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Problem: my checkbox array chkBrand[] is not saving data when I click the save button called cmdSave. Each checkbox specifies a brand connected to a model number. Multiple brands can be connected to each model number. (Don't ask, it's what the customer wants.)


So, if I check the checkbox in row 0 and row 3, only row 0 shows up. If I check the boxes in row 0, 1, 5, only rows 0, 1 show up in chkBrand and $newchkbrandarr.


First, my routine to see which button is checked is at the top of the php file. Here it is.

else if (isset($_POST['cmdSave'])) //Try to save items first.
$newchkbrandarr=$_POST['chkBrand']; //Checkbox for each brand.
$olddata=$_SESSION['olddata']; //Non-brand Fields strung together.
$brandlist=$_SESSION['brandlist']; //List of brands displayed.

crPrintarr('chkBrand raw',$_POST['chkBrand']); //DEBUG. Prints array to screen.
//===At this point chkBrand[] contains: 1

//Turn nulls in checkboxes to zeros.
for ($j=0; $j<$cnt; $j++)
	} //for j

//Make sure that at least one brand is checked.
crPrintarr('newchkbrandarr',$newchkbrandarr); //DEBUG
//===At this point, $newchkbrandarr contains: 1, 0

$s='Elements in newchkbrandarr cnt='.$cnt;
$s.=', count brandlist='.count($brandlist);
crDebug($s); //DEBUG
$cnt=count($newchkbrandarr); //Find number of elements.
for ($j=0; $j<$cnt; $j++)
	//$s='arrpos '.$j.': newchkbrandarr='.($newchkbrandarr[$j]+0).', cnt2='.$cnt2;
	//crDebug($s); //DEBUG
	} # for j


Here is my code to construct the array of checkboxes, one per table row. Each checkbox has its array position explicitly defined as $x. $x starts at zero, and is incremented by 1 for each table row (each check box).


    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) 		
$br=trim($row['brand']); //Brand name to display
$brandlist[]=$br; //Save every found brand for later.
//First find if brand is checked on table "brands". 
        $query2 = "SELECT brand ".
        "FROM brands ".
        "WHERE ".
        "(partid=".$partidvar.") ".
        "AND (brand='".$br."') ".
        "ORDER BY brand ".
        $cntchk=crqryCount($query2,false); //If $cntchk>0 then brand is checked.
        //$s="Is brand stored already? <br/>$query2";
        //crDebug($s); //DEBUG
        $query2 = "SELECT brand ".
        "FROM zzbrands ".
        "WHERE (brand='".$br."') ".
        "AND (prodnameoverride=1) ".
        "ORDER BY brand ".
	$override=crqryCount($query2,false); //Can this brand override product name?

    	    '<input type="text" value="'.$br.'" id="txtBrand[]" name="txtBrand[]" '.
    	    'size="20" readonly class="mydisabled" />';
    	$s.='<td align="center">';
    	$s.='<input type="checkbox" name="chkBrand['.$x.']" '.
    	    'id="chkBrand['.$x.']" value="1" ';
    	if ($cntchk>0)
    		$s.='checked="checked" ';
    	else {


Any ideas what I might be missing?


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Sorry I didn't show you that, but at the bottom of the WHILE loop that creates the checkboxes, the $x does get incremented for each row, and each checkbox is in a different array position, going from chkBrand[0] to chkBrand[8].


Here is a partial <FORM> showing how the chkBrand[] is numered.

<form action="/toolbox/training/masttest/editpart.php?" method="post"><hr/>Commands: <input type="submit" name="cmdSave" value="Save" title="Save all changes on this screen" /> <hr/><b>Check one or more brands: (Do bullet delete, reorder before doing pricing screen)</b>
<table border=1 style="border: 2px solid red;border-collapse:collapse">
<tr valign="bottom"><th>Check box<br/>to enable brand<th>Enable brand?<th>Brand pricing<th>Brand bullets<th>Copy bullets from another brand<th>Override<br/>product name</tr>

<tr><td><input type="text" value="brand1" id="txtBrand[]" name="txtBrand[]" size="20" readonly class="mydisabled" /><td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="chkBrand[0]" id="chkBrand[0]" value="1" checked="checked" /><td>Edit pricing<td><a href="editbullets.php?partid=23280&brand=brand1&model=abc100&prodcat=aaChuckProdcat">Edit bullets (0)</a><td>

<tr><td><input type="text" value="brand2" id="txtBrand[]" name="txtBrand[]" size="20" readonly class="mydisabled" /><td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="chkBrand[1]" id="chkBrand[1]" value="1" /><td><td><td>

<tr><td><input type="text" value="brand3" id="txtBrand[]" name="txtBrand[]" size="20" readonly class="mydisabled" /><td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="chkBrand[2]" id="chkBrand[2]" value="1" /><td><td><td>

<tr><td><input type="text" value="brand4" id="txtBrand[]" name="txtBrand[]" size="20" readonly class="mydisabled" /><td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="chkBrand[3]" id="chkBrand[3]" value="1" /><td><td><td>



when you check rows 0, 1 and 5 in variable $newchkbrandarr is array(0 = >1, 1 => 1, 5 =>1) is it righr?

after 1st for loop $newchkbrandarr is array(0 = >1, 1 => 1, 2 => 0, 5 =>1) is it right?

in 2nd for loop you sum this array $cnt2 is 3


can you explain what you want?

Ok. Things seem to be working now. My app has its own login and user system. The only thing I did different was I logged off last night, and logged into my app this morning, and the variable $newchkbrandarr appears to be storing the values correctly and passing them to the cmdSave routine in the same php file.


I was using IE 8.0. I wonder if it's a bug with IE 8.0. Yesterday I did close all my IE windows, then restart them but I never logged out of my app. When I went back to my app's page, I was still logged into my app.


Anyway, $newchkbrandarr is an array that is supposed to reflect the checkmarks stored in chkBrand[], so I can tell if I need to add a new brand to a model (a checkmark was added) or delete a brand from a model (checkmark was unchecked). It wasn't working yesterday, now it is.




I spoke too soon. Sometimes $newchkbrandarr has the correct values, sometimes not. Let's say I start with chkBrand[] boxes 0, 1, and 4 checked. I click cmdSave to start my save routine in the same php file. I created my own routine to print an array, called crPrintarr. Here's what $newchkbrandarr starts off as:

pos 0=1

pos 1=1

pos 2=0

pos 3=0

pos 4=1


These values are all correct. Now if I check the box for chkBrand number 7, I get these values in $newchkbrandarr:

pos 0=1

pos 1=1

pos 2=0

pos 3=0

pos 4=1


Noticed that positions 5, 6, and 7 don't even appear in the array! Pos 7 should be 1 (indicating the checkbox chkBrand was checked).


Here is my code at the beginning of where cmdSave starts:

else if (isset($_POST['cmdSave'])) //Try to save items first.
$_SESSION['modelnum']=$modelnumvar; //Save for form display.
$newpartvar=$_POST['chkNewpart']; //from checkbox to mark part as NEW
$newchkbrandarr=$_POST['chkBrand']; //Checkbox for each brand.
$oldchkbrandarr=$_SESSION['oldchkbrandarr']; //Checkboxes before user changed them.
$olddata=$_SESSION['olddata']; //Non-brand Fields strung together.
$brandlist=$_SESSION['brandlist']; //List of brands displayed.

crPrintarr('chkBrand raw',$_POST['chkBrand']); //DEBUG

//Turn nulls in checkboxes to zeros.
for ($j=0; $j<$cnt; $j++)
	} //for j


//Make sure that at least one brand is checked.
crPrintarr('newchkbrandarr',$newchkbrandarr); //DEBUG, params are header to display, and array var
$s='Elements in newchkbrandarr cnt='.$cnt;
$s.=', count brandlist='.count($brandlist);
crDebug($s); //DEBUG
$cnt=count($newchkbrandarr); //Find number of elements.
for ($j=0; $j<$cnt; $j++)
	//$s='arrpos '.$j.': newchkbrandarr='.($newchkbrandarr[$j]+0).', cnt2='.$cnt2;
	//crDebug($s); //DEBUG
	} # for j
if ($cnt2==0)
        $msg='ERROR: at least one brand should be checked. Please choose one. ';
        crError($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].' line '.__LINE__,$msg,true);

And here is crPrintarr:

function crPrintarr($hdr,$arr,$lend='<br/>')
/* Print an array to the screen. 
$hdr=info about array we are displaying
$lend=line ending
$s='crPrintarr: '.$hdr.'<br/>';
for ($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++)
$s.='--pos '.$i.'='.$arr[$i].'<br/>';
} //for i


else if (isset($_POST['cmdSave'])) //Try to save items first.
$_SESSION['modelnum']=$modelnumvar; //Save for form display.
$newpartvar=$_POST['chkNewpart']; //from checkbox to mark part as NEW
$newchkbrandarr=$_POST['chkBrand']; //Checkbox for each brand.
$oldchkbrandarr=$_SESSION['oldchkbrandarr']; //Checkboxes before user changed them.
$olddata=$_SESSION['olddata']; //Non-brand Fields strung together.
$brandlist=$_SESSION['brandlist']; //List of brands displayed.

crPrintarr('chkBrand raw',$_POST['chkBrand']); //DEBUG

//Turn nulls in checkboxes to zeros.
for ($j=0; $j<$cnt; $j++)
	} //for j


 else 	$footnotevar=$_POST['chkFootnote']+0;
$newchkbrandarr=$_POST['chkBrand']; //Checkbox for each brand.
$oldchkbrandarr=$_SESSION['oldchkbrandarr']; //Checkboxes before user changed them.
$olddata=$_SESSION['olddata']; //Non-brand Fields strung together.
$brandlist=$_SESSION['brandlist']; //List of brands displayed.

//	crPrintarr('chkBrand raw',$_POST['chkBrand']); //DEBUG

//Turn nulls in checkboxes to zeros.
        $cnt = max(array_keys($newchkbrandarr));
for ($j=0; $j<=$cnt; $j++)
                if (!isset($newchkbrandarr[$j])) $newchkbrandarr[$j]=0;
	} //for j

Thanks, sasa. I did some work over the weekend and apparently the count() function does not work properly for an array of checkboxes. So I must keep track of how many checkboxes there are, and loop through them using that variable.


Below is a complete test program which illustrates the fix. Let's call it tstchk.php. It does not require any connection to any database.

<?php session_start(); 
$title='Checkbox test v.12a';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  echo '<title>'.$title.'</title>';
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
echo '<h2>'.$title.'</h2>';
echo '<p>Testing check box array. Check some boxes then click the Save button. The value of each entry in the checkbox array will then be printed. ';
echo 'If you check boxes 0, 1, and 4, only the values for boxes 0, 1 and 4 SHOULD be set to 1 (indicating checked). However, what happens is, only  the values for entries 0 and 1 are 1 (indicating checked). ';
echo '<br/>';

<!-- comment -->
// Connect to the database 
//$dbc = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $database);


if (isset($_POST['cmdSave'])) //Save records that were changed.
    echo '<hr/>';
for ($i=1; $i<$arrcnt; $i++)
	if ((is_null($brandarr[$i])) or (empty($brandarr[$i])) )
	else {
	$s='box '.$i.'='.$brandarr[$i].'<br/>';
	echo "$s\n";
        } //for i
    echo '<hr/>';
    foreach ($brandarr as $b)
    	echo "$b<br/>";
    echo '<hr/>';
    } //if isset($_POST['cmdSave']


<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.SID; ?>" method="post">
//$oldbrandarr=array(); //Init array.
echo "<table>\n";
for ($i=1; $i<=MAXCHECKBOX; $i++)
	$s='<tr><td>Box '.$i.' <input type="checkbox" name="chkBrand['.$i.']" '.
	   'id="chkBrand['.$i.']" value="1" />';

	/* $s='<tr><td>Box '.$i.' <input type="checkbox" name="chkBrand[]" '.
	   'id="chkBrand[]" value="1" />';
	echo "$s</tr>\n";
	} // for i
echo '</table>'."\n";

//$_SESSION['oldbrandarr']=$oldbrandarr; //Save for use above in this file.

<p>Commands: <input type="submit" name="cmdSave" value="Save" />


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