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how to do same as phpmyadmin add new fields, keeping current data in fields.

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The page loads and existing data is put in their correct fields.


When I click 'add more' to add more fields to the form it does so and I am able to add new data.


If on adding a new fields and its data I click 'add more' again it clears out the recently added data from the fields.  The existing data that was present when the page first loaded is still their but all the new fields added data is cleared.


how can I get it so the data stays, like in phpmyadmin when adding new fields.




function addmore(addwhat) {
// count existing boxes to find out next number to use.
// ?
if (addwhat == 'addresses') {
fieldid = 'addressesdiv';
if (addwhat == 'namesnumbers') {
fieldid = 'namesdiv';
var dv = document.getElementById(fieldid).innerHTML;
var lines = dv.match(/<br>/ig).length;

	if (addwhat == 'addresses') {
				document.getElementById('addressesdiv').innerHTML += '<textarea name="address' + lines + '" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea><br>';
	if (addwhat == 'namesnumbers') {
				document.getElementById('namesdiv').innerHTML += '<textarea name="name' + lines + '" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea><br>';
				document.getElementById('mobilesdiv').innerHTML += '<textarea name="mobile' + lines + '" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea><br>';



if ($_POST['Submit'] == 'Submit') {
for ($c = 1; $c <= (count($_POST)-1)/2; $c++) {
echo("name" . $c . " = " . $_POST['name'.$c] ."   mobile" . $c . " = " . $_POST['mobile'.$c] . "<br>");

$customer_id = "11";

// get existing data.

// if not yet sent get data from databases
$ok = "no";
	if ($_POST['Submit'] != "Submit") {
	echo("<br>not sent<br>");
	$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `customer_client_names` WHERE `customer_id` = '". $customer_id ."'");
	$maincount = mysql_num_rows($res);
	echo("<br>number of clients = ".$maincount."<br>");
		for ($c = 1; $c <= $maincount; $c++) {
		$_POST['name'.$c] = mysql_result($res, $c-1, "client_name");
		$_POST['mobile'.$c] = mysql_result($res, $c-1, "client_mobile");
		echo("cn = ".$_POST['name'.$c] . " cm = ".$_POST['mobile'.$c] . "<br>");
	} else {
					// display last posted info

					$ok = "yes";
					// check if info was entrted correctly or not.

					for ($c = 1; $c <= ((count($_POST)-1)/2); $c++) {
						if ($_POST['name'.$c] != "" && $_POST['mobile'.$c] == "") {
						echo("<br>" . $_POST['name'.$c] ." was not given a mobile number<br>");
						$ok = "no";
						$maincount ++;
						if ($_POST['name'.$c] == "" && $_POST['mobile'.$c] != "") {
						echo("<br>" . $_POST['mobile'.$c] ." mobile was not given a name<br>");
						$ok = "no";
						$maincount ++;


if ($ok == "no") {
				<form name="form1" method="post" action="?ac=<?=$menu_item;?><? echo("&phpsession=" . $phpsession); ?>">
				<div style="width: 850px;">
					<div id="namesdiv" style="float: left; padding-right: 10px;">Client's Names<br>
						<? for ($c = 1; $c <= ((count($_POST)-1)/2)+1; $c++) {
						if ($_POST['name'.$c] != "" || $_POST['mobile'.$c] != "") {
						<textarea name="<?='name'.$c;?>" cols="30" rows="2"><?=$_POST['name'.$c];?></textarea><br>
						} ?>
					<div id="mobilesdiv" style="float: left;">Client's Mobile numbers<br>
						<? for ($c = 1; $c <= ((count($_POST)-1)/2)+1; $c++) {
						if ($_POST['name'.$c] != "" || $_POST['mobile'.$c] != "") {
						<textarea name="<?='mobile'.$c;?>" cols="30" rows="2"><?=$_POST['mobile'.$c];?></textarea><br>
						} ?>
				<br style="clear: both;">
				  <a href="#" onClick="javascript:addmore('namesnumbers'); return false;" >Add more</a> 
				  <input type="hidden" name="customer_id" value="<?=$customer_id;?>">
				  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

In order to keep the current field values, you must create new elements and append them to the existing elements. See the following link for an example - http://www.maheshchari.com/multifile-upload/

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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