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this foreach loop is causing mysql_num_rows to not return the amount of rows in mysql correctly. 


the variable $value has two strings in it (testa and testb). 


So foreach should loop once with $value as 'testa', then loop again with $value as 'testb'.


the problem is at the mysql_num_rows.  It should return 1 because there is 1 row in mysql with keywords 'testa' and 1 row with keywords 'testb', instead it returns zero.  If i change $value to 'testa' it works. 


	foreach($value as $value) {	

  	$updatestable = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Stacks` WHERE keywords LIKE '%$value%' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")or die (mysql_error());

		$upnum = mysql_num_rows($updatestable); 
		echo $upnum;
		if ($upnum==0){
		} else {
		 while($rowup = mysql_fetch_assoc($updatestable))

		 $uporigin = $rowup['origin'];
		 $upreply = $rowup['reply'];





hope the question isn't too complicated.  basically if i remove the loop. the mysql num_rows works and returns a row. If i don't remove the loop it returns zero.

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Your foreach() loop is overwriting your original array $value with the first value in it -

  foreach($value as $value) { 


Use a different variable name to prevent your code from overwriting your own data.


You also should not be executing a query inside of a loop. implode your original array $value into a  string and use it in the mysql IN() statement to get all the matching rows in a single query.

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i attempted below... but it's not working...  what did i do wrong?


$keyvalue = implode(" ",$value);

foreach($value as $key) {   
        $updatestable = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Stacks` WHERE keywords IN ('$keyvalue') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")or die (mysql_error());
         $upnum = mysql_num_rows($updatestable);
         echo $upnum;
         if ($upnum==0){
         } else {
          while($rowup = mysql_fetch_assoc($updatestable))
          $uporigin = $rowup['origin'];
          $upreply = $rowup['reply'];

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If you truly looked at the examples, you would notice that if your data is numeric, you would form a comma separate list of numbers and if your data is strings, you would form a comma separated list of single-quoted strings.


i did look at the example.


1) i imploded $value and it echoes "testa testb".


 $keyvalue = implode(" ",$value);


2) $keyvalue now has 2 strings(testa testb)?  how do i use that in the mysql IN clause then?  I did this. you can't expect me to type out the strings myself because it should be automatic.


WHERE keywords IN ('$keyvalue') 



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maybe i should rephrase it easier...



the problem is mysql_num_rows is returning zero rows.. when it should return 1 row.

the variable $value is an array with two strings (testa and testb)...


when i remove the foreach loop and replace $key with 'testa' in the query it works(returns 1 row).  how do i solve this?... both 'testa' and testb' have a row each in mysql.


  foreach($value as $key) {
  	$updatestable = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Stacks` WHERE keywords LIKE '%$key%' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")or die (mysql_error());

		$upnum = mysql_num_rows($updatestable); 
		echo $upnum;


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