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extract 2 vars from a string and loop for more occurence

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Hey guys i need help. I am a newbie in regex and i need to extract 2 vars from a string that contains the following.:







I need to point out that the string contains more [titre] and [texte] tags that are part of diffrent groups than [invisible].

And one more thing, the [invisible] tag can occure more that one time.


thx in advance ;-)

$test = '
//first select invisible tag(s)
if(count($out[1]) > 0){
$out = implode('', $out[1]); // put all invisible tags together 
preg_match('/\[titre\](.*?)\[\/titre\]/s', $out, $out1); // extract var 1
$var1 = $out1[1];
preg_match('/\[texte\](.*?)\[\/texte\]/s', $out, $out1);
$var2 = $out1[1];
echo $var1, ' - ', $var2;

thanks sasa thats almost what i need


What i need to do in replace the [titre] part into a link like this:

<a href="#" onclick="showhide('$id'); return(false);">Title sample 1</a>

The $id could be a md5 version of the title + a random number between 1 and 99999 added in case theres more then one same title


Then i need to replace the [texte] part into this:

<div style="display: none;" id="$id">

Texte sample 1



The $id needs to be the same for both the title and the texte. Then i take the new file content and replace the existing content with the new version using file_put_contents($file, $current);


1. Problem is there can be more then one replace to do in the $current string.

2. Once i did get the $var1 and $var2 extracted and changed how do i put it back in $content?


I am pretty sure preg_match_all is not what i need but your the expert lol Here my code:


// $file = $dossier_cam_autres_fichiers.'/'.nomValide($_FILES['fichierhtml']['name']);
// Open up the file and read the content
// $current = file_get_contents($file); 

$current = '[invisible]
[titre]Title sample 1[/titre]
[texte]Texte sample 1[/texte]
[titre]Title sample 2[/titre]
[texte]Texte sample 2[/texte]
[titre]Title sample 3[/titre]
[texte]Texte sample 3[/texte]

//first select invisible tag(s)
if(count($out[1]) > 0){
$out = implode('', $out[1]); // put all invisible tags together 
preg_match('/\[titre\](.*?)\[\/titre\]/s', $out, $out1); // extract var 1
$var1 = '<a href="#" onclick="showhide(\''.md5($out1[1]).'\'); return(false);">'.$out1[1].'</a>';
preg_match('/\[texte\](.*?)\[\/texte\]/s', $out, $out1);
$var2 = '<div style="display: none;" id="'.md5($out1[1]).'">'.$out1[1].'</div>';

// How the hell do i put back those vars into the $current >.< 
echo $current;

// Put the result back into the file
// file_put_contents($file, $current);

if i understu what you want try

// $file = $dossier_cam_autres_fichiers.'/'.nomValide($_FILES['fichierhtml']['name']);
// Open up the file and read the content
// $current = file_get_contents($file);

$current = '[invisible]
[titre]Title sample 1[/titre]
[texte]Texte sample 1[/texte]
[titre]Title sample 2[/titre]
[texte]Texte sample 2[/texte]
[titre]Title sample 3[/titre]
[texte]Texte sample 3[/texte]

function my_replace($m){
    static $i = 0;
    $m[1] = preg_replace('/\[texte\](.*?)\[\/texte\]/s',
            '<a href="#" onclick="showhide(\''.$id.'\'); return(false);">\1</a>', $m[1]);
    $m[1] = preg_replace('/\[titre\](.*?)\[\/titre\]/s',
            '<div style="display: none;" id="'.$id.'">
</div>', $m[1]);
    return $m[1];
//first select invisible tag(s)
$out = preg_replace_callback('/\s*\[invisible\](.*?)\[\/invisible\]/s', 'my_replace',$current);
echo $out;

wow thx bro it's working great now :-)

It opens a html page replaces the BBCode and seves it


$file = $dossier_cam_autres_fichiers.'/'.nomValide($_FILES['fichierhtml']['name']);
// Ouvre un fichier pour lire un contenu existant
$current = file_get_contents($file);
// on replace le BBCODE

function my_replace($m){
    static $i = 0;
    $m[1] = preg_replace('/\[titre\](.*?)\[\/titre\]/s',
            '<a href="#" onclick="showhide(\''.$id.'\'); return(false);">\1</a>', $m[1]);
    $m[1] = preg_replace('/\[texte\](.*?)\[\/texte\]/s',
            '<div style="display: none; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#000000;width:100%;" id="'.$id.'"><div style="margin:10px">
</div><div align="right" style="margin:10px"><a href="#'.$id.'" onclick="showhide(\''.$id.'\'); return(false);">Fermer</a></div></div>', $m[1]);
    return $m[1];
//first select invisible tag(s)
$out = preg_replace_callback('/\s*\[invisible\](.*?)\[\/invisible\]/s', 'my_replace',$current);

if ( !strstr($out, "function showhide(id){") ) {
$out = '<script>
function showhide(id){
if (document.getElementById){
obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj.style.display == "none"){
obj.style.display = "";
} else {
obj.style.display = "none";
</script> '."\n\n".$out;

// Écrit le résultat dans le fichier
file_put_contents($file, $out);

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