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Template intergration


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Hi, I hope you guys can help me, I have just got a reseller account with a company, and their control panel can be intergrated with another template, but I just cant work it out, I would be thankful if you can help, thanks in advance :)


Here is the template I am trying to intergrate;

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						<div class="slide-image"><img src="images/slide-2.png" alt="Slide #2 image" /></div>
						<div class="slide-text">
							<h2><a href="#">Donec porta molestie tortor</a></h2>
							<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis sagittis enim. Maecenas ligula erat, egestas congue, varius nec, sagittis nec, purus. In neque. Curabitur at metus tincidunt dui tristique molestie. Donec porta molestie tortor. Fusce euismod consectetuer sapien. Fusce ac velit.</p>
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And here is the sample they provide;

<div id='all'>
<div id='header-block'>
    <div id="wrapper">
  		<div id='banner-bg'>
  		<div id='top-text-block'>
          <div id="cp-name-holder">
            <span id='cp-name-block' class='cp-name-here'></span>
          <div id='top-link-block'>
            <a id='home-link' href='/'>Home</a>
            <span class='header-splitter'>   |   </span>
            <a id='logout-link' href='/expired.cgi?logout=1'>Log Out</a>
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            <a id='help-link' href='/support.cgi'>Help</a></span>
            <span class='header-splitter'>   |   </span>
            <a target='_blank' id='managing-domain-name'></a>
          <div id="translation-holder">
            <div id="google_translate_element"></div>
              if(google_translate == 1) {
                function googleTranslateElementInit() {
                  function inner() {
                    new google.translate.TranslateElement({
                      pageLanguage: 'en'
                    }, 'google_translate_element');

                  // Internet Explorer needs this second check.
                  if(google_translate == 1) {
                    setTimeout(inner, 0);
              } else {
                // Move the links over to the right.
                document.getElementById('top-link-block').style.marginRight = '15px';
            <script src="/secure-proxy.cgi?file=GoogleTranslateElement"></script>
    </div><!-- wrapper -->

<script type="text/javascript">
  var broken_windows_browser = 0;
  if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie")>=0) broken_windows_browser = 1;

  var interval_id = setInterval('watch_for_close()', 500);

  if(google_translate == 1) {
    setTimeout('find_dropdown()', 1000);

  var translation_seen = 0;
  var updated_on_close = 0;
  function find_dropdown() {
    if(document.getElementById(':0.targetLanguage')) {
      var lang_dropdown = document.getElementById(':0.targetLanguage').firstChild;
      lang_dropdown.onchange = function() {
        translation_seen = 1;
        var lang = lang_dropdown.value;


  function is_superuser() {
    if(get_cookie('dc')) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;

  function get_cookie(cookie_name) {
    var results = document.cookie.match('(^| ?' + cookie_name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)');

    if (results) {
    } else {
      return null;

  function watch_for_close() {
    try {
      var iframe = document.getElementById(':1.container');
      var iframe_holder = iframe.parentNode;
    } catch(e) {

    if(iframe_holder.style.display != 'none') {
      translation_seen = 1;
    } else {
      if(translation_seen && updated_on_close == 0) {
        updated_on_close = 1;

  function update_language(language) {
    var xmlhttp;

    if(broken_windows_browser) {
      xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("MsXml2.XmlHttp");
    } else {
      xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

    var query_string = "superuser=" + is_superuser() + "&lang=" + language;
    xmlhttp.open("POST", "update_language.cgi", true);
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", query_string.length);
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

  function set_page_language() {
    if(document.getElementById(':1.container')) {

    var xmlhttp;

    if(broken_windows_browser) {
      xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("MsXml2.XmlHttp");
    } else {
      xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

    var query_string = "superuser=" + is_superuser();
    var location = "" + document.location;

    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
        var language = xmlhttp.responseText;
        if(language != '0') {

          var separator = '?';
          if(location.match(/\?/)) {
            separator = '&';

          if(!location.match(/googtrans/i)) {
            document.location = document.location + separator + 'translate=1#googtrans/en/' + language;

    if(!location.match(/login\.cgi/) && google_translate) {
      xmlhttp.open("POST", "get_language.cgi", true);
      xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
      xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", query_string.length);
      xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

  setTimeout('set_page_language()', 1000);

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