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trouble with mod_autoindex and php


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Looking all over for some clues here.  There seem to be major issues with a php header/footer file and the mod_autoindex output.  Here is my htaccess file info:


AddHandler php5-cgi .html

AddType text/html .html

HeaderName test_doc_header.html


note that php as a cgi is the server config.  Before they ran it as a mod and that worked fine.  Now it's  a problem.


With the above config, the directory listing is garbled.  If I add a footer, the footer follows the header and the garbled listing is at the bottom.  I currently have a test up at http://www.cmcboulder.org/doc_test/


Problem is that I need the php processing for the application to work.  I'm beginning to think that I need to go find/write a directory listing app in php to replace mod_autoindex :(


Back on topic, has anyone heard of solutions to this issue?

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Apache bug filed on this, https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=49810


The header puts some standard site stuff in, via php includes and some generated page content.  The footer adds some buttons for file management, if the user is logged in with the right permissions.


I've worked around this by just writing our own php file list code and including the header/footer stuff directly.

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