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I am trying to implement an API (XML data) into a an existing site.

The site operates as an online bookstore.

Id like to attach a style to the XML feed.

Ideally, I would like to incorporate the results from the campusbooks.com API into my existing search engine(of my local inventory only) I am stumped. :-/

I have attached the API documentation.

Any help would be great.

Thank you.



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Wrap the campusbooks api into a class like so:


class CampusBooksAPIException extends Exception {}
class CampusBooksGateway
    private $apiKey;
    private $apiVersion = '11';
    private $apiURL = 'http://api.campusbooks.com';
    private $apiProtocol = 'rest';
    function __construct($apiKey, $apiVersion = '11') {
        $this->apiKey = $apiKey;
        $this->apiVersion = $apiVersion;
    function getPrices($isbn) {
        $simpleXML = $this->_query('prices',
            array('key' => $this->apiKey, 'isbn' => $isbn));
    function getBookInfo($isbn) {
        $simpleXML = $this->_query('bookinfo',
            array('key' => $this->apiKey, 'isbn' => $isbn));
    function searchByAuthor($author, $page, $imageWidth = 50, $imageHeight = 50) {}
    function searchByTitle($title, $page, $imageWidth = 50, $imageHeight = 50) {}
    function searchByKeyword($keyword, $page, $imageWidth = 50, $imageHeight = 50) {}
    function searchAll($input, $page, $imageWidth = 50, $imageHeight = 50) {}
    function getBookPrices($isbn) {}
    function getBuybackPrices($isbn) {}
    function getMerchantsAll() {}
    function getMerchantsBuy() {}
    function getMerchantsBuyback() {}
    private function _query($method, array $options) {
        $simpleXML = simplexml_load_file($this->_formatURL($method, $options));
        if($simpleXML === false)
            throw new CampbusBooksAPIException('Campus Books API not available or invalid format.');
        if($simpleXML->attributes()->status != 'ok')
            throw new CampbusBooksAPIException($simpleXML->errors->error);
        return $simpleXML;
    private function _formatURL($method, array $options) {
        return $this->apiURL.'/'.


Write the missing code and use this interface to communicate with the API you will have to visit each URL though to look at the response it generates to write the code to handle it.

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The class code looks great!, however, getting the information to display  is the confusing part.


also, when i defined the API key $apikey = 'the key value' i received a T_string error :-/


This is my starting point... thoughts?



<form action="bookindex.php" method="get">


    <input name="input" type="text" value="search all" size="35" maxlength="35" />




    <label for="search">search</label>

    <input type="submit" name="searchAll" id="searchAll" value="Submit" />







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The class once you have implemented the necessary code would be used like:


try {
    $campusBooksAPI = new CampusBooksGateway('api-key-here');
    $books = $campusBooksAPI->getPrices($_GET['ISBN']);
    foreach($books as $book)
        echo $book->getAuthor(), "<br>\r\n";
} catch (CampusBooksAPIException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


I highly recommend you use domain classes that know of the format (SimpleXMLElement) used by CampusBooksGateway like a BookList class of some sort this will make your program more flexible then if you would use the SimpleXMLElement object directly in your client (not to mention that you would break encapsulation, whatever that's worth to you!

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Thank you! I  truly appreciate your expertise! excuse my 'newbieness' lol!


Ok Ive implemented the second portion of the code (after including the appropriate code), however i continue to get a syntax error.


Ultimately, what I am looking to accomplish is the following:


[*]User enters a single keyword into a text field, and conducts a search.

[*]The results are pulled from the campusbooks API

[*]result are then output in <div> class and includes all the book details and its corresponding url./img etc


Im trying to simply this process but I continue to receive syntax errors. A step by step practical explanation would do me justice!



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A syntax error means that I/you made a typo/forgot to add something in the code. I'll need to see your code to help you! Don't pardon yourself for newbieness, if you don't understand something just say so and ask to clarify.


The results are pulled from the campusbooks API


try {
    $gateway = new CampusBooksAPI_Gateway('api-key-here');
    $bookList = $gateway->search($_GET['query']);
    echo '<table><tr><th>Title</th><th>Author</th></tr>';
    foreach($bookList as $book) {
        echo '<tr><td>', $book->getTitle(), '</td></tr><tr><td>', $book->getAuthor(), '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
} catch(CampusBooksAPIException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


Possible implementation:


function search($query) {
    $bookList = new BookList();
    $response = $this->_getResponseXML('search', array('title' => $query, 'author' => $query, 'keyword' => $query));
    foreach($response->page->results->book as $book) {
        $data = array('isbn' => $book->isbn13,
                      'title' => $book->title,
                      'author' => $book->author,
                      'binding' => $book->binding,
                      'price' => $book->msrp,
                      'pages' => $book->pages,
                      'publisher' => $book->publisher,
                      'published_date' => $book->published_date,
                      'edition' => $book->edition,
                      'description' => $book->description);
        $bookList->add(new Book($data));
    return $bookList;

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