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Hello all,


The following script is used to query an array. (www.example.com/test.php?lev[]=MS&lev[]=College)


Currently, it echos the values queried and simply lists them (echo "$lev (br />\n").  Is it possible to echo those values by keeping the checkbox in question checked instead?


<?php echo "<b>Levels <br /> />";
  foreach($_GET['lev'] as $lev){
    echo "$lev  <br />\n";
  } ?>

<form />
<input type="checkbox" name="lev[]" value="PreK" /><font class="sm">PreK</font>
<input type="checkbox" name="lev[]" value="Elem" /><font class="sm">Elem</font>
<input type="checkbox" name="lev[]" value="MS" /><font class="sm">MS</font>
<input type="checkbox" name="lev[]" value="HS" /><font class="sm">HS</font>
<input type="checkbox" name="lev[]" value="College" /><font class="sm">College</font>
<input type="submit" value=" ..:: Submit ::.. " />


Thank you.



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Ideally you would want to "build" the checkboxes from wherever you store the list (in a DB?). Without knowing your entire application here is a solution using an array. I also modified it slightly so you can give the checkboxes more descriptive labels other than "MS" while still preserving the values. I'm not sure why you have a closing FORM tag before the form fields, but oh well. Lastly, don't use the FONT tag, it has been deprecated for years. Since you are using a class it isn't doing anything anyway - just use a span tag.


<form />


$levelList = array(
    'PreK'   => 'Pre Kindergarten',
    'Elem'   => 'Elementary',
    'MS'     => 'Middle School',
    'HS'     => 'High School',
    'College' => 'College'

//Display selected levels
echo "<b>Levels <br /> />";
echo implode("  <br />\n", $_GET['lev']);

//Create list of levels for selection
foreach($levelList as $level => $label)
    echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"lev[]\" value=\"{$level}\" />";
    echo "<span class=\"sm\">PreK</span>\n";

<input type="submit" value=" ..:: Submit ::.. " />

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