images/vatsim.png" />
<li><a href="http://www.simmiles.com/asiava/PIA/pilots.php">Simmiles Online Pilots</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.simmiles.com/asiava/PIA/routes.php">Simmiles Online Routes</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.simmiles.com/asiava/PIA/fleet.php">Simmiles Online Fleet</a></li>
<li><a href='about.php'>About us</a></li>
<li><a href='faq.php'>FAQ</a></li>
<li><a href='staff.php'>Staff</a></li>
<li><a href='photogallery.php'>Photo Gallery</a></li>
<li><a href='contact.php'>Contact</a></li>
<li><a href='disclaimer.php'>Disclaimer</a></li>

now the thing is previously it was coded with some other coding in php and every thing is working properly now when i changed the side menu i dont know how to use php code with this menu basically i wanted to hide my pilot center from visitors and pilot i want pilot can only see pilot center after login with pilot IDS so i can i do that please help me out of this


here is my old menu code

print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td width='190' height='100%' bgcolor='#B7CEC7' valign='top' style='border-right: 1px solid #004800'><br>";

print "<table width='100' valign='top' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'>";

print "<tr>";
print "<td>";

if ($logged=="yes"){
    print "<a href='logoff.php'><b>Logoff</b></a>";
    print "<a href='logon.php'><b>Logon</b></a>";

print "</td>";
print "<td></tr>";
print "<table width='100%'  valign='top' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td width='7%' height='26' background='../images/menu_bg.gif'>";
print "<center><img src='../images/menu_arrow.gif'></center>";
print "</td>";

print "<td width='93%' height='26' background='../images/menu_bg.gif' class='menu'>";

print "VPIA <a href='main.php'><image src='/images/home.gif' border=0></a>";
print "</td>";
print "</tr>";

print "<tr>";
print "<td height='66' colspan='2'>";
print "<p>";

print "<a href='http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=4083514203'><image src='http://www.vpia.org/images/fcbk.jpg' border=0></a><br>";
print "<a href='skype:virtualpia?call'><img src='/images/skype1.jpg' style='border: none;' alt='Skype Me™!'/></a><br>";
print "<a href='http://www.twitter.com/VirtualPIA'><img src='http://twitter-badges.s3.amazonaws.com/follow_us-a.png' alt='Follow VirtualPIA on Twitter' width='150' height='25'</a><br>";

<img src="http://www.aircanadavirtual.com/images/simmiles.png" />
<img src="http://www.vpia.org/images/vatsim.png" />
<br><a href="http://www.simmiles.com/asiava/PIA/statistics.php"></a>
<br><a href="http://www.simmiles.com/asiava/PIA/pilots.php">Online Pilots</a>
<br><a href="http://www.simmiles.com/asiava/PIA/routes.php">Online Routes</a>
<br><a href="http://www.simmiles.com/asiava/PIA/fleet.php">Online Fleet</a>
print "<a href='about.php'>About us</a> / <a href='faq.php'>FAQ</a><br>";
print "<a href='staff.php'>Staff</a><br>";
print "<a href='photogallery.php'>Photo Gallery</a><br>";
print "<a href='contact.php'>Contact</a><br>";

//print "<a href='http://vpia.free-forums.org' target='blanc'>Forum</a><br>";

print "<a href='disclaimer.php'>Disclaimer</a><br>";

//print "<a href='events.php'>Events</a><br>";
//print "<a href='news.php'>News</a><br>";
//print "<a href='links.php'>Links</a><br><br>";

if ($logged<>"yes"){
  print "<a href='registration.php'><b>JOIN VPIA</b></a><br>";
print "</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";


and let me explain you how i am using my menu now in my server i have one folder name Menu and inside it i have many PHPS files for different Menu section to show up with main.php and in other pages if i want to show my menu with the page i am putting php code on the top of the page like this


<? include("menu/m_item_general.php") ?>


i have also used this code


<? if($logged<>"yes"){

// do things for logged in people

} ?>


but no luck yet can anyone explain me with example which code can i use here to hide my menu and here is the menu code which i wanted to hide


<div class="urbangreymenu">

<h3 class="headerbar">Pilot Center</h3>
<li><a href='ATR42.php'><b>ATR42 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='skedatr.php'><b>ATR42F Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b737.php'><b>B737 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='a310.php'><b>A310 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b767.php'><b>A300 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b777.php'><b>B777 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b747.php'><b>B747 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='logbook.php'><b>My logbook</a></li></b>

<li><a href='download.php'><b>Download Section</a></li></b>

<li><a href='help.php'><b>Pilot's Manual</a></li></b>

<li><a href='rankings.php'><b>Rankings</a></li></b>

<li><a href='pilotroster.php'><b>Pilot hours</a></li></b>

<li><a href='flights.php?map=karachi' target='_blank'><b>Flight Movements</a></li></b>


i hope now you guys understand and can help me out of this





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thank you for your reply sir but can you please tell me with full code of my menu how exactly like this

<? if($logged == "yes"){
// do things for logged in people
<div class="urbangreymenu">

<h3 class="headerbar">Pilot Center</h3>
<li><a href='ATR42.php'><b>ATR42 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='skedatr.php'><b>ATR42F Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b737.php'><b>B737 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='a310.php'><b>A310 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b767.php'><b>A300 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b777.php'><b>B777 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b747.php'><b>B747 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='logbook.php'><b>My logbook</a></li></b>

<li><a href='download.php'><b>Download Section</a></li></b>

<li><a href='help.php'><b>Pilot's Manual</a></li></b>

<li><a href='rankings.php'><b>Rankings</a></li></b>

<li><a href='pilotroster.php'><b>Pilot hours</a></li></b>

<li><a href='flights.php?map=karachi' target='_blank'><b>Flight Movements</a></li></b>
} ?>


<?php if($logged == "yes"){ // number 3, notice how i closed the php tag, to the right-> ?>

<div class="urbangreymenu">

<h3 class="headerbar">Pilot Center</h3>
<li><a href='ATR42.php'><b>ATR42 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='skedatr.php'><b>ATR42F Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b737.php'><b>B737 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='a310.php'><b>A310 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b767.php'><b>A300 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b777.php'><b>B777 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b747.php'><b>B747 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='logbook.php'><b>My logbook</a></li></b>

<li><a href='download.php'><b>Download Section</a></li></b>

<li><a href='help.php'><b>Pilot's Manual</a></li></b>

<li><a href='rankings.php'><b>Rankings</a></li></b>

<li><a href='pilotroster.php'><b>Pilot hours</a></li></b>

<li><a href='flights.php?map=karachi' target='_blank'><b>Flight Movements</a></li></b>
<?php  // <- here also }?>


There were a couple problems-

1. You forgot to close <ul>

2. Dont use php short tags, they are the bad.

3. When echo'ing outside of php tags, you have to close them

Dear Sir sorry but i am big noob in php coding i used the same code you have given me


<?php if($logged == "yes"){ // number 3, notice how i closed the php tag, to the right-> ?>

<div class="urbangreymenu">

<h3 class="headerbar">Pilot Center</h3>
<li><a href='ATR42.php'><b>ATR42 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='skedatr.php'><b>ATR42F Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b737.php'><b>B737 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='a310.php'><b>A310 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b767.php'><b>A300 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b777.php'><b>B777 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='b747.php'><b>B747 Schedules</a></li></b>

<li><a href='logbook.php'><b>My logbook</a></li></b>

<li><a href='download.php'><b>Download Section</a></li></b>

<li><a href='help.php'><b>Pilot's Manual</a></li></b>

<li><a href='rankings.php'><b>Rankings</a></li></b>

<li><a href='pilotroster.php'><b>Pilot hours</a></li></b>

<li><a href='flights.php?map=karachi' target='_blank'><b>Flight Movements</a></li></b>
<?php } // here also -> ?>


it was hided but after login in it was not visible to others and to me also for that what to do..........? Pilot center wont showing up after login?

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