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Ajax help needed


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Hi, I used this script before to delete contacts from a project I'm working on. So I thought I would use again, but this time I'm having problems. I'm trying to delete a user row from the DB table. The ajax

function deleteUser2(id){
new Ajax.Request('deleteuser025.php', {
parameters: $('idUser'+id).serialize(true),

function deleteUser2(id){
var pars = 'user_id=' + id ;
var okToRefresh = confirm("Do you really want to delete the User?");
if (okToRefresh)
            new Ajax.Updater( 'answers-area', 'deleteuser025.php', { method: 'post', parameters: pars } );


The php I'm trying to run it from..

echo"<td class='userlist_field2'><a href='#' onclick='deleteUser2($username93).refresh()'><img src='images/s_trash.png' alt='user delete' /></a></td>";


This is just the snippet of where I'm having the problem. When I check the fire fox fox error console it shows the variable as if it where echoed out "it shows the user name" and says its undefined.  I can't figure this one out, any help would be appreciated.

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Okay maybe I should clarify myself. The error I'm getting is..

Error: test08 is not defined //// that is the user name (test08) I'm trying to delete.

Source File: http://******.******.org/**********/index.php?pg=users.php#    Line: 1


I made some more changes to the ajax that I had used to delete contacts. The new ajax code..

function deleteUser2(username){
new Ajax.Request('deleteuser025.php', {
parameters: $('username'+username).serialize(true),

function deleteUser2(username){
var pars = 'username=' + username ;
var okToRefresh = confirm("Do you really want to delete the user?");
if (okToRefresh)
            new Ajax.Updater( 'answers-area', 'deleteuser025.php', { method: 'post', parameters: pars } );


I'm not for sure If I need that first js function. All my ajax functions is in one file along with the XMLHttpRequest. So I don't think it's that since how it works on the deleting the contacts. The script link is in the head section. This is driving me nuts :wtf: . I'm on the point of just adding a new id index to the db since how that's how the contacts get deleted by the id. I'm going to add the class function I use to call the the user table.


function AdminListUsers() {
        global $database;
    echo "<div class='userlist'>";
    echo "<table class='userlist' align=\"left\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n";
    $q = "SELECT * FROM ".TBL_USERS." ORDER BY username ASC";
    $result = $database->query($q);
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if (!$result) {
    echo "<tr><td>There are no users to list.</td></td>";
    } else {
    echo "<tr><td class='userlist_tfield'>Image</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>User Name</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>Email</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>First Name</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>Last Name</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>State</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>last login</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>Join Date</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>Edit</td><td class='userlist_tfield'>Delete</td>";
        for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++){
        $username93 = mysql_result($result,$i,"username");
        $userimg    = mysql_result($result,$i,"img"); 
        $email        = mysql_result($result,$i,"email");
        $firstname    = mysql_result($result,$i,"firstname");
        $lastname    = mysql_result($result,$i,"lastname");
        $state        = mysql_result($result,$i,"state");
        $lastlogin    = mysql_result($result,$i,"lastlogin");
        $day        = mysql_result($result,$i,"day");
        $month        = mysql_result($result,$i,"month");
        $year        = mysql_result($result,$i,"year");
        $noimage = "http://***.***.**.***/****/**/user.png";
    echo "<tr><td class='userlist_field'>"; if ($userimg === false) { echo"<img src='/images/user.png'></img>"; } else { echo"<img src='imgsize.php?img=".$userimg."&w=30px$h=30px'></img>"; }   echo "</td><td class='userlist_field2'>$username93</td><td class='userlist_field'>$email</td><td class='userlist_field2'>$firstname</td><td class='userlist_field'>$lastname</td><td class='userlist_field2'>$state</td><td class='userlist_field'>$lastlogin</td><td class='userlist_field2'>$month, $year</td><td class='userlist_field'><a href='#'><img src='images/s_edit.png' alt='user edit' /></a></td><td class='userlist_field2'><a href='#' onclick='deleteUser2($username93).refresh()'><img src='images/s_trash.png' alt='user delete' /></a></td>";
    echo "</tr></table></div>";

Then I call the class function on the users page by the user.php


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