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The code below maybe a bit crude, rude and confusing but it's just the work in progress, will tweak later. Anyway, back to issue. I'm creating a page that creates a report for daily audit. On main page user inputs the date he wants the report to be for, then he gets a report page. On report page I have the following queries running:


1. list audits for type cm

2. list specification checks for type cm

3. list audits for type ax

4. list specification checks for type ax

5. count number of cm audits

6. count number of cm spec checks

7. count number of ax audits

8. count number of ax spec checks


as you can see its quite a few queries, but they all work, and work fast, but only if there is data in the db for given day. if any of the queries return no records the page just wont load ( i get "The page cannot be displayed" error message from browser). I tried to place or die to return string "no audits" when query returned empty but to no avail. Any tips on that one.

Here's the code - I warned you it's a bit messy:

<p class="report-font-header"><b>CM Audit</b></p>
function showsql($MySQL,$MyID="No ID")
   echo '<hr>';
   echo '<p>'.$MyID.'</p>';
   echo '<p>'.$MySQL.'</p>';
   echo '<hr>';
/////////------get data for cm audit
echo "<table border=0 class=\"report-font-table\"><tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC><td><b>MODEL</b></td><td><b>SERIAL NUMBER</b></td><td><b>INSPECTOR</b></td><td><b>COMMENTS/FAILS</b></td></tr>";
$MySQL1 = 'select Model, Serial_no, Inspector, Comment from CM_Audit where Date=#'.$new_date.'#';
$MyCon=odbc_connect('SQA_Typewriter','','') or die ('No audits carried out on that day');         // use the SQA_Typewriter ODBC

$rs = 0;  // set count of array to be 0 for first run
   for($i = 0; $i < count($rs); ) {
   while ($rs = odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
    //divde the count by two and see if there is a remainder(odd number) and assign a color.
     $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? '#CCFFFF' : '#CCFFCC';
    //print results....
    echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\">
                <td >".odbc_result($result,"Serial_no")."</td>
                    <td >".odbc_result($result,"Inspector")."</td>
                        <td >".odbc_result($result,"Comment")."</td>
            </tr>"; //etc
print "</table>";
<p class="report-font-header"><b>CM SPEC CHECKS</b></p>

/////////------get data for cm spec checks
echo "<table border=0 class=\"report-font-table\"><tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC><td><b>PRODUCT CODE</b></td><td><b>MODEL</b></td><td><b>COUNTRY</b></td><td><b>INSPECTOR</b></td><td><b>COMMENTS/FAILS</b></td></tr>";
$MySQL2 = 'select Product_code, Model, Country, Inspector, Comment from CM_spec_check where Date=#'.$new_date.'#';
$MyCon=odbc_connect('SQA_Typewriter','','') or die ('No audits carried out on that day');         // use the SQA_Typewriter ODBC

$rs = 0;  // set count of array to be 0 for first run
   for($i = 0; $i < count($rs); ) {
   //while (odbc_fetch_row($MyResult))
   while ($rs = odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
    //divde the count by two and see if there is a remainder(odd number) and assign a color.
     $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? '#CCFFFF' : '#CCFFCC';
    //print results....
    echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\">
                <td >".odbc_result($result,"Inspector")."</td>
                <td >".odbc_result($result,"Comment")."</td>
            </tr>"; //etc
print "</table>";
<!-------PRINT AX AUDIT---->
<p class="report-font-header"><b>AX Audit</b></p>
/////////---get data for ax audit
echo "<table border=0 class=\"report-font-table\"><tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC><td><b>MODEL</b></td><td><b>SERIAL NUMBER</b></td><td><b>INSPECTOR</b></td><td><b>COMMENTS/FAILS</b></td></tr>";
$MySQL3 = 'select Model, Serial_no, Inspector, Comment from AX_Audit where Date=#'.$new_date.'#';
$MyCon=odbc_connect('SQA_Typewriter','','') or die ('No audits carried out on that day');         // use the SQA_Typewriter ODBC

$rs = 0;  // set count of array to be 0 for first run
   for($i = 0; $i < count($rs); ) {
   //while (odbc_fetch_row($MyResult))
   while ($rs = odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
    //divde the count by two and see if there is a remainder(odd number) and assign a color.
     $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? '#CCFFFF' : '#CCFFCC';
    //print results....
    echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\">
                <td >".odbc_result($result,"Serial_no")."</td>
                    <td >".odbc_result($result,"Inspector")."</td>
                        <td >".odbc_result($result,"Comment")."</td>
            </tr>"; //etc
print "</table>";

<p class="report-font-header"><b>AX Spec Checks</b></p>

/////////------get data for cm spec checks
echo "<table border=0 class=\"report-font-table\"><tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC><td><b>PRODUCT CODE</b></td><td><b>MODEL</b></td><td><b>COUNTRY</b></td><td><b>INSPECTOR</b></td><td><b>COMMENTS/FAILS</b></td></tr>";
$MySQL2 = 'select Product_code, Model, Country, Inspector, Comment from AX_spec_check where Date=#'.$new_date.'#';
$MyCon=odbc_connect('SQA_Typewriter','','') or die ('No audits carried out on that day');         // use the SQA_Typewriter ODBC

$rs = 0;  // set count of array to be 0 for first run
   for($i = 0; $i < count($rs); ) {
   //while (odbc_fetch_row($MyResult))
   while ($rs = odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
    //divde the count by two and see if there is a remainder(odd number) and assign a color.
     $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? '#CCFFFF' : '#CCFFCC';
    //print results....
    echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\">
                <td >".odbc_result($result,"Inspector")."</td>
                <td >".odbc_result($result,"Comment")."</td>
            </tr>"; //etc
print "</table>";
<table border="0">
    <tr><td class="report-font-header"><b>Total CM Audits:</b></td><td width="20" align="center"><b>
$ctSQL1 = 'select Count(*) AS cma from CM_Audit where Date=#'.$new_date.'#';   // Prepare SQL

   $MyCon=odbc_connect('SQA_Typewriter','','');         // use the SQA_Typewriter ODBC
   $MyResult=odbc_exec($MyCon,$ctSQL1) or die ('0');                  // run the query against the ODBC

    $row = odbc_fetch_array($MyResult);
    echo $row['cma'];

    ?></b></td><td class="report-font-header"><b>Total CM Spec Checks:</b></td><td width="20" align="center"><b>
$ctSQL2 = 'select Count(*) AS cmsp from CM_spec_check where Date=#'.$new_date.'#';   // Prepare SQL

   $MyCon=odbc_connect('SQA_Typewriter','','');         // use the SQA_Typewriter ODBC
   $MyResult=odbc_exec($MyCon,$ctSQL2) or die ('0');                  // run the query against the ODBC

    $row = odbc_fetch_array($MyResult);
    echo $row['cmsp'];

        </b></td></tr><tr><td class="report-font-header"><b>Total AX Audits:</b></td><td width="20" align="center"><b>
$ctSQL3 = 'select Count(*) AS axa from AX_Audit where Date=#'.$new_date.'#';   // Prepare SQL

   $MyCon=odbc_connect('SQA_Typewriter','','');         // use the SQA_Typewriter ODBC
   $MyResult=odbc_exec($MyCon,$ctSQL3) or die ('0');                  // run the query against the ODBC

    $row = odbc_fetch_array($MyResult);
    echo $row['axa'];

?></b></td><td class="report-font-header"><b>Total AX Spec Checks:</b></td><td width="20" align="center"><b>
$ctSQL4 = 'select Count(*) AS axsc from AX_spec_check where Date=#'.$new_date.'#';   // Prepare SQL

   $MyCon=odbc_connect('SQA_Typewriter','','');         // use the SQA_Typewriter ODBC
   $MyResult=odbc_exec($MyCon,$ctSQL4) or die ('0');                  // run the query against the ODBC

    $row = odbc_fetch_array($MyResult);
    echo $row['axsc'];




I havent had chance to study the code in depth but just picking up on something you say about using die which I guess you are trying to use for troubleshooting. As you know "pages" dont load until its ready (ok there are exceptions but lets not going into those & flushing here).


Personally for troubleshooting I use log files, i.e.

function dodebug($string)


global $Basedir,$thisprocess ;

if(!file_exists($Basedir.'debugs')) mkdir($Basedir.'/debugs/') ;

$ff = fopen($Basedir."debugs/".date('Ymd')."-debug.dat","a") ;

fwrite($ff,"[".date('H:i:s')."][".$thisprocess."] ".$string."\r\n") ;

fclose($ff) ;

return(1) ;

} //dodebug


you can then easily debug your code even when pages dont load. Also on the sql stuff you can test where it successully got the result or "a" result.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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