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I am brand new to php and I don't know where I am going wrong with this.

I would like to have drop down menu which is populated from mySQL and which would allow user to select one option.

The selection would be used on the following page once the form is submitted.

Right now I have the following script and it populates the dropdown menu but it does not return value when selection is made.


<form action="databaseinputcheck2.php" method="post">
mysql_connect("localhost", "xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx") or die(mysql_error());
echo "Connected to MySQL<br />";
mysql_select_db("wpawlowski") or die(mysql_error());
// Get all the data from the "LotteryNames" table
$lotterynameresult = mysql_query("SELECT id, Name FROM LotteryNames") 
or die(mysql_error());  
<select name="LotteryName" size="1">
<option selected value="">Select One</option>
<option value="">----------</option>
// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get
while($currentlottery = mysql_fetch_array( $lotterynameresult )) {
// Print out the contents of each row into drop down menu
echo "<option value='$lid'>$lname</option>\n";
//$options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$lid\">".$lname; //Selection input line

<input type="submit" value="GO" />


I looked on the internet and it is my understanding that if I comment out the line starting withc "echo" and uncomment the one below the drop down menu should still be populated and the selection would be stored in the $options variable which in turn  could be transfered to databaseinputcheck2.php with

$_POST to be used there, but when I do uncomment that line and comment the echo line out my drop down menu is not populated, what am I doing wrong?


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So if I include the following code in databaseinputcheck2.php it should display the lid value once the GO button is clicked?


echo "lid: $lid";


Right now it does not work, is there more code I have to include to transfer this value to the next form?

Never really read a tutorial that about those sorts of things, but the best resource around is http://www.php.net.

In all honesty your problem was somewhat HTML based.  The best advice anyone ever gave me when I started to learn php was to echo variables all the time when debugging to make sure they are what you are expecting them to be.


Oh and make sure to mark your problem solved. (A button on the bottom left hand of this screen)

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