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At this for 4 hours. Sort users by post count, instead of by name!


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I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand. I haven't needed to go to a help site for quite some time lol.


I'm having a bit of trouble with this code. It's to list all contributors on my Wordpress blog, but the code lists them by display_name, and I want it to sort by post count. The problem is that post count isn't a var in the authors[] array. How would I get $numposts into the array, and how could I call that in the sort function? Am I missing something really simple here?? Here is my code below:


// Use this to sort authors by display name
function sort_authors($a, $b)
return strcmp($a['display_name'], $b['display_name']);

// Output a list of contributors
function contributors() {
$authors = array();

// Get all blog users
$blogusers = get_users_of_blog();
foreach ($blogusers as $bloguser)
	// Fetch
	$user = get_userdata($bloguser->user_id);
	$numposts = get_usernumposts($user->ID);

	// Skip if admin or has no posts
	if ($user->user_login == 'admin' || $numposts < 1) continue;
	$authors[] = (array) $user;


// Sort the authors by display name
usort($authors, 'sort_authors');

// Get the current page
$paged = get_query_var('paged');
if (!$paged) $paged = 1;

// We'll return these at a later stage
$current_page = $paged;
$total_pages = ceil(count($authors) / 10);

// Calculate the starting and ending points
// Assuming we'll be showing 10 authors per page
$start = ($paged - 1) * 10;
$end = $paged * 10;
if ($end > count($authors)) $end = count($authors);

// Loop through the authors
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++)

	$author = $authors[$i];

	// Gather data and meta
	$nicename = $author['user_nicename'];
	$display_name = $author['display_name'];
	$avatar = get_avatar($author['ID']);
	$author_profile_url = get_bloginfo('url') . '/author/' . $nicename . '/';
	$website = get_usermeta($author['ID'], 'user_url');
	$twitter = get_usermeta($author['ID'], 'twitter');
	$bio = $author['description'];
$numposts2 = $author['numposts1'];
echo $numposts2;

$numposts = get_usernumposts($author['ID']);

	// Hide if empty
	$twitter = strlen($twitter) > 0 ? 'Twitter: <a href="http://twitter.com/' 

. $twitter . '" target="_blank">@' . $twitter . '</a><br />' : '';
	$website = strlen($website) > 0 ? 'Website: <a href="' . $website . '" 

target="_blank">Visit</a><br />' : '';
	$bio = strlen($bio) > 0 ? 'Bio: ' . substr($bio, 0, 50) . '... <a href="' 

. $author_profile_url . '">Read more</a><br />' : '';

$this_count +=1;
if ($this_count == "5") {
print("<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>");
$this_count = "0";

	// Output the list
print <<<HTML

			<a href="{$author_profile_url}">{$avatar}</a>

			<div id="authorname">
<center><a href="{$author_profile_url}" title="View {$display_name}'s Profile">

{$display_name}</a> <span class="postcount">($numposts)</span> </center>



// Return an array containing current and total pages
// These values could be used to output pagination
return array(
	'current_page' => $current_page,
	'total_pages' => $total_pages
print("<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>");


I just need this to sort by the $numposts var, instead of by name. What am I missing here? Can this be done? Thanks a lot in advance to anyone that can give me a hand! :)

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Ok I finally got the var into the array as $authors[post_counter]. I have it sorting with two different codes, but it's sorting backwards. Does anyone know how I can reverse it?


usort($authors, 'sorting_authors');


function sorting_authors($a, $b)


  return strnatcmp($a['post_counter'], $b['post_counter']);


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