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Javascript how to jump to anchor tag created in webcontent returned via AJAX


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I need help. I have 3 files:

1. A html file that contains the DIV element to display web content using innerHTML via AJAX

2. A javascript file (myscript2.js) that handles the AJAX and update the DIV.innerhtml and also 'jumps' to an anchor tag created by the 3rd file, process.php

3. A php file (process.php)  to generate the anchor tag and to return content.


What i want to achieve:

1. When the content is returned to client, I wish the content to jump the anchor tag, which was defined at the server.

2. I tried to use the document.getElementById('myLink').click() to have Javascript to jump to it. This works in IE, but it doesn't work in FF and Chrome.


Request for help:

How can I solve this for all browsers?



i. For the Ajax I am using prototype.js.

ii. The codes are attached.






<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="myscript2.js"></script>
<body onload="sendRequest('');">

        <div id="DisplayBlog"></div>  <!-- For AJAX power! -->


Filename: myscript2.js
Function: sendRequest
Date	: 18/09/2010
Purpose	: To send request to server (using prototype.js)
function sendRequest(myText) {
       new Ajax.Request(
     	     		  {method: 'post',
     	     		   parameters: {string: myText},
     			   onSuccess: showResponse
Filename: myscript2.js
Function: showResponse
Date	: 18/09/2010
Purpose	: To show response on the browser.
function showResponse(req){
     text = req.responseText;

     //displays the content returned from server.
     document.getElementById('DisplayBlog').innerHTML = text;
     //Automatically clicks on the link.
     //The browser should shows starting page as "This is where the link will jump to".
     //My problem is this works in IE. 
     //But it is not working in Chrome and FF. It shows at the starting page as 
     //"This link will jump to the anchor named jump"

Filename: process.php
Function: To process and return content to the client

   //Below I define the link to jump from. This link will be automatically called in javascript
   $strMessage = "<A id=\"myLink\" HREF=\"#jump\">This link will jump to the anchor named jump</A>\n";

    for ( $counter = 1; $counter <= 100; $counter += 1) {
    	$strMessage = $strMessage."<p>This is a sentence. Repeated 100 tmes. </p>";

    //Below I define the anchor
    $strMessage = $strMessage."<h1><A NAME=\"jump\">This is where the link will jump to</A></h1> ";

    for ( $counter = 1; $counter <= 100; $counter += 1) {
    	$strMessage = $strMessage."<p>This is another long sentenace. Repeated 100 times.</p>";

     echo $strMessage;




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