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Dear PHP Guru


I have been strugling with a piece of code I can´t get to work, so I hope someone can help me out!


It is a simple league system, and what I wan´t is this:


Two teams play each other 5 times, the one team who wins 3 or more gets 2 points.


So my problem is this. When I add the score for the two teams say Team 1 wins 3 times and Team 2 wins 2 times, the db with this data updates fine. But I would also like a piece of code that that adds 2 points to the winning team. I have tried to do so below, but it doesn.t seems to work. I get no data in the tabel where the 2 points should go in to?


What is wrong here?




include "config.php";
$link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd) or die("Couldn't establish connection");

if (isset($id))
        $query = "UPDATE league_matchresults SET result_1 = '$result_1', result_2 = '$result_2' WHERE id = $id";
        @$result = mysql_query($query, $link);
echo mysql_error();
		if ($result_1 >= 3)
		$query = "UPDATE league_teamdata SET points = points + 2 WHERE team_1 = $team_name";
		 echo $team_1; // This is only to make sure I have the correct data in $team_1 - Seems to work!


Try this:


include 'config.php';

if ($link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd)) {
  if (!mysql_select_db($dbname, $link)) {
    trigger_error('Could not select the database: ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
else {
  trigger_error('Could not connect to the database: ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);

if (isset($id)) {
  $query  = "UPDATE league_matchresults SET result_1 = '%s', result_2 = '%s' WHERE id = %d";
  $result = mysql_query(sprintf($query, 
    ), $link
  if ($result !== FALSE) {
    if ($result_1 >= 3) {
      $query  = "UPDATE league_teamdata SET points = points + 2 WHERE team_1 = '%s'";
      $result = mysql_query(sprintf($query, mysql_real_escape_string($team_name)), $link);
      if ($result !== FALSE) {
        echo $team_1;
      else {
        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
  else {
    trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);



That did the trick.

Had the team_1 and team_name switched around, but thats not your bad.

Figured that out so it works like a charm...


But I must admit.... I have no idea what your code is about???


Do you know why it is not possible the way i coded it?

The reason why yours wouldn't work is because the update query you were using for the points addition, you didn't use mysql_query() to actually execute the query. Therefore the query wasn't being executed on the server and the database remained unchanged.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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