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accessing object in arrays!!


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hi guys!!

after spending few months on oop based programming, i'm trying to structure my code in mvc way... and i found this tutorial at http://www.phpro.org/tutorials/Model-View-Controller-MVC.html by kevin waterson.  i can make almost all of it except the code on indexController.php


this class has a private variable $registry.  the author has assigned it an object that acts like a global variable. when i dump this variable as i get the following:


Registry Object (

        [vars:Registry:private] => Array ( [db] => PDO Object ( )

                                                          [router] => Router Object ( [registry:Router:private] => Registry Object *RECURSION*

                                                                                                  [path:Router:private] => C:\wamp\www\phpro\phprotest/controller

                                                                                                  [args:Router:private] => Array ( )

                                                                                                  [file] =>                                                      C:\wamp\www\phpro\phprotest/controller/indexController.php

                                                                                                  [controller] => index [action] => index )

                                                          [template] => Template Object ( [registry:Template:private] => Registry Object *RECURSION*

                                                                                                          [vars:Template:private] => Array ( [welcome] => Welcome to PHPRO MVC ) ) ) )


and later on the author uses the following code


/*** set a template variable ***/

        $this->registry->template->welcome = 'Welcome to PHPRO MVC';


to access a property $welcome in the template object.


....... as i understand template is just an array item in the vars[] array which is the private property of registry object (and this object is stored into the $this->registry property).... i don't understand the concept how the array item 'template' that stores the Template class object is used to access the Template class  property welcome to set the value.... i mean



  echo 'yes';

prints yes.


can someone shed the light on this?

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