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I am seen people have dynamic pages that loads the information from a database and then displays that information from the url. EG domain.com/somedirectory/something I have a website that does this but uses domain.com/something.php?id=something . This works great but when I go to try and get the statistics for that page from facebook for number of people that have liked that page.


When I go to: http://graph.facebook.com/http://likebook.cz.cc/ It shows me the information:

   "id": "**************",
   "name": "LikeBook",
   "picture": "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/hs178.ash2/41817_130259343675613_3465_s.jpg",
   "link": "http://www.facebook.com/pages/LikeBook/130259343675613",
   "category": "Website",
   "description": "Collect every like at LikeBook.cz.cc",
   "fan_count": 3


But when I try and go to: http://graph.facebook.com/http://likebook.cz.cc/like.php?id=31 It shows me:


   "id": "http://likebook.cz.cc/like.php"


So what I need to do is. Make a dynamic page within that sub directory.


So that http://likebook.cz.cc/like/31 does grabs the information from line 31 of my database, like http://likebook.cz.cc/like.php?id=31 would do.


Thank you


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I believe I would have to write a script for apache. Some 404 pages display what you were trying to look for on the page. I just want to know how that works.


Also I found a website that says I could use CGI to load dynamic content. I haven't coded CGI and don't know how to script something like this up.


I host my website on a free web hosting and to enable CGI I used .htaccess

Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl 


If someone could help me that would be greatly appreciated.



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Don't make a noob over think lol. I have tried this:

Redirect 301 / index.php


And it doesn't redirect it to index.php


Within the index.php I will just get the referrer then get rid of anything I don't want and then do the sql queries etc.. Error trap it so people can't injection attack and wont accept letters.


Its not simple I googled it I got this: httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_rewrite.html and I don't see anything I need.

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