dsp77 Posted September 17, 2010 Share Posted September 17, 2010 Hello, i have this code for sending email it works great but i don't know where to start in sending emails with a pdf file attached ex: test.pdf. Any suggestions? <?php session_start(); require_once('framework/framework.php'); include('framework/class.smtp.inc');//--- databse settings $dsn = array( 'dbtype' => 'mysql', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'host' => '', 'database' => '' ); try { $db = db::connect($dsn); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } //--- $subject="Formular online pentru participantii Diaspora Stiintifica 2010";// +-------------- BEGIN ---- Functia de trimitere mail prin smtp -------------------+ */ function trimite($destinatar='', $subiect='', $mesaj='') {//--- mail settings $smtp_server_host="mail.server.com"; $smtp_server_port="25"; $sender="[email protected]"; $return_path="[email protected]"; $smtp_username="[email protected]"; $smtp_pswd="123"; /*************************************** ** Setup some parameters which will be ** passed to the smtp::connect() call. ***************************************/ $params['host'] = $smtp_server_host; // The smtp server host/ip $params['port'] = $smtp_server_port; // The smtp server port $params['helo'] = exec('hostname'); // What to use when sending the helo command. Typically, your domain/hostname $params['auth'] = false; // Whether to use basic authentication or not// $params['user'] = $smtp_username; // Username for authentication// $params['pass'] = $smtp_pswd; // Password for authentication $params['timeout'] = '60'; /*************************************** ** These parameters get passed to the ** smtp->send() call. ***************************************/ $send_params['recipients'] = $destinatar; // The recipients (can be multiple) $send_params['headers'] = array( "MIME-Version: 1.0", "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(), "Return-Path: ".$return_path, "From: ".$sender, "To: ".$destinatar, "Subject: ".$subiect, "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"); $send_params['from'] = $sender; // This is used as in the MAIL FROM: cmd // It should end up as the Return-Path: header $send_params['body'] = $mesaj; /*************************************** ** The code that creates the object and ** sends the email. ***************************************/ $smtp = new smtp($params); $smtp->connect(); $trimis=$smtp->send($send_params); $raspuns=array($destinatar, $trimis, $smtp->errors); // $smtp->rset(); //--- Bcc:/* $send_params['recipients'] = $sender; $trimisi=$smtp->send($send_params); $errmsgi=$smtp->errors; print "<br>bcc: ".$send_params['recipients']."; ".$trimisi."<br>"; for ($n = 0 ; $n <= count($errmsgi) - 1; $n++) { print "<br>"." bccerr: <strong>".$errmsgi[$n]."</strong><br>"; }*/ $smtp->quit(); return $raspuns; }// +-------------- END ---- Functia de trimitere mail prin smtp -------------------+ */// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ $afisez = ""; $cond=0; $query = "SELECT email_1 FROM inregistrari WHERE `completat`=0"; $useri = $db->getAll($query); $i=0; $j=0; $k=0; foreach ($useri as $row) { $tpl = new HTML_Template_Sigma('mesaj'); $tpl->loadTemplateFile("mesaj.html"); $tpl->setVariable($row); $html=$tpl->get(); //*/ $html=nl2br($html); $html=str_replace(chr(10), "", $html); $html=str_replace(chr(13), "", $html); // */// +----------------------+ $subiect = $subject; if (!empty($row['email_1'])) { $subelements=preg_split("/, /", $row['email_1'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); for ($m = 0 ; $m <= count($subelements) - 1; $m++) { $rez = trimite($subelements[$m], $subiect, $html); if ($rez[1]==true) { $afisez .= $rez[0].";1<br>"; $i++; } else { $afisez .= $rez[0].";0<br>"; $errmsg=$rez[2]; for ($n = 0 ; $n <= count($errmsg) - 1; $n++) { $afisez .= " <strong>".$errmsg[$n]."</strong><br>"; } $j++; } } } else { $afisez .= $row['email_1'].";no email;n<br>"; $k++; } }$afisez .= "<br>{$i} mesaje Trimise<br>";$afisez .= "{$j} mesaje Netrimise<br>";$afisez .= "{$k} mesaje fara adresa<br>";print $afisez;?> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/213640-send-mail-with-attachments/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
dsp77 Posted September 17, 2010 Author Share Posted September 17, 2010 in fact i need to implement this code in the other one... <?phpfunction mail_attachment($filename, $path, $mailto, $from_mail, $from_name, $replyto, $subject, $message) { $file = $path.$filename; $file_size = filesize($file); $handle = fopen($file, "r"); $content = fread($handle, $file_size); fclose($handle); $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); $uid = md5(uniqid(time())); $name = basename($file); $header = "From: ".$from_name." <".$from_mail.">\r\n"; $header .= "Reply-To: ".$replyto."\r\n"; $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$uid."\"\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."\r\n"; $header .= "Content-type:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"; $header .= $message."\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"".$filename."\"\r\n"; // use diff. tyoes here $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"\r\n\r\n"; $header .= $content."\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."--"; if (mail($mailto, $subject, "", $header)) { echo "mail send OK"; // or use booleans here echo $mailto; } else { echo "mail send ERROR!"; }}?><?php$my_file = "letter.pdf";$my_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/admin/email/";$my_name = "name";$my_mail = "[email protected]";$my_replyto = "[email protected]";$my_subject = "subject";$my_message = "message";mail_attachment($my_file, $my_path, "[email protected]", $my_mail, $my_name, $my_replyto, $my_subject, $my_message);?> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/213640-send-mail-with-attachments/#findComment-1112006 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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