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Can someone give me a hand on getting this working :P maybe how to use it and what not.. I'm trying but not very successful lol. I want to call the loaduser on the profile page..


include "Database.php";
class User{

//Constructor - Create a new user
function User(){

//Constructor - Load an existing user
function LoaddUser($userID){

function LoadUser($userID){
	//$db = new Database();
	$results = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userInfo WHERE User_ID = '$userID'"));

	$UserID = $results[userID];
	$Email_Address = $results[Email_Address];
	$Password = $results[Password];
	$Name = $results[Name];
	$Screen_Name = $results[screen_Name];

	return $results;





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I hope Database.php contains a Database class?


If so, you write:


class UserGateway {
     private $db = null;
     function __construct(Database $db) {
         $this->db = $db;
     function getAllUsers() {
         return new UserList($this->db->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users'));
     function findUserById($id) {
         return new User($this->db->fetchRow('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ..'));
     function findUsersByLastName($lastName) {
         return new UserList(..);

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Thanks! I will give this a try!


Do you recommend anything like this as a function?


function LoadUser($userID){

//$db = new Database();

$results = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userInfo WHERE User_ID = '$userID'"));

$UserID = $results[userID];

$Email_Address = $results[Email_Address];

$Password = $results[Password];

$Name = $results[Name];

$Screen_Name = $results[screen_Name];

return $results;



or should i just implement that right in the profile page?




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1) I see that stuff from $results go into variables like $Name in the function LoadUser. What happens to these variables after the function returns $results?


2) What happens to the array that LoadUser returns?


3) Go and google about PHP Arrays and how String indexes work in Arrays.

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Thanks! :)


Another question... how would I get this to output on the profile page? Here is the function:

function GetFriends($User_ID){
		if($User_ID != null){
			$getUserFriends = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `userfriends` WHERE `User_ID` = '$User_ID'") or die(mysql_error());
			$totalUserFriends = mysql_num_rows($getUserFriends);
			while ($UserFriends = mysql_fetch_array($getUserFriends)) {
				$getRequesterInfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `viewInformation` WHERE `User_ID` = '$UserFriends[Friends_User_ID]'")) or die(mysql_error()); //gets requests
				if($getRequesterInfo[Picture_Link] != "") {
					echo"<a href='user_profile.php?User=$RequesterInfo[user_ID]'><img src='$RequesterInfo[Picture_Link]' border='2' height='75' width='75'></a><p/>"; }else{echo"<a href='user_profile.php?User=$RequesterInfo[user_ID]'><img src='".$defaultProfilePicture."' border='2' height='75' width='75'></a><p/>";
				echo "<a href='user_profile.php?User=$RequesterInfo[user_ID]'>$RequesterInfo[screen_Name]</a> - ";
				echo "<a href='?verifydelete&quickViewUser=$RequesterInfo[user_ID]'>Remove</a><br><p/></div>";



That function is in a class called User... Here is what I'm using on the profile page to call it:

$user = $User->GetFriends($User_ID);


And that doesn't work lol... I know it probably need a lot of cleaning up :P and i know I'm not returning the correct value lol.


Thanks for any help,



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Ok I got it working finally. I just need to know if this is the proper way to do it? If there is something that would work better please let me know.


function GetFriends($User_ID){

	if($User_ID != null){

	$getUserFriends = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_friends WHERE $_SESSION[userID] = '$User_ID'") or die(mysql_error());
	$totalUserFriends = mysql_num_rows($getUserFriends);

	while ($UserFriends = mysql_fetch_array($getUserFriends)) {
		echo"<div class=ViewList>";
		$getFriendInformation = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `viewInformation` WHERE `User_ID` = '$UserFriends[Friends_User_ID]'"));
		if($getFriendInformation[Picture_Link] != "") {
			echo"<a href='user_profile.php?User=$getFriendInformation[user_ID]'><img src='$getFriendInformation[Picture_Link]' border='2' height='75' width='75'></a><p/>"; }else{echo"<a href='user_profile.php?User=$getFriendInformation[user_ID]'><img src='".$defaultProfilePicture."' border='2' height='75' width='75'></a><p/>";
		echo "<a href='user_profile.php?User=$getFriendInformation[user_ID]'>$getFriendInformation[screen_Name]</a> - ";
		echo "<a href='?verifydelete&quickViewUser=$getFriendInformation[user_ID]'>Remove</a><br><p/></div>";
	return $UserFriends;


This is what I use to call the function:











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If you want to call it like:




Then you should add static to your function declaration:


static function GetFriends(..


But IMO it doesn't make any sense because User is a representation of the actual user on your system and it would make more sense to write something like:




Which would return a FriendList (or UserList)

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