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I'm trying to make it so the array responds to the integer of status in the database. So, to check if it's one, I try this:


$get["status"]["1"] = "Message here...";


But, on my result, I'm just getting WWTT - And the value in the database for the ticket is 0. I'm not sure if I'm using the array correctly.


My full code:




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<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>

<div id="container">
<div id="content">
	<div id="left">
		<div class="menu">
			<?php include("../includes/navigation.php"); ?>
			<div class="menufooter"></div>
		<?php include("../includes/menu.php"); ?>
	<div id="middle">
		$existing = $_POST['existing'];

		$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id),id,status,date,question,title FROM tickets WHERE id='$existing'");
		$get = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>Error</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>You have not enetered in a ticket ID. Please go back and do so.</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>
		elseif($get['COUNT(id)'] < 1)
		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>Error</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>The ticket ID you are trying to use doesnt exist. Please go back or submit another ticket.</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>
		$get["status"]["0"] = "Waiting for support...";
		$get["status"]["1"] = "Waiting for user...";
		$get["status"]["2"] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$get["status"]["3"] = "Ticket Opened...";

		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>View Ticket Status - ID '. $get["id"] .'</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>Title: '. $get["title"] .' - Posted on: '. $get["date"] .'</p>
				<p>Ticket Status: '. $get["status"] .'</p>
				<p>Question: '. nl2br($get["question"]) .'</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>


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You're not displaying your status properly as these variables

			$get["status"]["0"] = "Waiting for support...";
		$get["status"]["1"] = "Waiting for user...";
		$get["status"]["2"] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$get["status"]["3"] = "Ticket Opened...";

Will overwrite the value from your database . Instead of using $get['status'] name your array as $status, eg

			$status[0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status[1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status[2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status[3] = "Ticket Opened...";

Now change

					<p>Ticket Status: '. $get["status"] .'</p>


					<p>Ticket Status: '. $status[$get["status"]] .'</p>

Now it should echo out the correct status message depending on the value of the status field.

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Thank you guys!


And one more question, since I don't need to create a new topic:


$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(tickets.id),tickets.id,tickets.status,tickets.date,tickets.question,tickets.title,users.position FROM tickets,users WHERE tickets.id='$existing' users.username='$username'");


How do I get it so it selects data from the table tickets where id='$existing', but I also want to get a user's (who is viewing the ID) position (rank). $username is a session. So, any thoughts on how I would do so?


My updated code:




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>

<div id="container">
<div id="content">
	<div id="left">
		<div class="menu">
			<?php include("../includes/navigation.php"); ?>
			<div class="menufooter"></div>
		<?php include("../includes/menu.php"); ?>
	<div id="middle">
		$existing = $_POST['existing'];
		$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
		$username = $_SESSION['user'];

		$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(tickets.id),tickets.id,tickets.status,tickets.date,tickets.question,tickets.title,users.position FROM tickets,users WHERE tickets.id='$existing' OR users.username='$username'");
		$get = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>Error</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>You have not enetered in a ticket ID. Please go back and do so.</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>
		elseif($get['COUNT(id)'] < 1)
		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>Error</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>The ticket ID you are trying to use doesnt exist. Please go back or submit another ticket.</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>
		elseif($get['tickets.ip']==$ip || $get['user.position'] >= 1)
		$status["tickets.status"]["0"] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status["tickets.status"]["1"] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status["tickets.status"]["2"] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status["tickets.status"]["3"] = "Ticket Opened...";

		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>View Ticket Status - ID '. $get["id"] .'</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>Title: '. $get["tickets.title"] .' - Posted on: '. $get["tickets.date"] .'</p>
				<p>Ticket Status: '. $status[$get["tickets.status"]] .'</p>
				<p>Question: '. nl2br($get["tickets.question"]) .'</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>

		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>Error</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>This is not your ticket. You only have permission to view your tickets. Please go back.</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>

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You're not displaying your status properly as these variables

			$get["status"]["0"] = "Waiting for support...";
		$get["status"]["1"] = "Waiting for user...";
		$get["status"]["2"] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$get["status"]["3"] = "Ticket Opened...";

Will overwrite the value from your database . Instead of using $get['status'] name your array as $status, eg

			$status[0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status[1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status[2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status[3] = "Ticket Opened...";

Now change

					<p>Ticket Status: '. $get["status"] .'</p>


					<p>Ticket Status: '. $status[$get["status"]] .'</p>

Now it should echo out the correct status message depending on the value of the status field.


It doesn't work. :(


		$status["status"][0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status["status"][1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status["status"][2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status["status"][3] = "Ticket Opened...";

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not sure that im reading this correctly  but your pulling an value from a database, to control the error message?


does this work?


//status messgaes
$get["status"]["0"] = "Waiting for support...";
$get["status"]["1"] = "Waiting for user...";
$get["status"]["2"] = "Ticket Closed...";
$get["status"]["3"] = "Ticket Opened...";

//value pulled from database i.e. $a = row['value'], from a request $a = $_GET['value']
$a =1;

echo "<p>Ticket Status: ".$get["status"][$a]."</p>";


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You're not displaying your status properly as these variables

			$get["status"]["0"] = "Waiting for support...";
		$get["status"]["1"] = "Waiting for user...";
		$get["status"]["2"] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$get["status"]["3"] = "Ticket Opened...";

Will overwrite the value from your database . Instead of using $get['status'] name your array as $status, eg

			$status[0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status[1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status[2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status[3] = "Ticket Opened...";

Now change

					<p>Ticket Status: '. $get["status"] .'</p>


					<p>Ticket Status: '. $status[$get["status"]] .'</p>

Now it should echo out the correct status message depending on the value of the status field.


It doesn't work. :(


		$status["status"][0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status["status"][1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status["status"][2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status["status"][3] = "Ticket Opened...";

Get rid of ["status"]

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You're not displaying your status properly as these variables

			$get["status"]["0"] = "Waiting for support...";
		$get["status"]["1"] = "Waiting for user...";
		$get["status"]["2"] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$get["status"]["3"] = "Ticket Opened...";

Will overwrite the value from your database . Instead of using $get['status'] name your array as $status, eg

			$status[0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status[1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status[2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status[3] = "Ticket Opened...";

Now change

					<p>Ticket Status: '. $get["status"] .'</p>


					<p>Ticket Status: '. $status[$get["status"]] .'</p>

Now it should echo out the correct status message depending on the value of the status field.


It doesn't work. :(


		$status["status"][0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status["status"][1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status["status"][2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status["status"][3] = "Ticket Opened...";

Get rid of ["status"]


If I get rid of status, it wont know what I'm trying to grab from the database...




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
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<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>

<div id="container">
<div id="content">
	<div id="left">
		<div class="menu">
			<?php include("../includes/navigation.php"); ?>
			<div class="menufooter"></div>
		<?php include("../includes/menu.php"); ?>
	<div id="middle">
		$existing = $_GET['existing'];
		$existing = $_POST['existing'];

		$reply = $_POST['answer'];
		$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
		$username = $_SESSION['user'];

		$query_user = mysql_query("SELECT position FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
		$get_position = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_user);

		$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id),id,status,date,question,title,username FROM tickets WHERE id='$existing'");
		$get = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>Error</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>You have not enetered in a ticket ID. Please go back and do so.</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>
		elseif($get['COUNT(id)'] < 1)
		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>Error</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>The ticket ID you are trying to use doesnt exist. Please go back or submit another ticket.</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>
		elseif($get['ip']==$ip || $get_position['position'] >= 1)
		$get["status"][0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$get["status"][1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$get["status"][2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$get["status"][3] = "Ticket Opened...";

			$message = "<p><a href='view.php?close=". $get['id'] ."&existing=". $get['id'] ."'>[CLOSE]</a></p>";

		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>View Ticket Status - ID '. $get["id"] .'</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				'. $message .'
				<p>Title: '. $get["title"] .'<br/>Posted on: '. $get["date"] .'<br/>Posted by: '. $get["username"] .'</p>
				<p>Ticket Status: '. $get["status"]['. $get["status"] .'] .'</p>
				<p>Question: '. nl2br($get["question"]) .'</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>

			<div class="post">
				<div class="postheader"><h1>Replies</h1></div>
				<div class="postcontent">
				<p><a href="view.php?reply='. $get["id"] .'&existing='.  $existing .'">Reply</a></p>

			$replies = mysql_query("SELECT username,date,message FROM replies WHERE tid='{$get["id"]}'");
			while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($replies))
				echo '<p>Username: '. $row["username"] .' Post Date: '. $row["date"] .'<br/>
				'. nl2br($row["message"]) .'

				<p><a href="view.php?reply='. $existing .'&existing='. $existing .'">Reply</a></p>
				<div class="postfooter"></div>

			echo '
				<div class="post">
				<div class="postheader"><h1>Post a reply</h1></div>
				<div class="postcontent">
				<p>Replying to Ticket ID '. $get["id"]. '...</p>

				<center><form action="view.php" method="POST"><table border="0">
				<input type="hidden" name="existing" value="'.  $existing .'">
				<tr><th>Reply/Answer</th><td><textarea name="answer" rows="10" cols="25" maxlength="1000"></textarea></td></tr>
				<tr><th></th><td><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr>
				<div class="postfooter"></div>
			$date = date("m-d-y");
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO replies VALUES ('', '$existing', '$date', '$reply', '$username')");

			echo '	<div class="post">
				<div class="postheader"><h1>Posted</h1></div>
				<div class="postcontent">
				<p>Your reply has been added! <a href="view.php?existing='. $existing .'">Return to Ticket</a></p>
				<div class="postfooter"></div>
		<div class="post">
			<div class="postheader"><h1>Error</h1></div>
			<div class="postcontent">
				<p>This is not your ticket. You only have permission to view your tickets. Please go back.</p>
			<div class="postfooter"></div>

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You've got it all wrong.

			$get["status"][0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$get["status"][1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$get["status"][2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$get["status"][3] = "Ticket Opened...";

Here you're overwriting the value coming from your database ($get['status']) as you're redefining the variable $get['status'] to an array, variables with the same name cannot store two different values.


This is why I suggested you to define your various status messages within a separate array ($status), as I posted earlier

			$status[0] = "Waiting for support...";
		$status[1] = "Waiting for user...";
		$status[2] = "Ticket Closed...";
		$status[3] = "Ticket Opened...";


Now the variable $get['status'] holds the array index that corresponds to a status message within the $status array. To display the status message you'd use

echo $status[$get['status']];


So if $get['status'] is set to the value of 2, then the above will display "Ticket Closed...", if it was set to 1 then it'll display "Waiting for user..." etc.

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