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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to add up the current time with a specified amount of seconds and insert it in a database afterwards.

When I add say: 500 seconds to the current time it adds a whole lot more and I get a number few thousands higher than I want. Can anyone help me???.

Gr Ryflex

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$time = time()+7200;

$time_new = $time + $level_up_time + 7200;

              mysql_query("UPDATE buildings

                            SET finish = '$time_new'

                            WHERE member_id = '$id' AND type = '$building'");

column type varchar(25)


Why do you add 7200 to the current time twice? You're adding 4 hours to the current time on top of however many seconds $level_up_time is.


If you want to just add 500 seconds to the current time, just do:

$time_new = time() + 500;


Or if $level_up_time is 500...

$time_new = time() + $level_up_time;

this is the full code




//               Declaraties
$time = time()+7200;
$building = "Command Center";
$id = 1;//$_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID'];
$global_dbh = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD)
              or die("Could not connect to database");
              mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE, $global_dbh)
              or die("Could not select database");

//               Data SELECT
$query_string = "SELECT *
                 FROM buildings
                 WHERE type = '$building' AND member_id = '$id'";
$resultID =  mysql_query($query_string);
$string_arr = mysql_fetch_array($resultID);
$level = $string_arr['level'];
$upgrading = $string_arr['upgrading'];
$finish = $string_arr['finish'];

$food_query = "SELECT *
               FROM members
               WHERE member_id ='$id'";
$food_ID =  mysql_query($food_query);
$food = mysql_fetch_array($food_ID);
$food_amount = $food['food'];

$level = $level + 1;

$level_up_query = "SELECT *
                   FROM upgrade
                   WHERE type = '$building' AND level = '$level'";
$result_level_up = mysql_query($level_up_query);
$level_up_array = mysql_fetch_array($result_level_up);
$level_up_cost = $level_up_array['cost'];
$level_up_time = $level_up_array['time'];

//               Data CHECK
if($upgrading == '0')
     if($level_up_cost < $food_amount)
          if($level < '21')

//               Data UPDATE
               mysql_query("UPDATE buildings
                            SET level = '$level+1'
                            WHERE member_id = '$id' AND type = '$building'");
               mysql_query("UPDATE buildings
                            SET upgrade = '$level_up_time'
                            WHERE member_id =$id AND type = '$building'");
               $time_new = $time + $level_up_time + 7200;
               mysql_query("UPDATE buildings
                            SET finish = '$time_new'
                            WHERE member_id = '$id' AND type = '$building'");
               mysql_query("UPDATE buildings
                            SET upgrading = '1'
                            WHERE member_id = '$id' AND type = '$building'");
               $food_new = $food_amount - $level_up_cost;
               mysql_query("UPDATE members
                            SET food = '$food_new'
                            WHERE member_id = '$id'");
               mysql_query("UPDATE members
                            SET timestamp = '$time'
                            WHERE member_id = '$id'");
               header("location: http://ryflex.nl/ryflex/command_center.php");
               echo "If you level up now the level will exceed the level limit.";
          echo "You haven't got enough food to perform this action.";
{    $time = $time ;//-7200;
     echo "Another building is currently being upgraded. Please wait untill it's finished. <BR>tijd   $time + $level_up_time = $finish";
<link href="loginmodule.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<center><h1>Command Center</h1></center>
<table width="500" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<td><a href="command_center.php">Command Center</a></td>
<td><?php echo "$command_center_level";?></td>
<td><a href="command_center_exec.php">Upgrade!</a></td>


thnx i found out what the problem was...

the second addition of 7200 seconds. I forgot it was already done in the beginning.

$time = time() +7200

$time_new = (time()+7200) + $level_up_time + 7200

and then $time compared to $time_new is $level_up_time +7200

like DUH....

I currently feel like a dumbass caveman....

thanx for letting me see the light Hypnos

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