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PHPRunner Switch/Case not working properly


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Soooo I'm tearing my hair out.

I am just trying to make a switch that, after a successful login, it checks for the userlevel of the user, passes it to a switch and based on the case, redirects to their respective page. Database is Oracle 11g, I am using PHPRunner. This is the script for the event that happens after a successful login:


// After successful login
function AfterSuccessfulLogin($username,$password,&$data)
{$sql="select userlevel from LOGIN where USERNAME='".$_SESSION["UserID"]."'";
$rs = CustomQuery($sql);


case "admin":
header("Location: AUDIT_TABLE_list.php"); 

case "redauditor":
header("Location: test2.php");

header("Location: main.php"); // redirect to main page if no permission is set
// function AfterSuccessfulLogin     


So, the login (not showed) goes through but when it executes this it ONLY redirects to the first case specified. (In the code above: AUDIT_TABLE_list.php). If I change the cases to numbers (and equivalently change the datatype on the column to number as well) I get the same problem. If I quote the numbers, it displays the default page.


What's going wrong? How can I get it to recognize the other cases? Should I just start from scratch and make the switch without using the PHPRunner variables - if so, what does this look like for Oracle? (I know how to do it for mysql)


m._.m Any help is appreciated, thank you.

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