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Joomla Questions


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Hi guys, I have a few questions regarding Joomla..



Not sure if I'm allowed to ask this but if not then I apologise - where can I download some themes for free from or does anyone know of any good designers? I am a HTML/CSS expert myself but need to get my website going urgently so want a theme as a stop-gap until I can get learning the CSS classes/IDs of Joomla for myself!


Secondly... users and groups. I want only certain users to be able to create articles on my website and that is only if they are in a certain user group. Basically, my site will be a source of local information and hence I need just people who I can promote to a certain user group to write an article about an up and coming event, etc. I would like it so that the article could be approved by an admin beforehand, though.


The next thing is. Web Links submission. I want to use Joomla to create a local directory (A to Z) of businesses. Currently, the web link submission thing on there is fine, however, I would want to target businesses and not just any old websites, wanting them to provide contact information, as well as a website address. Is this possible and how?


Finally, can someone tell me how to change the page title on the index page? I've looked everywhere and can't find it!!! Thanks.

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These guys make some excellent low cost templates:  http://www.joomladesigns.co.uk/  Their themes have administration systems so you can learn a lot from them.  If you do buy one, I'd recommend going the extra bucks for the template club so you can get support from them in their forums.


Also if you google for joomla free templates  (in Joomla parlance, they call the site skins templates rather than themes), you might have better luck.


Look in K2 for your blog as it has some really nice enhancements -- things like nested categories and tags, as well as user defined fields.  The Joomladesigns guys have built in support for K2 in some of their templates as well.


Even base joomla will handle the groups security, but if you do use K2, you get a built in user system that also works fine for what you describe.


As for links you have a couple of options.  Search through extensions.joomla.org for links modules.  One that might work for you is:  http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/directory-a-documentation/weblinks/11971


The other option is to use K2.  Again because K2 is a CCK (custom content kit) implementation, it's ability to allow you to define special fields, not to mention being able to handle the nested category means that it gets used by sites that need to provide customized directories a fair bit from what I've seen.


The page title gets set programmatically.  If you use K2, each article title will become the page title.  Otherwise, since menus control navigation, the setting of an individual page title for a menu item can be set when you edit that menu item.  Open up the Parameters (System) tab on that screen and you can edit it there.  Same goes for any other pages you want to override defaults for.



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