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I was setting up mySQL on a server of mine, running Red Hat 8, and when I changed the password for the root user, something freaked. I know exactly what was typed in for the password, because it\'s done on the command-line. Is there some kind of file I can get into to change it like on Windows?


Thanks forthe help. 8)


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How to Reset a Forgotten Root Password


If you never set a root password for MySQL, then the server will not require a password at all for connecting as root. It is recommended to always set a password for each user. See Security.


If you have set a root password, but forgot what it was, you can set a new password with the following procedure:



1.Take down the mysqld server by sending a kill (not kill -9) to the mysqld server. The pid is stored in a .pid file, which is normally in the MySQL database directory:


shell> kill `cat /mysql-data-directory/hostname.pid`


You must be either the Unix root user or the same user mysqld runs as to do this.


2.Restart mysqld with the --skip-grant-tables option.


3.Set a new password with the mysqladmin password command:


shell> mysqladmin -u root password \'mynewpassword\'


4.Now you can either stop mysqld and restart it normally, or just load the privilege tables with:


shell> mysqladmin -h hostname flush-privileges


5.After this, you should be able to connect using the new password.


Alternatively, you can set the new password using the mysql client:


1.Take down and restart mysqld with the --skip-grant-tables option as described above.


2.Connect to the mysqld server with:


shell> mysql -u root mysql


3.Issue the following commands in the mysql client:


mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD(\'mynewpassword\')

-> WHERE User=\'root\';



4. After this, you should be able to connect using the new password.


5.You can now stop mysqld and restart it normally.


MySQL Reference Manual © 2002 MySQL AB

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