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Unfortunately, I have got nearly zero knowledge in PHP.

I'm just trying to add a drop-down menu on my website which will turn the prices in USD to other currencies.

I'm trying hard to learn but it's too difficult for me at the moment. Here are codes written by someone else which I want to modify and apply to my website.

I've tried the second PHP on my WAMP local server but it returns nothing. Both files were in the same folder. I don't know if these codes are correct.

I'd appreciate if someone could tell me if the codes are wrong or they just don't work on WAMP server.

Sorry the codes are quite long.


Thanks in advance.




File: currencyexchange.php
Author: Gary White
Last modified: July 6, 2005

Copyright (C) 2005, Gary White

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
included GNU General Public License for more details. If you 
received this file without the gpl.txt file, you may view it at:

See the readme.txt file for usage.

July 6, 2005 added the RON, Romania New Leu, to the currency list.


// this simply gets an array of possible currency countries and names
class currencyExchange{
// Public Properties
// Note that these properties are public, but the values are all generated internally.
// You should consider them read only during normal usage.
// The only one you may want to access would be the $localFile property, if you wanted
// to change the name of the local file used to cache a copy of the data.

// $Supplier property will be the European Central Bank, assuming we get the data
var $Supplier="";
// $Date property is the date of the exchange rate publication
var $Date="";
// $Rates property is an associative array of rateobj objects with the three letter identifier as the array keys
var $Rates=array();
// $Source property will be either "Local" or "Remote" depending on where the data comes from
var $Source="";
// $Error property will contain any error messages generates along the way
var $Error="";
// $localFile property is the file name used to cache a local copy of the XML file
var $localFile="currencies_local.xml";
// $url property is the URL of the XML file at the European Central Bank
var $url="http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml";

// Public Methods
function getData(){
		// load it

		// check if it's a weekend
		// what day of the week is it?
		// if it's a Sunday or Saturday
		if($weekday==0 || $weekday==6){
			// go back to last Friday
			$date=date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Friday"));
		} else {
		// if the date in the local file is not the same
		// as our current date, or last Friday for weekends

			// clear the data

			// get the remote file

				// write the remote file data to a local copy of the file
		} // if we have a local copy

			// write the remote file data to a local copy of the file
		$this->error="Failed to get data";
	// sort our rates on the keys
	return count($this->Rates);

function getRemoteFile($url){

	$curl_handle = curl_init();
	// Where should we get the data?
	curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
	// This says not to dump it directly to the output stream, but instead
	// have it return as a string.
	curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
	// the following is optional, but you should consider setting it
	// anyway. It prevents your page from hanging if the remote site is
	// down.
	curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1);
	// Now, YOU make the call.
	$buffer = curl_exec($curl_handle);
	// And tell it to shut down (when your done. You can always make more
	// calls if you want.)
	// This is where i�d probably do some extra checks on what i just got.
	// Paranoia pays dividends.

	return $buffer;

function Convert($from, $to, $amount=1){
	// Converts from one currency to another. The method expects at least two
	// parameters. The first param , $from, it the three letter identifier for
	// the currency you are converting from. The second param, $to, is the 
	// three letter identifier for the currency you are converting to. The final
	// param, $amount, is the amount of the $from currency to convert. If omitted
	// the amount defaults to 1 and the function will return the amount of $to
	// currency that corresponds with 1 unit of the $from currency.
	if(array_key_exists($from, $this->Rates) && array_key_exists($to, $this->Rates)){
		return ($amount * (($this->Rates[$to]->rate)/($this->Rates[$from]->rate)));
		$this->Error->Error = "";
		if (!array_key_exists($from, $this->Rates))
			$this->Error.="$from is not a recognized currency identifier ";
		if (!array_key_exists($from, $this->Rates))
			$this->Error.="$to is not a recognized currency identifier";
		return false;

function setBaseCurrency($currency){
	// This function converts all currencies to be based on one unit of
	// $base currency. It's only really useful if you want to output a 
	// table of conversion factors.

	// get a factor to do our conversion based on our base currency
	// modify the rates based on the base currency
	foreach(array_keys($this->Rates) as $k){
		$rate=$this->Rates[$k]->rate / $factor;
	return (count($this->Rates)>0);

// Private Methods
// You should not need to call any of the following methods.
function clearData(){

function saveLocalCopy(){
	$fp=fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$this->localFile,"w") or die("failed to write file");

function parse(){
		$this->parser = xml_parser_create();
		@xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
		@xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "startElement", "endElement");
		@xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, "characterData");
		$this->Rates['EUR']=new rateobj();
		xml_parse($this->parser, $this->xml, true)
			or die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", 

function currencyExchange(){

function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
	global $allCurrencies;
			$this->Rates[$attrs["CURRENCY"]]=new rateobj();

function characterData($parser, $data){

function endElement($parser, $name) {
		case "GESMES:NAME":

} // end of ratelist class

class gwSocket{
var $ClassName="gwSocket";
var $Version="0.6";

var $error="";
var $headers;
var $maxRedirects=3;
var $page="";
var $result="";
var $redirects=0;
var $userAgent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)";

function getUrl( $url ) {
	$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
	$scheme = $url_parsed["scheme"];
	$host = $url_parsed["host"];
	$port = $url_parsed["port"]?$url_parsed["port"]:"80";
	$user = $url_parsed["user"];
	$pass = $url_parsed["pass"];
	$path = $url_parsed["path"]?$url_parsed["path"]:"/";
	$query = $url_parsed["query"];
	$anchor = $url_parsed["fragment"];

	if (!empty($host)){

		// attempt to open the socket
		if($fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2)){

			$path .= $query?"?$query":"";
			$path .= $anchor?"$anchor":"";

			// this is the request we send to the host
			$out = "GET $path ".
				"Host: $host\r\n".
				"Connection: Close\r\n".
				"User-Agent: $this->userAgent\r\n";
				$out .= "Authorization: Basic ".
			$out .= "\r\n";

			fputs($fp, $out);
			while (!feof($fp)) {
				$retVal.=fgets($fp, 128);
		} else {
	return (!$retVal="");

function parseHeaders($s){
	foreach($h as $i){
	return $hdr;

} // end of gwSocket class

class rateobj{
var $currency="";
var $rate=0;

function getCurrencyNames(){
$retVal['AED']="United Arab Emirates Dirham";
$retVal['AFA']="Afghanistan Afghani";
$retVal['ALL']="Albania Leke";
$retVal['ARS']="Argentina Peso";
$retVal['ATS']="Austria Schilling*";
$retVal['AUD']="Australia Dollar";
$retVal['BBD']="Barbados Dollar";
$retVal['BDT']="Bangladesh Taka";
$retVal['BEF']="Belgium Franc*";
$retVal['BGN']="Bulgaria Leva";
$retVal['BHD']="Bahrain Dinar";
$retVal['BMD']="Bermuda Dollar";
$retVal['BRL']="Brazil Reai";
$retVal['BSD']="Bahamas Dollar";
$retVal['CAD']="Canada Dollar";
$retVal['CHF']="Switzerland Franc";
$retVal['CLP']="Chile Peso";
$retVal['CNY']="China Yuan Renminbi";
$retVal['COP']="Colombia Peso";
$retVal['CRC']="Costa Rica Colone";
$retVal['CYP']="Cyprus Pound";
$retVal['CZK']="Czech Republic Koruny";
$retVal['DEM']="Germany Deutsche Mark*";
$retVal['DKK']="Denmark Kroner";
$retVal['DOP']="Dominican Republic Peso";
$retVal['DZD']="Algeria Dinar";
$retVal['EEK']="Estonia Krooni";
$retVal['EGP']="Egypt Pound";
$retVal['ESP']="Spain Peseta*";
$retVal['FIM']="Finland Markkaa*";
$retVal['FJD']="Fiji Dollar";
$retVal['FRF']="France Franc*";
$retVal['GBP']="United Kingdom Pound";
$retVal['GRD']="Greece Drachmae*";
$retVal['HKD']="Hong Kong Dollar";
$retVal['HRK']="Croatia Kuna";
$retVal['HUF']="Hungary Forint";
$retVal['IDR']="Indonesia Rupiahs";
$retVal['IEP']="Ireland Pounds*";
$retVal['ILS']="Israel New Shekel";
$retVal['INR']="India Rupee";
$retVal['IQD']="Iraq Dinar";
$retVal['IRR']="Iran Rial";
$retVal['ISK']="Iceland Kronur";
$retVal['ITL']="Italy Lire*";
$retVal['JMD']="Jamaica Dollar";
$retVal['JOD']="Jordan Dinar";
$retVal['JPY']="Japan Yen";
$retVal['KES']="Kenya Shilling";
$retVal['KRW']="South Korea Won";
$retVal['KWD']="Kuwait Dinar";
$retVal['LBP']="Lebanon Pound";
$retVal['LKR']="Sri Lanka Rupee";
$retVal['LTL']="Lithuanian Lita";
$retVal['LVL']="Latvian Lat";
$retVal['LUF']="Luxembourg Franc*";
$retVal['MAD']="Morocco Dirham";
$retVal['MTL']="Malta Liri";
$retVal['MUR']="Mauritius Rupee";
$retVal['MXN']="Mexico Peso";
$retVal['MYR']="Malaysia Ringgit";
$retVal['NLG']="Dutch (Netherlands) Guilder*";
$retVal['NOK']="Norway Kroner";
$retVal['NZD']="New Zealand Dollar";
$retVal['OMR']="Oman Rial";
$retVal['PEN']="Peru Nuevos Sole";
$retVal['PHP']="Philippines Peso";
$retVal['PKR']="Pakistan Rupee";
$retVal['PLN']="Poland Zlotych";
$retVal['PTE']="Portugal Escudo*";
$retVal['QAR']="Qatar Riyal";
$retVal['ROL']="Romania Lei";
$retVal['RON']="Romania New Leu";
$retVal['RUB']="Russia Ruble";
$retVal['SAR']="Saudi Arabia Riyal";
$retVal['SDD']="Sudan Dinar";
$retVal['SEK']="Sweden Kronor";
$retVal['SGD']="Singapore Dollar";
$retVal['SIT']="Slovenia Tolar";
$retVal['SKK']="Slovakia Koruny";
$retVal['THB']="Thailand Baht";
$retVal['TND']="Tunisia Dinar";
$retVal['TRL']="Turkey Lira*";
$retVal['TRY']="Turkey New Lira";
$retVal['TTD']="Trinidad and Tobago Dollar";
$retVal['TWD']="Taiwan New Dollar";
$retVal['USD']="United States Dollar";
$retVal['VEB']="Venezuela Bolivare";
$retVal['VND']="Vietnam Dong";
$retVal['XAF']="CFA BEAC Franc";
$retVal['XAG']="Silver Ounce";
$retVal['XAU']="Gold Ounce";
$retVal['XCD']="Eastern Caribbean Dollar";
$retVal['XDR']="IMF Special Drawing Right";
$retVal['XOF']="CFA BCEAO Franc";
$retVal['XPD']="Palladium Ounce";
$retVal['XPF']="CFP Franc";
$retVal['XPT']="Platinum Ounce";
$retVal['ZAR']="South Africa Rand";
$retVal['ZMK']="Zambia Kwacha";
return $retVal;


This is a sample file that demonstrates the usage of the currencyExchange class.
For purposes of this example, make certain that currencyexchange_class.php is 
saved in the same directory as this file.
$cx=new currencyExchange();
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">
<meta name="mssmarttagspreventparsing" content="true">
<meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="No">
<title>Currency Conversion Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
background-color: #eee;
color: #333;
font: small Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
background-color: #f7f7f7;
border:1px solid #000;
margin: 50px auto;
padding: 10px;
width: 300px;
#pricebox h1, #pricebox h2, #pricebox p{
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;
h1{font-size: 160%;}
h2{font-size: 140%;}
<div id="pricebox">
<h1>Get the New Widget</h1>
<h2>Price $250.00 U.S. dollars</h2>
if ($euro=$cx->Convert("USD","EUR",250)){
echo "€$euro Euros ";
if ($pound=$cx->Convert("USD","GBP",250)){
echo "<br>\n£$pound British Pounds</p>\n"
	."<p style=\"font-size:smaller;border-top: 1px solid #666;\">Non U.S. pricing based on exchange rates<br>\nin effect as of $cx->Date";

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Thank you so much. I'm trying the google api you've given.


I'm having syntax error on these lines

$data = explode(  " , $rawdata);
$data = explode(   , $data[3′]);


I will try do some more testing.


Yeah, I noticed that. You will want to change the slanted quote marks to strait quote marks: '


Thank you mjdamato. I actually got the codes I posted working.

I enabled cURL on WAMP and they worked. I'm sorry if you went through the code.

Actually the google api looks much simpler. I'm trying to get it work (Ive changed them to straight quote marks).

Thanks again.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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