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PHP Used to update database


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Just looking at the update,

this should update

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
echo dbconnect(); //Echo WTF ???
include ('logincheck.php'); ?>
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            <!-- but act -->
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         <div style="padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 20px;"><span class="right"><?php echo("<form action=\"auth.php\" method=\"post\" name=\"login\" id=\"login\">
                                      Username: <input name=\"PHP_AUTH_USER\" type=\"text\" id=\"PHP_AUTH_USER\" value=\"username\"><br><br>
                    Password: <input name=\"PHP_AUTH_PW\" type=\"password\" id=\"PHP_AUTH_PW\" value=\"\"><br>
                    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Login\">

                  </form>"); ?></span></div>
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          <td> </td>
            <p style="color: #1F269D; font-size: 20px; margin-left: 0px;"><b>Edit  Player Stats:</b></p>
            <p style="color: #1F269D; font-size: 20px; margin-left: 0px;"><span style="color: #1F269D; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 0px;">Powerplay Goals & Shorthanded Goals are not to be added to points total - all goals scored should be added to goals column and these are added to total points. </span></p>
            if( isset($_SESSION['msg']) ) echo  $_SESSION['msg'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['act'])) {
      $act = $_REQUEST['act'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['stat'])) {
      $stat = $_REQUEST['stat'];

    if ($stat==1) {
      // normal players
      $table = "players";
    } else {
      // snl_players
      $table ="snl_players";

      case "editdo":
	$query = "UPDATE `$table`
	    SET `Nationality` = '{$_POST['Nationality']}',
	    `GamesPO` = '{$_POST['GamesPO']}',
	    `AssistsPO` = '{$_POST['AssistsPO']}',
	    `GoalsPO` = '{$_POST['GoalsPO']}',
	    `PPGoalsPO` = '{$_POST['PPGoalsPO']}',
	    `SHGoalsPO` = '{$_POST['SHGoalsPO']}',
	    `PointsPO` = '{$_POST['PointsPO']}',
	    `PIMPO` = '{$_POST['PIMPO']}' ,
	    `PIM` = '{$_POST['PIM']}' ,
	    `PointsCup` = '{$_POST['PointsCup']}' ,
	    `PIMCup` = '{$_POST['PIMCup']}' ,
	    `AssistsCup` = '{$_POST['AssistsCup']}' ,
	    `GoalsCup` = '{$_POST['GoalsCup']}' ,
	    `PPGoalsCup` = '{$_POST['PPGoalsCup']}' ,
	    `SHGoalsCup` = '{$_POST['SHGoalsCup']}' ,
	    `GamesCup` = '{$_POST['GamesCup']}' ,
	    `Points` = '{$_POST['Points']}' ,
	    `Assists` = '{$_POST['Assists']}' ,
	    `Goals` = '{$_POST['Goals']}' ,
	    `PPGoals` = '{$_POST['PPGoals']}' ,
	    `SHGoals` = '{$_POST['SHGoals']}' ,
	    `TeamID` = '{$_POST['TeamID']}' ,
	    `Player` = '{$_POST['Player']}' ,
	    `Games` = '{$_POST['Games' ]}'
	    WHERE `PlayerID` = '{$_GET['PlayerID']}'";
	$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
	$_SESSION['msg'] = "The player has been updated. No. of records updated, ". mysql_affected_rows();
	echo ("The player has been updated. No. of records updated, ".mysql_affected_rows()."<br><br><a href=\"playerstats.php\"> Go back to the player List</a>");

            if (strcmp($act, 'edit')==0) {
      $query11 = "SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `PlayerID` = '$PlayerID'";
      $result11 = mysql_query($query11) or die (mysql_error());
      $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result11);
      $PlayerID = $rows['PlayerID'];
      $TeamID = $rows['TeamID'];
      $Team = $rows['Team'];
      $Player = $rows['Player'];
      $Games = $rows['Games'];
      $Goals = $rows['Goals'];
      $PPGoals = $rows['PPGoals'];
      $SHGoals = $rows['SHGoals'];
      $Assists = $rows['Assists'];
      $PIM = $rows['PIM'];
      $Points = $rows['Points'];
      $GamesCup = $rows['GamesCup'];
      $GoalsCup = $rows['GoalsCup'];
      $PPGoalsCup = $rows['PPGoalsCup'];
      $SHGoalsCup = $rows['SHGoalsCup'];
      $AssistsCup = $rows['AssistsCup'];
      $PIMCup = $rows['PIMCup'];
      $PointsCup = $rows['PointsCup'];
      /* $GamesNPL = $rows['GamesNPL'];
      $GoalsNPL = $rows['GoalsNPL'];
      $PPGoalsNPL = $rows['PPGoalsNPL'];
      $SHGoalsNPL = $rows['SHGoalsNPL'];
      $AssistsNPL = $rows['AssistsNPL'];
      $PIMNPL = $rows['PIMNPL'];
      $PointsNPL = $rows['PointsNPL']; */
      $GamesPO = $rows['GamesPO'];
      $GoalsPO = $rows['GoalsPO'];
      $PPGoalsPO = $rows['PPGoalsPO'];
      $SHGoalsPO = $rows['SHGoalsPO'];
      $AssistsPO = $rows['AssistsPO'];
      $PIMPO = $rows['PIMPO'];
      $PointsPO = $rows['PointsPO'];
      $Nationality = $rows['Nationality'];

      $query11 = "SELECT * FROM `teams` WHERE `TeamID` = '$TeamID'";
      $result11 = mysql_query($query11) or die (mysql_error());
      $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result11);
      $TeamName = $rows['TeamName'];

      echo ("<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"playerstats.php?act=edit&PlayerID=$PlayerID&stat=$stat\">
	<table width=\"80%\" border=\"0\">
	    <td width=\"30%\" class=\"data\">Player Name </td>
	    <td width=\"70%\"><input name=\"Player\" type=\"text\" id=\"Player\" value=\"$Player\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">Associated Team ID </td>
	    <td class=\"data\">  <select name=\"TeamID\">");

      $query11 = "SELECT * FROM `teams`";
      $result11 = mysql_query($query11) or die (mysql_error());
      while ( $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result11) ) {
	$TeamName = $rows['TeamName'];
	$TeamID2 = $rows['TeamID'];
	if (strcmp($TeamID,$TeamID2)==0) {
	  echo("    <option value=\"$TeamID2\" selected>$TeamName</option>");
	} else {
	  echo("    <option value=\"$TeamID2\">$TeamName</option>");

	    <td class=\"data\">Games</td>
	    <td><input name=\"Games\" type=\"text\" id=\"Games\" size=\"6\" value=\"$Games\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">Goals</td>
	    <td><input name=\"Goals\" type=\"text\" id=\"Goals\" size=\"6\" value=\"$Goals\"></td>
	  </tr>    <tr>
	    <td class=\"data\">PPGoals</td>
	    <td><input name=\"PPGoals\" type=\"text\" id=\"Goals\" size=\"6\" value=\"$PPGoals\"></td>
	  </tr>    <tr>
	    <td class=\"data\">SHGoals</td>
	    <td><input name=\"SHGoals\" type=\"text\" id=\"Goals\" size=\"6\" value=\"$SHGoals\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">Assists</td>
	    <td><input name=\"Assists\" type=\"text\" id=\"Assists\" size=\"6\" value=\"$Assists\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">PIM</td>
	    <td><input name=\"PIM\" type=\"text\" id=\"PIM\" size=\"6\" value=\"$PIM\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">Points</td>
	    <td><input name=\"Points\" type=\"text\" id=\"Points\" size=\"6\" value=\"$Points\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">GamesCup</td>
	    <td><input name=\"GamesCup\" type=\"text\" id=\"GamesCup\" size=\"6\" value=\"$GamesCup\"></td>
	  </tr>  <tr>
	    <td class=\"data\">GoalsCup</td>
	    <td><input name=\"GoalsCup\" type=\"text\" id=\"GoalsCup\" size=\"6\" value=\"$GoalsCup\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">PPGoalsCup</td>
	    <td><input name=\"PPGoalsCup\" type=\"text\" id=\"GoalsCup\" size=\"6\" value=\"$PPGoalsCup\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">SHGoalsCup</td>
	    <td><input name=\"SHGoalsCup\" type=\"text\" id=\"GoalsCup\" size=\"6\" value=\"$SHGoalsCup\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">AssistsCup</td>
	    <td><input name=\"AssistsCup\" type=\"text\" id=\"AssistsCup\" size=\"6\" value=\"$AssistsCup\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">PIMCup</td>
	    <td><input name=\"PIMCup\" type=\"text\" id=\"PIMCup\" size=\"6\" value=\"$PIMCup\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">PointsCup</td>
	    <td><input name=\"PointsCup\" type=\"text\" id=\"PointsCup\" size=\"6\" value=\"$PointsCup\"></td>
	  </tr>  ");

      if ($stat!=1) {
      <tr><td class=\"data\">GamesPO</td>
	    <td><input name=\"GamesPO\" type=\"text\" id=\"GamesPO\" size=\"6\" value=\"$GamesPO\"></td>
	  </tr> <tr>
	    <td class=\"data\">GoalsPO</td>
	    <td><input name=\"GoalsPO\" type=\"text\" id=\"GoalsPO\" size=\"6\" value=\"$GoalsPO\"></td>
	    <td class=\"data\">PPGoalsPO</td>
	    <td><input name=\"PPGoalsPO\" type=\"text\" id=\"GoalsPO\" size=\"6\" value=\"$PPGoalsPO\"></td>

	    <td class=\"data\">SHGoalsPO</td>
	    <td><input name=\"SHGoalsPO\" type=\"text\" id=\"GoalsPO\" size=\"6\" value=\"$SHGoalsPO\"></td>

	    <td class=\"data\">AssistsPO</td>
	    <td><input name=\"AssistsPO\" type=\"text\" id=\"AssistsPO\" size=\"6\" value=\"$AssistsPO\"></td>

	    <td class=\"data\">PIMPO</td>
	    <td><input name=\"PIMPO\" type=\"text\" id=\"PIMPO\" size=\"6\" value=\"$PIMPO\"></td>

	    <td class=\"data\">PointsPO</td>
	    <td><input name=\"PointsPO\" type=\"text\" id=\"PointsPO\" size=\"6\" value=\"$PointsPO\"></td>

	    <td class=\"data\">Nationality</td>
	    <td><input name=\"Nationality\" type=\"text\" id=\"Nationality\" value=\"$Nationality\"></td>

      <td class=\"data\"> </td>
	    <td> </td>
	    <td class=\"data\"> </td>
	    <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Edit\"></td>
            } elseif (strcmp($act,'teamlist')==0) {
      $query112 = "SELECT * FROM `teams` WHERE `TeamID` = '$TeamID'";
      $result112 = mysql_query($query112) or  die (mysql_error());
      $rows2 = mysql_fetch_array($result112);
      $TeamName = $rows2['TeamName'];
      $Logo = $rows2['Logo'];

      if ($Logo!="") {
	echo("<img src=\"../Images/$Logo\" /><br><br>");
      echo ("<strong>Edit $TeamName Players</strong><br><br>Click Player Names to edit details<br><br>");
      $query11 = "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `TeamID` = '$TeamID'";
      $result11 = mysql_query($query11) or  die (mysql_error());
      while ( $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result11) ) {
	$Player = $rows['Player'];
	$PlayerID = $rows['PlayerID'];
	$TeamID = $rows['TeamID'];
	echo ("<span class=\"style1\"><a href=\"playerstats.php?act=edit&PlayerID=$PlayerID&stat=1\">$Player</a><br>");
            } else {
     echo ("Click Team Names to view players<br><br>");
     $query11 = "SELECT distinct TeamID FROM `players` ORDER BY `TeamID`";
     $result11 = mysql_query($query11) or    die (mysql_error());
     $TeamID_in = "";
     while ( $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result11) ) {
       //$TeamID = $rows['TeamID'];
       $TeamID_in .= "'".$rows['TeamID']."',";
     $TeamID_in = (substr($TeamID_in,-1) == ",") ? substr($TeamID_in, 0, -1) : $TeamID_in;

     //  $query112 = "SELECT * FROM `teams` WHERE `TeamID` = '$TeamID'";
     $query112 = "SELECT * FROM `teams` WHERE `TeamID` IN ($TeamID_in)";
     $result112 = mysql_query($query112) or  die (mysql_error());
     $rows2 = mysql_fetch_array($result112);
     $TeamName = $rows2['TeamName'];
     echo ("<span class=\"style1\"><a href=\"playerstats.php?act=teamlist&TeamID=$TeamID&stat=1\">$TeamName</a><br>");
            echo ("<a name=\"snl\"></a><br><strong><a href=\"snlplayerstats.php\">SNL Teams</a></strong><br><br>");

            <p> </p>
            <p> </p>
         <label>  </label>
            <p> </p>
            <p> </p>
            <p><a href=""></a></p>   </td>
      <div align="center"><img src="images/hr01.gif" width="556" height="11" alt="" border="0"></div>    </td>
         <tr valign="bottom" bgcolor="#D0E0ED">
      <td bgcolor="#E7BD1D"><img src="images/bot_left.gif" width="183" height="21" alt="" border="0"></td>
     <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="780" height="64" background="images/fon_bot.gif">
       <tr valign="top">
      <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="780" background="">
          <td width="300"><p class="menu02">Designed by Steven McLean</p></td>
            <p class="menu02"><a href="">FifeFlyers.co.uk Admin Home</a></p>
   <td valign="bottom" background="images/bg_right.gif"><img src="images/bg_right.gif" alt="" width="17" height="16" border="0"></td>
   <td width="50%" background="images/bg.gif"><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>


I fixed a few random bugs as well *untested*


But it needs re-working

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Now getting


Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in C:\Domains\fifeflyers.co.uk\wwwroot\admin\logincheck.php on line 1


Notice: Use of undefined constant icehock - assumed 'icehock' in C:\Domains\fifeflyers.co.uk\wwwroot\admin\logincheck.php on line 8




Notice: Undefined variable: stat in C:\Domains\fifeflyers.co.uk\wwwroot\admin\snlplayerstats.php on line 84


Notice: Undefined variable: act in C:\Domains\fifeflyers.co.uk\wwwroot\admin\snlplayerstats.php on line 93


Notice: Undefined variable: act in C:\Domains\fifeflyers.co.uk\wwwroot\admin\snlplayerstats.php on line 126


Notice: Undefined variable: act in C:\Domains\fifeflyers.co.uk\wwwroot\admin\snlplayerstats.php on line 308

Click Team Names to view players



Notice: Undefined variable: TeamID in C:\Domains\fifeflyers.co.uk\wwwroot\admin\snlplayerstats.php on line 343

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you shouldn't get

Notice: Undefined variable: act 

as you stated

As I am editing the stats on the playerstats page the PHP action at the top shows:




After I click on the edit button to update the database it goes to:




But it is taking me back to a list of the teams (when I click on each team it shows me their players that I can edit)



if (isset($_REQUEST['act'])) {
         $act = $_REQUEST['act'];
       if (isset($_REQUEST['stat'])) {
         $stat = $_REQUEST['stat'];



it won't update until you pass act=editdo

if (isset($_REQUEST['act'])) {
         $act = $_REQUEST['act'];
          $act = ""; //Default whatever!
       if (isset($_REQUEST['stat'])) {
         $stat = $_REQUEST['stat'];
          $stat = 0;

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Ok, I am not getting any error messages but what is happening now is that I am getting into the Edit Player Stats page then I can click on the league (which should then show all the teams). But when I am clicking on the league it is not showing up the different teams but instead just staying on the page with the league name

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