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CMS consept, need some tips


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So I'm working on a concept for a CMS (mainly for learning purposes but I do plan on using it)


While making a plan for doing pretty much everything I ran into one problem and I was wondering if any one would have some suggestions (suggestions in general like I've always missed * in a CMS or ? is a must have for any CMS etc. are welcome as well).

Anyway my problem, I plan on keeping the CMS outside of the public http and have it generate pretty much everything to the the public folder pretty much like the following





/public/media/script.js & style.css


now I want my users to go to the index.php page and from there simply include articles using AJAX.

HOWEVER! I want a couple of things to work, I want users w/o javascript that click a link to view the article in the correct format (as if it was loaded into index.php)

so my usual method using <a href="article/some_article.html" onclick="ajax(this.href)"> won't exactly work since my users would simply get the article outside of the rest of the site, forcing them to return to the main page every time(that is, if they don't have javascript support for w/e reason).


2nd problem is I want google to find my articles in a correct format with a custom title and discription included and when some one goes to that page I do want them to see the page I had shown to google (no the article in plain text but inide of my template etc.)

and finally I'd like the correctly corresponding page to show in people's history and I want them to be able to bookmark to a specific article page however I would like it if they where not forced to reload the entire page every time because there is simply no need for them to reload the menu banner background etc. every time they view a different article, is the logical way to go here to just say the menu etc. is in your cache so you don't have to get it from the server and the reloading is no biggy for the browser or is there a good way of doing all this pretty much emulating the loading of the page while in reality the article is simply inserted into the page content.


(a thought that came to mind (but which i think is completely insane and entirely missing the point and won't even help for the bookmarking problem) is to have the "no AJAX" page load into an iframe every time an article is loaded, this should add it to history but this is making all the effort to save a little CPU and bandwidth entirely useless...)


some info about the concept

The media/ (script & style) are going to come from my DB (they can be there in the form of logically separate files but on the live site they will be generated into a minimized static file (no comments & no white space.) and when in debugging mode they will be in readable format.

The idea is to generate only elements that have changed (so if an article is added the article index will be edited and he article will be added) this to make sure 2 things go correctly, search engines can index the site as good as possible



so I want google to view my links as pages that contain everything and link them to operational pages containing everything, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do this with the html article in my href, I think I'll have to add some parameter like ?ajax to my url in the AJAX function and link to a php file that checks for that parameter and then either gives the entire page or the article content only, now this is all fine by me but if I do it this way (which is likely) I would like these urls to be shown in the history and the url part of the bowser (even tough a technically equal page is displayed i do not want that page to be loaded, I just want the content to be loaded using AJAX and the url changed to the corresponding page, would this be possible?)


i made a template for the general look a little while ago if you'd like to cmment on that or just have a look here it is:


the scrolltastic JS scrollbar was my previous project I made because i was sick of ugly default scrollbars on my pages xD

if u decide to have a look @ http://www.ggidesigns.com note that it contains dummy content that has never been updated xD


anyway if u have any questions (or run into grammar errors or w/e) feel free to post about that as well because I'd like this to be easy to read and understand and I do tend to wander off and edit lines into something that turns out to be gibberish (grammatically).

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