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New website for selling timber, tools and hardware is waiting for critique


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I found a few issues layout-wise when viewing the website with Firefox 3.6.8:


- Shop by category: The arrows are on the next line instead of in front of the text, the border-top has a nasty jumping effect.

- Language: the language icon is below the language selection box

- Mailing list: the text box does not expand to it's full width


Other issues I found:


- I can't add a product to basket directly

- Do NOT prohibit basic functionality to keep working, I can't add something to the basket because I have JS disabled. Another reason for providing backwards compatibility is when by accident you upload something or wrong logic executes and that breaks your JS.

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I found a few issues layout-wise when viewing the website with Firefox 3.6.8:


- Shop by category: The arrows are on the next line instead of in front of the text, the border-top has a nasty jumping effect.

- Language: the language icon is below the language selection box

- Mailing list: the text box does not expand to it's full width


Other issues I found:


- I can't add a product to basket directly

- Do NOT prohibit basic functionality to keep working, I can't add something to the basket because I have JS disabled. Another reason for providing backwards compatibility is when by accident you upload something or wrong logic executes and that breaks your JS.


This has been the most helpful feedback mate.


I will make a to do list of those things and start working to make the website better.


Please let me know if there is anything else you think could be better.


Kind regards,


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  • 3 weeks later...

The website all in all looks fairly decent. I would however recommend looking into pagination as no one enjoys scrolling down to read content. Also I can tell that your navigation bar has a repeated image. I would recommend re-sizing it or turning the repeat off. The website looks good hope I could be some help.

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