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How to narrow results


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Wasn't sure exactly where to post this question:


I was wondering if anybody knows where I can find a good tutorial on how to set up a "narrow results" script in php? I'm sure it's pretty easy, but I'm still getting the hang of searches, so I'm looking for anything that helps beat it into my brain. :)




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Ah, sorry.


When the user uses a form to query the database and pull results, I want to place options for them to narrow the search results by. I've got searches, but I don't know how to make it just search their results, instead of the entire database.


For example, their first search is for Red Hyundai cars. Then, if that gives them 100 choices, they can narrow the results by car model.


Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I was just hoping there was a tutorial somewhere I could reference before bothering the forum with a hundred questions, because I'm so new at this.



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yes... you are right... is a lot of examples in the net/forums to solve what do you want...


basically your form should include all the possibles search criteria that allow you to filter the final query results... in some cases you can use form fields which values depend on the value of previous field and they are populated querying the database also.


search around this forum and others and you will find examples. 

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